Thursday, December 05, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Ron Burgundy continues his world tour. Will show up anywhere for any event if you promise to go see his movie.
Rachel Bilson continues her shopping tour. If you are her friend close your eyes so you don't know what you are getting for Christmas.
Robert Kardashian is hoping for a lap band for Christmas.
Speaking of lap bands, Graham Elliott looks amazing.
A group lap band. You know your career is in the crapper when you pose with a wasted looking Lindsay Lohan.
Rose McGowan got married and then decided she was 18 again. She has been going out every night and dressing younger and younger.
Amanda Seyfried is in Korea and brought
her bag holder Justin Long with her.
Sandra Bullock is still in Tokyo.


  1. I wonder if Justin Long is still a Mac.

  2. Wow, the Ktrash clan can't be saving their money, looks like Rob would eat it.
    Hell, I wouldn't even let Mason around him if I were them. That guy looks HONGRY

    Sandra looks awesome.
    Amanda's face freaks me out and I don't know why.

  3. I think we just saw about 325 reasons Rob Kardashian sat out the Christmas photos this year

  4. Kim K.'s BFF, Jonathan (I shamefully know his name) always sleeves me out. What woman finds him attractive??

    1. Does he still think he's straight? We know better

  5. Rob is a useless fat slob.

    Jeez, Kanye - posing with Blowhan? Your career really IS over.

  6. Kim has rubber face.

  7. I really like the Long/Seyfried combo platter. They both seem like the sweetest people and she needs someone to treat her well.

    1. Me too @Sherry. I'm pulling for those crazy kids.

  8. Kim's eyes look so vacant. Not sure if it's because she's high or the plastic surgery. I think she got that smile lift surgery.

  9. holy shit Top Chef weight loss

  10. Damn, Rose is looking good!

  11. No kidding Leisa, I'm still on shock.

  12. I didn't recognize Amanda. What's going on there? Is it just the lighting?

  13. That is probably the best Rose has looked in a LONG time. She's rocking the shit out of that outfit and her face looks mostly normal!

    I mean.. she makes me almost, kind of sort of, halfway but not quite think that I need a skirt like that.

  14. Part of me wonders if Rob's weight gain is a result of him having anxiety-induced eating issues which are triggered by the realization of how fucking horrible, disgusting and embarrassing his family is.

  15. I love Justin Long! Such a cutie. And it looks like Amanda has gained a few much needed pounds, because she has boobies again. She looks great!

  16. Yep love justin and Amanda together!

  17. Rose got her old face back and she looks gorgeous. Whatever she's doing I hope she keeps it up and stays the hell away from the botox. She (almost) looks like her old self.

  18. I hope Justin is good to Amanda and vice versa. I root for that girl! And she does look better @Naughty!

  19. I don't understand why Rob hasn't lost the weight yet. Obviously that family can afford to get him a personal trainer, a nutritionist, and a personal chef to get him back on track. That's half of the hard work that could be already done for him right there. I guess it just seems like he's depressed about far more than some whore breaking up with him a year ago.

  20. Kanye's eyes has CAPS on, you can see what's he's thinking quite clearly :)

  21. I'd eat myself to death, too, if I were a male in that clan. He's probably literally and figuratively trying to insulate himself from the annoying, high pitched whiny baby voices coming at him from all directions. If he weren't such a known douche, I'd feel bad for him. Douche shame, yes. Fat shame, no.
