Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

The Goopster is back in LA after her trip to Europe.
Anne Hathaway is just like you, if you pick up your dry cleaning in the middle of the day because you don't have anything else to do but count your millions.
Johnny Depp loves this look so much he is thinking about making it permanent after the movie wraps.
Julianne Hough is grateful to be photographed.
Joe Jonas trying out for a 70's porn remake.
Jared Leto does his Miley Cyrus impression for Uma Thurman.
Jessica Simpson got her lips plumped again. I don't know why she does it.
Jude Law and his ever disappearing hair.
Kristie Alley promotes her new show by calling Leah Remini a bigot.


  1. Is that Uma Thurman? It doesn't even look like her!

    I don't wanna talk about Johnny Depp. :/

    1. Meanie, i know! Uma messed with perfection, i dont know why. :(

    2. I agree, didn't think that was Uma at all. sheesh.

    3. I agree, didn't think that was Uma at all. sheesh.

  2. Someone said it yesterday but i am going to repeat, Jared looks like Jake G with long hair. Cutie nonetheless, even with the tongue.

    Also I really miss looking at Johnny and the way he looked in Don Juan! -so dreamy.....sigh

  3. Uma without the makeup. Scandanavian earth mother.

    What is Jessica Simpson wearing - looks like a barrel, is this the newest thing in shapewear?

  4. Kirstie Allie looks GREAT! She doesn't age! She must have sold her soul.

  5. Jared Leto it should be illegal for someone to be that beautiful.

    Jessica's hair looks awfully yellow, and she does look oddly shaped Tina. Weird.

    Kirstie looks like Kate Upton's future.

  6. Jared has always creeped me out.

  7. Kirstie and her plastic surgery looks great.

  8. Jessica cannot dress that body of hers. She either makes herself look fat, or her tits are shoved up to her chin. I can't believe people buy her clothes.

  9. JSierra, I'm with you on Leto -- he's stunning.

    I seriously thought Johnny Depp was Christopher Walken in that pic.

  10. And dayum -- the man can sing too....

  11. Goopy's butt. She might be shittin' bricks before too long.

    I'm done with Depp. He's an asshole and way overrated as an actor.

    Also done with Kirstie Alley, though it pains me to say that. These CoS fucks really need to fuck off.

  12. @Jsierra... I too thought that Kirstie looks like an older Kate Upton... no wonder Maksim from DWTS
    went out with her..LOL!!! I think Kirstie went blonder because of the resemblance......

  13. Attention Johnny Depp: Your hotness is waiting at the Lost & Found desk. Please come soon, it's scared.

  14. Kirstie does look great and i dont even care fir her. Goopy and her boobs-floopsy and droopy-are back in USA , lol. And paris and others are right-jess cant dress that body. Her clevage starts under her nose, lol. Mb still breastfeeding? A small third world country? Lol.

  15. I wouldnt have known that was Johnny without the caption.

  16. Jessica Simpson looks like a friggin blow-up doll.

  17. Is it just me or does Leto have long fingernails? Please tell me that is for guitar-playing purposes.

  18. Johnny D. looked like Ray Liotta to me...

    Kristie looked like she gained weight again.

    FishStick I still can't stand her...

  19. Someone tell Jessica Simpson that it's 2013, not 2003. The spray tan and lip injected look is over.

  20. What's Kirstie's new show? She guest hosted on The View yesterday; she seems to disappear for years on end and then, BAM, there she is. Loved her until I found out she was a Xenu worshipper.

    1. She has a crappy looking new sitcom with Rhea Perlman and Michael Richards on Nick or TVLand.

  21. I know it is unpopular but that haircut on AnnE is hot. Then again I have a long track record of crushing on lesbians. I blame Mary Stuart-Masterson in Some Kind of Wonderful.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. See also: Olivia Thirlby in Nobody Walks and Valorie Curry in The Following.

    3. I loved Some Kind of Wonderful! Only hot redhaired male of the 80s

  22. Lucas, I think the gamine look is cute. Anne has the features to pull it off perfectly.

  23. Because she likes looking like a two dollar hooker, Silly Enty.

  24. I don't believe Anne could win with anyone. She picks up her dry cleaning, she's clearly flaunting the fact that she has time off during the day and is far too rich to breathe. Doesn't pick up her dry cleaning, I bet she would be called a diva and a Sally-maker. No can win! Hope that Oscar is fun

  25. @TTM, I didn't like AnnE's Oscar hump-torium but love her in Devil Wears Prada - I'm fast becoming a bigger fan thanks to this site. Her jeans look like the ones I got at Old Navy last week and I picked up a coat from the cleaners that day ... I'm such an entitled brat.

  26. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Depp is making a movie about ray liotta?

    Jared is such a pretty man.

    I want to trade boobs w Jess Simpson.

    Go Kirstie

  27. I'm so tired of seeing remarks about Jude Law's hairline, it seems sexist to me or at least it would be if it was more common for women.

  28. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Jude should talk to shatners wig wizard....

  29. Always having a go at Julianne Hough yet constantly posting her photo!

  30. Is My - So - called - Life on netflix? If so, I will be revisiting that after I finish Ally McBeal

  31. Kirstie Alley STILL has fans?!? Obviously, they've never worked with her, for her, under her, or around her. Lol. Queen Xenu treats ppl like shit.
