Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Someone Married Terrence Howard

Just when I thought people could not get any more stupid someone finds a way to prove me wrong. This time the winner is a woman named Miranda who secretly married Terrence Howard after just a month. I presume it was secret because if any of her family members heard about it in advance they surely would have kidnapped her and taken her a long long way from the man who never seems to fight a guy but has no problems punching and choking and beating women. Radar says the couple have been dating a month so maybe he has kept her away from Google or he has been too busy to beat her but it's coming. As sure as the sun goes up in the morning and Paris Hilton takes Valtrex, she will get hit. Then she will pop up in the tabloids showing off her marks and file for divorce and Terrence will move on to another victim. Miranda is Terrence's fourth wife.


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