Thursday, December 05, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Beyonce and Jay-Z on the first day of their new vegan diet which will last until Jay-Z can get out of the sight of Beyonce.
Katie Holmes is still in South Africa filming a movie.
Kelly Osbourne at a Make-A-Wish party which also had
Maria Menounos and
Giuliana Rancic and
Lance Bass and
even Kobe and Vanessa Bryant.
Katy Perry out to dinner last night in NYC.
Keri Russell back on the set of her television show in NYC.


  1. Kerry looks gorgeous. I want whatever hair treatment she's getting

  2. Kerry looks very thin
    Vannessa bryant went for the school girl look

  3. People just announced Keri and her hubby have separated :(

  4. How does Keri still have all her hair!? She looks like the last time she ate was last year. =/

  5. I hate when celebs take their kids out of school for months at a time, because of work. These kids have no chance at establishing friendships. Yeah, it would be worse to not see the parent, but it sucks all around.

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The Bryant's look like they are in a good place

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Is Vanessa trying to fulfill Kobe's school-girl fantasy wish?

  9. Who let Kelly and Juliana wear nearly the same dress?

  10. If Kerry and her husband separated that could be a good reason she looks thin. Anyone who has divorced with kids knows how stressful it is!

  11. Maria Menounos just makes Giuliana look so UGLY. Look at that Five Head.

    Jay Z and Bey look really happy don't they? Phonies.

    Does Xenu stretch to South Africa?
    Kelly Osbourne is a cow.
    Lance Bass is still alive?
    Kobe's is still a rapist dog and Vanessa has zero self respect.

    Katie Perry is a dog without makeup
    I like Keri Russell

  12. Danielle - She must be going to the same place as Guiliana because she hasn't eaten in a decade and still manages to have a few scraggly hairs attached to her head.

    But what Sarah said, is true. The stress of a divorce will affect any human with a soul in negative ways.

  13. Wife wears an ugly dress, so OK to cheat? Yvettie hope your wardrobe is top-notch.

  14. Guiliana , if she is not ill, should get help asap. She is thin in the picture, skeletonly so; imagine how she looks in real life??!! Get help!!

  15. Seeeee???? I said it before and I'll say it again. Keri Russell ALWAYS has her hair draped over her left shoulder!! What…does she have a hump or something???

  16. our local NY fox morning show gave out her home address covering her townhouse being broken in. Gorgeous brownstone, and the newcaster realized they were giving out her home address and just shrugged about it. Idiots.

  17. I lost weight during my divorce too. It looked great on me though cause I was a little overweight to begin with. She had none to spare.

  18. Beyonce's outfit looks like it is covered in slices of pepperoni. Guliana looks like a praying mantis.

  19. Kelly Osbourne looks WASTED/HIGH at the event with Vanessa Bryant on Vanessa Bryant's Instagram.

  20. The Ant Queen looks positively huge compared to the new pics in the DM of Nicole Richie! She must be really, really sick with either the drugs, or the ED. Or both. Either way, it's bad, y'all.

  21. Vanessa Bryant looks awful. Isn't she old enough for a more sophisticated look now? If Kobe's kink is the schoolgirl thing shouldn't that be done at home?

    Nicole Richie has been bone thin, skeletal, for months. Whatever's wrong has been wrong for some time now.

  22. Does anyone know if Guiliani or whatever is nice? She looks so weird but looks like a nice person too so I almost feel bad saying she looks like an anorexic chipmunk.

  23. Anonymous7:27 AM

    i hope JayZ realises he won't be able to swallow any of his twinks peen batter during this vegan period? it's an animal product and not kosher.
