Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Reese Witherspoon gives an awful look. Must have run into one of her old maids.
The Arnold in Japan where
Sandra Bullock also finds herself.
Selena Gomez is back in Los Angeles.
Tea Leoni hits a red carpet with her daughter which is very rare.
At the same event was Angie Harmon.
Oh, and Katy Perry.
Tim McGraw really needs to lay off the fake tanner.
Hayden P shows off her favorite pose.
Rose McGowan shows her love for Rudy in Fat Albert with that hat.


  1. Wtf is katy wearing?

    1. She looks like a high priestess. And yes I mean high, you'd have to be stoned to wear that shit outside Halloween

  2. Wtf is up with some of these outfits? Angie and Hayden look fabulous though.

  3. Woah, Tim McGraw, you're orange! Get that liver checked out!

  4. That Compton hat is hard, girrrrrl.

  5. That's my new favorite Hayden P. pose as well.

  6. God, Prince William looks like a dork sometimes.

  7. Love Katy's gown. The cape not so much.

  8. Looks to me as if the Duchoveny/Leoni daughte is getting "seen" because she wants to go into show business.

    I detest Katy Perry.

  9. Laura Jean Poon!

    Is Sandy picking up a baby?

    LOL at Tea desperately shoving her unmatching leg out for attention.

  10. Tea looks good. Daughter, who, as far as I remember was born last year, looks like her father. Arnold is one freaking creepy dude. Harmon looks like a grasshopper in a dress, with those weirdly spindly appendages sticking out.

  11. Tea is a gorgeous woman. Always wondered why Duchovny fucked around on her. Apparently she has some deep dark secret, a condition that she did not disclose to Duchovny before they were married, that keeps her from working much. Wonder if she's schizophrenic? Duchovny has avoided trashing her for it...

  12. It does sort of look like Tea's leg sort of jumped out by itself, she looks completely unaware. Maybe it wanted it's own twitter like Angelina.

    Angue Harmon is rocking an awesome amount of side boob!

  13. Tea looking much better-hope things are going better for her

  14. I like Tea. I'm thinking putting her leg almost in front of her daughter was a joke. Her daughter is gorgeous!

    Katy Perry looks horrible. Her makeup does nothing for her features.

  15. Love Tea Leoni. And it appears she is doing the Jolie pose for fun. I would.

  16. Holy crap, Angie looks GORGEOUS! What I wouldn't give for another foot of height like she has.

  17. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I kinda am digging they boozy, out of control, bitch faced Reese.

    Sorry, but I don't do vanilla personalities. Especially when they are fake. The REAL Reese is starting to show.

    And I appreciate that

  18. Reese is making the same face I do when I like something and then I look at the price tag.

    Angie was rocking TOO much side-boob to be at a fundraiser for children. But, it looks like she has some new, plastic titties to show off.

    Must be everyone's favorite Hayden pose because you don't have to lay eyes on her jacked Tori Spelling titties.
