Thursday, December 05, 2013

The Keri Russell Burglary - Is She Getting Divorced?

It sucks for Keri Russell that she got robbed while she was sleeping the other night. Two thieves broke into her home and the home of a neighbor and stole things while the occupants were sleeping. According to a police report, Keri was home alone sleeping in the basement of her townhome when she woke up and thought she heard noises. She got up and investigated by herself but didn't see anyone inside the house but saw things were missing. She called the police. No mention is made of her husband or her two kids. This was 3 in the morning. Sleeping in the basement? Sounds to me like we have a situation of a marriage in trouble. Even if her husband and kids were just gone for the night Keri was sleeping in the basement. Not exactly where the master bedroom usually is. To me, this police report kind of shows that Keri Russell could be headed to a divorce or at least shows that everything is not rosy in the world of her home. How often do dads go somewhere overnight with two kids and leave the mom home alone?


  1. I don't think we're talking Murder Hoysw basement here. Her basement is probably bigger & nicer than most people's homes.

    And what is so odd about a father leaving for an overnight with the kids while mom stays home?

    1. Many basements are furnished these days. Meh to this story.

  2. How scary!!! The fact that she's sleeping seperately, does show that there are issues, but the fact that they remain under the same roof shows that they appear to be working on it, so maybe we just need to butt out and not fan the flames.

  3. That does seem a little odd, but who knows.

  4. But what did they take?

  5. Maybe she fell asleep in the family room watching TV. (As I do every damn night.) Maybe he took the kids to visit his family and she was working and couldn't go. Not necessarily anything to see here, folks.

  6. Wow, this could have turned out so very horribly. Glad for her she's okay.

    There are times when I don't care to sleep with someone, even when in love. It happens.

  7. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I've fallen asleep in my basement before watching TV. Sometimes a random sleeping environment can b nice. She should try the kitchen next.

    Its her damn house. She can sleep where she wants....ya bitch!

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Nothing to see here Ms. Enty (altho you pray for her misery) move along.

  10. Why is it strange that she fell asleep in the basement? Maybe she feel asleep in front of the TV down there, I know I do it at least once a week. I think it's a giant stretch to start screaming marriage troubles

  11. I read this on page six and wondered about her sleeping in the basement. It sounded like that was her actual room. Though, brownstone basements are very nice.

  12. Maybe she just has crazy working hours and doesn't want to wake hubby and kids up at 3 in the morning when her alarm goes off.

  13. Does anyone else think she is the most beautiful actress? I've thought so since her Felicity days and she justs keeps getting prettier. Maybe it's her wholesomeness - compared to tattooed vampire Angelina Jolie, too much surgery Megan Fox, too dumb blond Blake Lively, etc.

  14. If it's in New York or Brooklyn the basement is where the kitchen is…she might have an office with a day bed..also my partner snores can't tell you how often I sleep in the den or on the sofa…

  15. I would guess that a brownstone basement would be nice for sleeping since it wouldn't be light. Not for me but different strokes. And just doesn't mention the husband and kids doesn't mean they weren't there either.

    Being robbed makes you feel pretty violated and angry for a while. I hope they took nothing of sentimental value.

  16. Dude. Maybe her husband is a loud, annoying snorer, like mine. I roam the house into the wee hours of the night. I move into the guest bedroom quite frequently because if I didn't, I would file for divorce on the grounds of extreme exhaustion. My husband is going to NOLA tomorrow for work for five days. This means Susan gets four nights of glorious sleep in the king size bed. YAY!!!!!

    Getting burglarized in the middle of the night would traumatize my shit for years. OMG.

  17. She got everything back in a many of hours. The cops caught the guys robbing one of her neighbors. It's all on Page Six.

  18. @Susan

    Amen to that

  19. Why would her sleeping in the basement WHEN SHE WAS ALONE IN HER HOUSE be that she doesn't get along with her husband? If sleeping in the basement were a bad thing for her, she has nothing to stop her to sleep in her bedroom.

  20. Snoring, tv -- agree that there are lots of valid reasons for sleeping in a separate room from her husband. Ladies/gents with snorers -- get a second bed for the guest room, and just own it. My hubby and I trade off beds, based on what we feel like using. It's fun to vary it up, for sleeping and other bedroom activities

  21. She's lucky nobody was hurt and she got her things back. Hope the thieves get put away. Greedy people.

  22. I go through bouts of terrible insomnia. I actually made it through the entire night in our king size bed with him two nights ago. We were laughing about it last night. He said he was surprised to see me there. LOL.

