Monday, December 09, 2013

Selena Gomez Dropped An F Bomb - Walks Off Stage

I don't think it is a big deal that Selena Gomez dropped an F bomb during her show Friday night in Los Angeles. I also don't care that she walked off the stage one song early. What I think is interesting is that she has made no comment about it or said a peep about it and just is pretending it never happened. The sound was crap during her show on Friday and she only bailed one song early. What I think it showed is a crack in the wall that Selena Gomez likes her fans to think she is and what she really is. Selena is not the goody goody the world wants her or believes her to be. If she admits she dropped an F bomb or talks about the F bomb then she will admit that she is not perfect and flawless and that is the image she chooses to present. To me it is this unrealistic impression she tries to convey that will bring her down hard. She is going to slip up and it will be dramatic and then she will have to explain everything to people. She should just let herself be herself if you know what I mean and not try so hard to be this image to people which is not her. She drinks. She gets drunk. I have even seen her sneak some cigarettes when she thinks no one is looking. She has had multiple boyfriends and she even had sex with a Bieber. She should embrace who she is and not try and pretend she is a robot.


  1. She needs to fix that hair StAT!

  2. So basically we have another Miley on our hands. Great.

  3. I thought the real story there was she got busted lip syncing.

  4. She (or her management) are trying to keep her a good example to her young fans.

    Who needs another crazy tweener going off the rails? Keep her the way she is I say!

  5. She dropped a ton of f bombs in the ema promo. Getting drunk and having sex with your bf doesn't mean you're going off the rails.

    1. +1. Seriously? You're telling me a 21-year-old girl drinks, has sex with her boyfriend, sneaks cigarettes sometimes and got caught swearing?? Notify the authorities. Enty just described every sweet, smart & good girl I knew in college. Not even close to going off the rails or being a trashy Miley. This must be the freakishly prudish anal retentive Enty.

  6. "She should just let herself be herself if you know what I mean and not try so hard to be this image to people which is not her." - says the fat divorced bacon eating lawyer who lives in his parents basement.

    1. Was that comment even necessary? Just nasty and mean for no reason.

    2. @Kels, what was nasty about it? Isn't that what "enty" always refers to himself as?

    3. @Kels- I'm sorry if your butt got hurt.

  7. The sound sucked, she got frustrated and said "fuck." Who cares? Ignore it and it'll go away. Selena's f-bomb vs Lohan beating up the not-Aaron Carter guy? Please. This is nothing.

  8. Weird writeup and Patty is correct. She's avoiding having to respond to questions about lip synching. I never got the impression Senena is promoting herself as a goody goody. Just the opposite. She was Beiber's girlfriend for quite some time. Hello!

  9. When I was Selena Gomez's age, I said "fuck" as frequently as I said the word "the."

    FSP - Ha ha.

    I wouldn't admit to shacking up with the Biebs, either.

    I never realized she was the poster girl for "perfect image miss goody two shoes." I do think she made the transition from tweener to grownup a bit smoother than most. Her songs are kinda catchy.

    Oh, puh-lease. If these pop stars of today REALLY want to shock the world they should get up on an unplugged stage and sing a song acoustically or actually play an instrument. That would be scandalous.

  10. I second that emotion! @ShinyStarfish

  11. She's an Ashlee!

  12. I think what Enty is saying is that she can be a little bad, we wouldn't attack her because she is nowhere near Miley level. But because she is trying to portray this goody two shoes image, any small mistake is going to get Miley-level BAD attention and it shouldn't. She is setting herself up for failure.

    1. What exactly is this "Miley level BS" always on this site? One BF in 4 yrs, she planned to marry? Partying? O M G!!!!!

      And yes, Selena DOES promote herself as a goody goody role model, for those unaware, and I don't think saying fuck or getting boozed up and stoned, both of which she does, is a big deal for a 21 yr old, (she did it well before 21, anyway), but the constant fakery and lip syncing everything is old and tired and should be RETIRED, by everyone.

  13. Selena Gomez has an image of a 'perfect'girl?
    I never would have guessed that.
    If boring as fuck and dumb as a box of rocks is perfect, then I suppose it worked.
    Women are more complicated then that though. She got frustrated and cursed.
    Fuck knows I do that shit every fucking day!

  14. I'm probably off base but I've listened to the clip several times and don't think that is a girl's voice - sounds like a guy so I'm not sure it is her.

  15. I read FSP's comment about Enty being a fat basement dweller as Enty is giving Selena Gomez flak for having a fake image, but Enty's image is also fake.

  16. Right. And then when she acts like herself, she'll get flack from people like you about how the real her isn't a good role model for all the tween girls that look up to her and trash her for the choices she makes.

  17. Fuck, she speaks as a fucking sailor, she is a fucking awful person.

  18. another over popular under talented celebrity! stop the LIP-SYNC performances. it's so annoying. they don't deserve to get paid a single dime. she doesn't sing live and she doesn't even dance that good.

  19. She'll be fine. Plenty of celebs have carefully coifed images and they do well (even if common sense tells us they are nothing like this behind closed doors). Meh

  20. Another horrible outfit. She is trying to be sexy/edgy while maintaining the Disney thing. Somewhere between Miley and Selena there is a happy middle where millions can be made.

  21. Wine?! CIGARETTES?! That sound you hear is my world shattering!

  22. That picture angle is surprisingly unflattering.

  23. What's her show? Is she a Rocky Horror tribute act? Good on her. That's a very manly Frankenfurter.



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