Friday, December 06, 2013

The Goopster Beats Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair gave up and gave in and decided they wanted Gwyneth Paltrow at their Oscar party. The Goopster told people to not cooperate with the magazine and so far no one had followed her advice. The problem is that Vanity Fair going soft on her now will make people think she won and has some type of power she doesn't have. What I think happened is they couldn't find enough dirt to fill up a really long hard hitting article so are going soft just to have something to show for their effort and all the publicity about the article. All they have to do is talk to people who knew her when she was dating Brad Pitt or Ben Affleck. There are lots of great stories about her from that period. Go ask Madonna about her. For some reason vanity fair decided to turn into Kneepads when it comes to the Goopster.


  1. Hmmm wonder what Maddy knows about her?

  2. Damn I really was looking forward to that

    1. @Misch Same here. Big letdown.

  3. I just don't think hard hitting journalism when I think Vanity Fair. Maybe Rolling Stone for celebrity stuff

  4. Vanity Fair might have sussed that out before promising a hard-hitting article about her. What happened to the story about her and the billionaire?

  5. Sometims it's all about the word count and how deep the magazines pockets are to fight libel charges.

  6. Isn't Stephen Spielberg her godparent? I imagine that one call from his office would stop just about any story....

  7. Please Vanity Fair lost its fangs many moons ago. It's just a big book for high end advertisers. I think GQ is pretty good though.

  8. I like Esquire, except I imagine if I was a dude I would get irritated with all of the instructions on how to "do something-or-other like a man"

  9. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Oh the drama!

  10. Well that's a bummer.

  11. Are you kidding me?!?!?! You've been hyping this VF article up all summer and now...... poof. Zip. Zero. Nada, Way to get my hopes up, Enties.

    So give us the dirt YOU have on the Goopster. Go on with your bad self!

    Did she put out a ridiculous Christmas wish list this year in her newsletter? Anyone? Bueller?

  12. He's drew's godfather. Not sure about goop.

    There was a bi that goop was hooking up with guy and Tracy Anderson was helping her

  13. According to IMDB - Her godfather Steven Spielberg is also the godfather of Drew Barrymore.

  14. Yes. Spielberg gave Gwen her first movie role - as young Wendy in Hook.

  15. well then, as much as we hate it, she DOES have power if VF was willing to cave. she was freaked out and scared for a minute, and scrambled to get people on her side...i absolutely CAN NOT with this mayor of doucheachussetts, but apparently someone CAN. #disappointed

  16. +1 Susan. Apparently not being able to dig up enough dirt equates to going soft (read that being honest) because Vanity Fair chose not to make things up like The Enties always do..

  17. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Another publicity stunt for this no one woman

  18. She did put up her GOOP Christmas gift list, and an affordable item that I already own made her list! I feel very posh.

  19. Or maybe there really isn't that much. It's probably all same stuff rehashed that we've been told for years.

    It would have been fun though if there was an actual dirt filled article.

  20. She hasn't done anything more scandalous than any other star. Please.

  21. I watching "Sliding Doors" again the other day and it always surprises me that for how much Goop annoys me, I actually like the ACTOR Gwyneth Paltrow. I can't think of a movie I've seen her in that I didn't like. She may be a pretentious twat IRL, but she's a very good actor.

    1. @Seven of Eleven:
      I just re-watched Shakespeare in Love and thought the same thing.

      And love love love Sliding Doors. Prob one of my favorites that she has done.

    2. I'd agree with you; the actress is infinitely better than the person. Sliding Doors is a brilliant film, especially the fact so much of it was filmed in the area I grew up in.

    3. @seven
      Gwyneth is my Angelina ;)

  22. not a surprise!
    do you remember the VF scandalous paper on Brad Pitt? yes,do you remember their paper on.... the complicated filming of WWZ! (zzz)
    do you remember the VF hot paper on Kristen Stewart? yeah,yhis fascinating paper the wife of the director divorced! (zzzzzz)

    the problem is that(contrary to Enty),VF needs some clues before to write because if all you has is that Paltrow and some friends spent a week-end on the yatch of a billionnaire 5 years ago to prove an affair,it's a few short

  23. Dont mess with a diva! bammmm

  24. @seven of eleven

    2 Lovers by james Gray!

  25. Someone posted on datalounge when this expose was breaking news and said that he had contacts within VF who said they didn't really have jack and this was not gonna come to fruition. Guess he was legit.

  26. and Paltrow dated with Guy Oseary,Madonna's manager in 1999

  27. @FrenchGirl, that looks interesting, thanks!

  28. Gwynnie probably hasn't done all that much, if anything, in her private or professional life that is all that newsworthy from an "OMG what a fucking criminal/slut/bitch perspective that hasn't already been seen a thousand times elsewhere in Hollywood. It's just that she is so fucking unlikeable, at least to me, that I was really hoping that she was going to take a beating from VF. Not to be though. Oh well.

  29. I must admit that I like Emma.

  30. Susan, I bought something affordable from her Christmas list for friends & something else less affordable (but still doable) my hubby bought for me. I was stunned!

  31. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Seven of Eleven, I agree! I don't like her real life persona, but I like her in pretty much every movie I've seen her in. Sliding Doors, Emma, Shakespeare In Love, Iron Man...

  32. There she is, with Flopsy and droopy! Support bra, gwennie, support bra!!!!!!

  33. i agree..i love gwen the actress
    all the stories off screen make me give her the cuntish sideeye

  34. I think some dirt on her would boost her career.

  35. I had heard she messed around with Guy Ritchie whilst befriending Madonna.

  36. Gwen is a good actress, no doubt there, but that damn fake British accent that she and Madonna choose to effect from time to time has got to be the most annoying thing about her (them).

  37. Aw man I was really looking forward to that article.
