Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Sandra Bullock Bringing Home A Baby By Christmas

All Sandra Bullock wanted for Christmas was a new baby. A couple of months ago there were reports that Sandra Bullock was adopting a baby girl. It turns out that Sandra has completed all the paperwork and is expected to be able to take home her new baby by Christmas. I haven't heard from my person that the baby is a girl just that Christmas was what Sandra wanted and what she got as far as a timetable. She seems to be an incredible mom to her baby unlike another actress who shall remain nameless who I wish had never been allowed to adopt a baby and never sees her baby and has in fact, tried to give the child back or figure out a way for someone to adopt the child from her.


  1. If true, she seems like a good mama. All the best to her. And with that, I'm off to class, have a great day CDANers!!!

  2. Could that mom be Kristin CHARLOTTE FROM SATC Davis?

  3. Long time lurker, first time commenting. Good for her! She seems like a good momma.

  4. I admire her so much for adopting. Louis always looks happy and her smile is even bigger in pictures with him, now he gets to be a big brother!

  5. I love my Sandy B, she looks like a great mom. I'm glad she got away from that James tool.

    Hi DeeNance!

  6. Hmm.. Enty you got my attention with the last few lines. Are you talking about madonna I wonder. Never see them in pap photos with her anymore.

  7. I'd like a new baby by Christmas but it doesn't seem to work so easy in not-hollywood.

  8. She probably already has her baby. No one knew about Louis for months, until Jesse's wandering peen brought all the attention.

  9. I remember that blind. Tsk tsk.

  10. Charlize is papped with her little one fairly often. I believe it was Kristen from SATC that was supposed to be the one who tried to give the baby back.

  11. Ethorne! Missed you betch ;)

  12. Love Sandra! I doubt it's Charlize bc I see them in photos all the time. Madonna on the other hand... makes me want to vomit.

  13. Replies
    1. Thaks mena! Thy got so big! The little boy is up to madge's shoulder now.

  14. Geesh if they aren't sure about adopting why can't they just foster the child for a period of time to ensure it's a proper fit..? It's not the most attractive of suggestions but at the end of the day a lesser of the evils

  15. That's wonderful news for Sandra. Congrats to her and big brother Louis.

    If an adoptive parent has second thoughts and wants to return the child or re-adopt him/her -- it should happen. Better that than a lifetime of neglect, abuse, and/or feeling unwanted/resented. Unloved children are a tragedy.

    Yes, I agree the unnamed actress never should have gotten the kid in the first place. People want things for their lives all the time that they come to reconsider (marriages, bio-kids, jobs, etc.). Parenting is a lifelong commitment. If you realize you can't handle it and admit it, the situation should be resolved. Being "stuck" with one another is not a solution for either the kid or the parent.

  16. @nomnom.. very well spoken

  17. As a person who has a brother thanks to adoption (he was 11 days old when he came home to us) I admire and thank anyone who gives a home to these children.

  18. So happy for her. She seems awesome.

  19. Imma toss Connie Britton into to the bad mommy pool, even though I love her. Although I feel like I have seen her with her baby a few times

    1. My husband sat next to Connie on a flight a few weeks ago. She was wearing her little boy in an Ergo and they talked about how I do the same thing while traveling. The baby sat in first class with her. I would say the vast majority of people who actively choose to wear their baby are dedicated parents.

  20. Congrads to Sandy and Louis has a new baby sibling! That'll give him something more to scowl about, haha!

    Not Charlene there are many photos of her with the baby.

    I have no idea who the other actress is, but oh that poor kid. I don't hunk it's Connie, she knows how to keep her privacy, hence no pics.

  21. Go Sandy…Yahoo

  22. I would love to have a baby girl for Christmas

  23. totally with you on Kristin Davis being the other mom, MontanaMarriott.

  24. I think the original blind was about a tv actress, so not Charlize. She is seen with Jackson frequently and they both seems happy to be together. The only other people you see with the kid are Charlize's mom and her assistant/business partner/friend/(lover ;)) (Asian girl, don't know her name). No anonymous nannies and stuff. And if there is someone else holding the boy, Charlize is always seen with them.

    I agree it is Kristin Davis, from what I've heard is that she is exactly like her char on SatC- whiny, needy and self centered.

  25. kristin davis FOR SURE

  26. NOT Charlize, never Charlize! It's probs Sharon Stone, that BITCH!

  27. NOT Charlize, never Charlize! It's probs Sharon Stone, that BITCH!

  28. NOT Charlize, never Charlize! It's probs Sharon Stone, that BITCH!

  29. Few things: say what u will about madonna, she did rescue teo little humans from lifetime of poverty and misery. I think she takes good care of them; the worst thing lourdes does is smoke cigs. I feel bad for baby afopted by mother who didnt bond with child, but maybe nanny and staff will supply love. Hope so. Sandra is wonderful, i love her and frowny Louis, and am delighted she having another baby.

  30. Congratulations to her and the baby! Reveal the see you next tuesday, Heigl? Who doesn't want her kid? It's Heigl isn't it?

  31. think he's talking about Heigel.

  32. Yeah, I'm thinking Heigel is the one who isn't a great mom. I was horrified last week when somebody told me I look like her.

  33. Heigel has two adopted babies. I doubt she'd adopt again if she wanted to give baby back.

  34. I don't think it's Heigel either. I can't wait to see Sandy's new baby.

  35. I'm doubting Heigl for this one. She's a mess, but she does have a good heart. Her little sister was adopted from Korea, and she set up an animal rescue organization in her late brother's memory. She does lots of animal welfare work.

    As said above, she has two girls from Korea, one has special needs.

    Happy for Sandra. Heard her say in an interview having another kid was her son's decision...guess that little cutie agreed!

  36. Okay, Madonna *wishes* she was identified as an actress. Definitely NOT her, although I seriously doubt she'll ever be in the running for Mother of the Year. I think this must be about KD, and that's really sad.

  37. Anonymous9:22 PM

    1. Good for her

    2. Pap shots are not a barometer of good motherhood

  38. I think it's nice for her to make sure Louis has a sibling to grow up with.
