Thursday, December 19, 2013

Phil Robertson Suspended From Filming Duck Dynasty Indefinitely

A&E went after Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson quickly yesterday when quotes he gave to GQ were released which were the most homophobic comments released by a celebrity in ages. I'm not sure anyone was expecting anything less of him. The show is not exactly awash in liberalism or even mainstreamness. Is that a word? Phil wondered aloud why a man would want to have sex with another man's anus when a vagina is much better. Later he apologized for his remarks and stated he doesn't care if someone is gay or not, he loves everyone the same and says he is a products of the 60's and done it all and seen it all, and just wanted to share his views on the subject.

A&E took the step of suspending him indefinitely but it isn't like he is a huge part of the show. It also doesn't mean they are going to stop paying him or that his family will stop earning boatloads of money. Plus, maybe they already filmed his scenes for the upcoming season. It was a nice gesture by A&E but ultimately it doesn't mean anything. Now, if they had decided to shut down production on the show that would have been a step. Of course they won't do that though because it is the highest rated show by a mile on cable.


Kelly said...

That can't be all he said? That's just saying his own preference. I know Enty leaves shit out all the time. What did he say, someone that knows?

MontanaMarriott said...

I've seen one episode out of curiosity and it was the PWT version of The Beverly Hillbillies x 10 not sure what America's appeal is with it. Then again I am sure these very same folks are the ones that put Honey Boo Boo on the map, to each their own I say.

Mary Anne said...

It's not the highest rated show on cable, that's The Walking Dead. I hope these Deliverance looking people go away.

Sarah said...

The reality show thing is a slippery slope. You have to be outrageous to get the show and keep the ratings, but then lose the show for the behavior that made you famous.

JisforMe said...

He was expressing his opinion and everyone has a right to their opinion and NO ONE should have to apologize for their or not. People don't agree with it....Get over it. Not everyone needs to be on board with gays.

Bacon Ranch said...

"The show is not exactly awash in liberalism"

WTF is this?
You have to be a liberal to support gay rights Entern?


auntliddy said...

The usual pseudo-christian garbage about how they cant get into heaven because of being same sex oriented. I actually think this is the first time he realized his dogma didnt compute with real life belief of love of everyone. But did anyone really expect anything different from him?and just wondering, what if gay man said he cldnt understand why anyone wld prefer vagina over anus? And belueve me, im not sticking up for babbler robertson.

Bacon Ranch said...

Reno, here's the article (sorry, can't make the clicky noise)

Anonymous said...

@reno I read on yahoo this morning that the quotes were along the lines of he doesn't understand why a person would be gay, that it's a sin, and that people need to pray for all those that are lost in sin/hurting the country because of it. The gays were on the list of said sinners along with drunks, adulterers, etc. I wouldn't say what he said was especially hateful, basically that the gays need to be saved. But I figure if he has the right to say it, then A&E has the right to can him for it. Certainly he has enough money by now.

FSP said...

Meh. He gave his opinion. Move on.

Stephy said...

Sure, he has a right to express his opinions and if A&E isn't happy to be associated with his opinions, they have a right to suspend his appearances or even to terminate them. See--it's not that hard.

Having said that, what he said wasn't the absolute worst, but I imagine A&E would like to nip that sort of thing in the bud.

Of course, I don't understand why people watch these reality shows anyway. I see more boring-ass weirdos than I care to everyday of the week not on TV. Maybe people need to get out more.

Unknown said...

The most homophobic words uttered by a celeb in a long time? Are you kidding? He said he doesn't have a problem with gay people, he just doesn't understand it. What's the problem?

Kelly said...

Thanks @Bacon. I read the whole first page and I honestly don't understand the hullabaloo. He stated his own opinion. Everyone knows they are uber conservative Christian. Why is what he said a shocker or even offensive? And I'm a liberal!

Anonymous said...

I hope a lesson has been learned. NEVER ASK AN *OLDER PERSON A QUESTION THAT YOU DONT WANT ANSWERED HONESTLY. They asked, he answered.

*people his age are soooo over the bullshit---lol

Unknown said...