    Last Wednesday, we took my son to Philly. Shacked up at the Four Seasons, and watched the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Parade. We were all in the same bed room. $700 later - That was the WORST sleep of my life. I honestly wanted to throw my husband out of the fucking window. I considered sleeping in the bathroom. But being Thanksgiving and all, I remembered to count my blessings: Beautiful son, No. 1 husband, AND the Four Seasons. I sleepless night ain't gonna kill me. (And, Philly, you need to remodel your Four Seasons. Shit is starting to look rough. Wish we stayed at the Sofitel.

  23. Heck, I fall asleep all the time in the living room while watching TV. All. The. Time. I even fall asleep while drinking coffee (not mid-sip mind you, but sometimes don't finish the cup before I'm out). After all these years, the hubby and kids know better than to try and wake me. I've spent many more nights than I'd care to admit on the couch, chair, or recliner.

  24. When I got married, my Dad gave me a piece of advice to me....Don't wake Hubby if he's sleeping on the couch bc that's some of the best kind of sleep, even it's to go to bed.

    Needless to say falling asleep on couches is normal here.

  25. Are you kidding ....fake Enty? I fell asleep in a chair last night and it's not even a reclining chair, lol. Any peaceful sleep I can get is a good thing considering I sleep with two dogs, one under the covers, two cats, and a husband all in a king size bed. All in all where she sleeps is not my business, I love the Americans and can't wait til it comes back on, really one of the best shows on TV!!

  26. First change you image of basement. Row houses (aka Brownstones) typically have what is called an 'English Basement' which is only 1 or 2 steps down with full size windows front and rear. They are light filled spaces not some dank dark cavern.

    As to why she was apparently alone we don't have any information to make a judgement.

  27. Possible the basement was converted into the master suite. I did this so I could have a larger walk-in closet.

  28. Maybe her husband took the kids camping? I hear that's been done before.

  29. My friend had a dream basement in her Virginia townhouse. Den, wet bar, patio, full bath, guest room. You could live down there without needing the rest of the house.

  30. Or she was just hanging out watching a movie and fell asleep. That's a huge leap between falling asleep in her basement (which I doubt is like any "regular person" basement) and getting a divorce.

  31. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Possible blind item reveal...

  32. Decked out basements are huge in Jersey. I'm dreaming of the day we finish ours. It will be pimped out fo sho with a full wet bar, air hockey and a lovely gigantic wrap-around couch, will I surely will be napping with one of those furalicious Pottery Barn blankies.

    I'm sure since this gal is a movie star and all that her basement is swank. I always got a kick out of her in the movie with all the pies. Waitress, I think?

  33. Reading scandal into someone's life just based on a snapshot view of one night. Nice. And that's only available for interpretation because she got robbed and there was a police report. Way to pile on!

  34. Ha @ Topper Madison. I just choked on my coffee.

  35. We knew she was heading to a divorce. wasn't there a BV about her cheating on her husband with a co-star or something? She didn't want to be the bad guy cause everyone would hate her, and she feels she just built her career back up after her last mistake...cutting her hair.

  36. It's karma, Felicity should've never cut her hair.

  37. People is now reporting they are separated.

  38. Wow, score 1 for today's negative-Nancy Enty. Well played!!

  39. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Yep, according to People, they have been separated since summer.

  40. And hair draped over the left shoulder AGAIN. I don't know why it bugs me so much, but it does. It's just so contrived, and it is like that every single freakin time she is photographed and in every single scene on her (very good) show.

  41. Enty is right.

  42. Ha! Every day I'm irritated by people coming here just to bash "this Enty". It's so crap. After every post there are people responding just to basically tell Enty to shut up. Well, there! This post was right. Suck it up. Sad but true, the actress is separated. No "reading scandal", "doesn't mean anything" , "so what? I fall asleep in my basement all the time" stuff.

  43. Ha! Every day I'm irritated by people coming here just to bash "this Enty". It's so crap. After every post there are people responding just to basically tell Enty to shut up. Well, there! This post was right. Suck it up. Sad but true, the actress is separated. No "reading scandal", "doesn't mean anything" , "so what? I fall asleep in my basement all the time" stuff.

  44. Anonymous5:35 AM


    Sweetie u r way to happy about enty being right about Keri getting divorced. Some of us wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

    Im sure enty takes that bashing I stride.

  45. Anonymous5:51 AM

    *I'm sure the Enties take the bashing in stride

  46. @fancyscreenname: No, you just wanted to e snarky-SWEETIE.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM


      Dont know what your point is bit, Um, okay...