A conservative white Christian man from Louisiana not understanding homosexuality or why blacks weren't really happy back in the day? YOU DON'T SAY! (sarcasm)

It's not surprising he feels this way. If anything, I figured we all knew the chances of him having these opinions were at 99%.

It is what it is. People have different opinions for different reasons. I continue to hope that the differences can be discussed without assuming that someone is automatically a thick-headed right winger or a Communist bleeding heart liberal. Most people fall in between the two extremes.

Meanie Rhysie said...

He compared homosexuality to bestiality.

He also referred to Asians as "shintos". Asshole.

He can say whatever he wants, true: freedom of speech and all that jazz.

But, as this racist bigot is finding out, there are consequences.

Funniest but true thing I've seen:
Tweeted by "God":

The Duck Dynasty who likened homosexuality to bestiality makes a living helping trick ducks into thinking they want to fuck them.


Susan said...

His beliefs are not my beliefs, but suspending him is such a knee jerk reaction, IMO.

I hate this political correct bullshit in which all people are expected to think all of the same things.

It seems like A&E's suspension is just riling up all of the Duck Dynasty fanatics anyway. So, maybe it was all part of the plan?

Flashy Vic said...

Is that what all the fuss was about? He wondered why gay men prefer the rusty sheriffs badge to minge?
Goddammit, isn't that what every straight fella wonders?
I know I do.
Isn't that the very thing that makes us straight?
I'm frankly baffled by their lack of common sense on this.
But, still its their choice, theres no accounting for taste.
I'm also as baffled about why anyone would watch Eastenders or support Manchester United.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...
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Bacon Ranch said...

For their own safety, stay away from all ducks Flashy Vic.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

You Americans will soon see straight sex forbidden and dudes will only be able to butt f-word hairy asses of men, and women to lick c-words.
That's what your stupid PC will bring.
And fuck you, because you support it, or supported it at first, therefore you deserve it.

Humor Me said...

Phil has a right to free speech also. His opinion is not A&E's.

Tempest in teapot.

Eros said...

Celebitchy has an excerpt of what he said. It wasn't politically correct but I didnt read it as homophobic. He said he doesnt agree with the gay lifestyle but its not his place to judge it. I thought he was honest and forthright about his christian beliefs and though not eloquently stated, I get where hes coming from.

Eros said...

Lol preach... im dyin lol

Eros said...

By yhe way, I agree with him and im a liberal who doesnt watch the show. Im Christian but will never pass judgement on anyone whos gay. Its their right to find happiness and peace in this wotld just like everybody else.

Seven of Eleven said...

I wasn't surprised by his homosexual comments (old "converted" white guy afraid of any guy getting near his chocolate starfish) but the bigoted remarks about how "pre-entitled, pre-entitled" black people were godly and happy when they were working for white folk was a load of BS. Damn straight black people are entitled - to the same rights as everyone else. Ugh, and he has an adopted black grandson.

Of course FB will be flooded with SAVE PHIL IF YOU LOVE JESUS AND AMERICA, TOO!

cece said...

He lumped homosexuality in with bestiality.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...
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Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

He absolutely had a right to say what he did: That's his freedom of speech.

A&E absolutely has a right to decide they don't want to put him on the air: That's their freedom of speech.

It makes no never mind to me: I'd sooner go over Niagara Falls on a pie-plate than watch Duck Dynasty, and have little respect for anyone who does.

cece said...

He lumped homosexuality in with bestiality.

crila16 said...

Though I do not support anything racist or prejudice this man has said...he is entitled to his opinion, whether people agree or disagree. Sorry if someone is insulted, but last I heard, freedom of speech was still around. I never have heard "Freedom of speech as long as you agree with everyone else."

crila16 said...

@cece...yes he did, and if that's how he views it, what are you going to do? You and he are just going to have to agree to disagree.

TV Junkie said...

People need to realize that they are representing their employer when they do things like this. If he weren't on the show, he would not have been doing that interview. I believe in everyone's right to their own beliefs & expressing them, but as a businessperson I also understand image and representation.

Bruce Jenner said...

@crila16-I agree completely. I dont share his opinion,eh no big deal. Next.

Redd said...

This is America people- each of us is entitled to say what we will; every time someone or a group is offended the common knee jerk reaction that they must be stopped, corrected or changed, is no more than bullying. Hey wait, bullying is what the whole country is united against! Hm. I don't care what Phil said, he has a right to say it. I don't care what A&E does or doesn't do to his show- they contracted with each other. Two things are sure here: a great many people watch Ducky Dynasty; the Robertson family doesn't need A&E's approval or their money.

CaCa82 said...

when liberals get this upset over Alec Baldwin's homophobic rants I will take them seriously. As someone who doesn't gives a rats arse who you are sexually attracted to, I support other peoples rights to have an opinion. FYI, most straight men probably agree with him on the "doesn't understand why a man is more attracted to a man than a woman". To straight men, it does seem unnatural. We have reached a point where we can no longer discuss differing views bc people are so quick to jump on the "im offended" wagon". For the record, Ive seen two episodes of this show and it's amusing. Furthermore, the family is FAR more respectable than 98% of the families on TV. Thats why they have such high ratings. The men have all been with their wives for years and years, they are a very close family, and they dont give a crap what anyone else thinks. It's refreshing.

__-__=__ said...

Meanie - love the God tweet! Vey funny!! Surprised GQ didn't clean up the speech. A&E is often about science. Funny how the stupidest people has TV platforms for their views when the world is so large and really so much more educated. Except, of course, better for rulers when the population is stupid. Never seen this, or most, "reality" shows. There is so much good TV and excellent movies to watch instead. Really don't bother myself with what more dumb ass says.

Unknown said...

He has the right to express his opinion as do I. He is a hypocrite and an asshole. Why does his opinon even matter and since when is this dirty mcdirt bag the moral compass of family values? Go blow your whistle at ducks you old irrelevant bastard and those of you that find THAT entertainment enjoy yourselves...

Anonymous said...

CACA82- I don't think that the author is upset. All the author expressed was Schadenfreude. You are the one who is upset, it seems. As for not being able to "discuss differing opinions," actually, that is all we do (online, at talk shows, on CNN, on FOX, etc.)
If you are saying that Robertson shouldn't have been put on leave, well I don't care one way or the other. But you know, when you make tons of money for appearing on a show, you become part of a corporate brand. And you represent that brand. And you get rewarded for representing that brand. And that brand has specific constraints. Let's not conflate people reality TV with society more generally. It isn't a reflection of society. It is a tv program put on by a corporation in order to make money. Pure and simple. And being rewarded by them means you have to play by their rules. A&E is NOT society. Just so that we are clear.

Snapdragon said...

Freedom of speech (in the US, the First Amendment) often trumpeted in cases like this applies only to the government (bold by me):

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;"

This is why A&E can suspend this guy. Why whoever-the-fuck-it-was (MSNBC?) can fire Baldwin. They are not the government. They are not making laws. They are a private entity protecting their brand*. No one's rights are being violated. That's why websites can remove comments. "Freedom of speech" does not equal "freedom from consequence".

(*Listening to me, sounding like I'm defending corporations. Really, I'm not.)

So many people don't even fucking understand what "freedom of speech" entails as it applies to the Constitution. There is a lot in the news recently about which you should be concerned regarding free speech, but something a dumb-ass reality star says is not it.

Pogue Mahone said...

I've never seen the show( redneck freak shows aren't my thing) but he's entitled to his opinion. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? He has the right to believe what he wants and to say what he wants. Not everyone agrees with homosexuality and it doesn't make them a "homophobe", a "bigot", or a hater, etc. They shouldn't have fired him for it but I'm sure he doesn't care; he's rich enough and another network (that allows free speech) will just pick up the show,anyway.Why is it freedom doesn't work both ways? You mustn't disagree with or offend the gays but it's perfectly ok to persecute and censor religious beliefs?

Snapdragon said...

@Misha, haha; jinx, buy me a coke.

Snapdragon said...

@Pogue, you do not understand what 'free speech' means.

Peter said...

I believe he also compared homosexuality to bestiality, that was his undoing.

AJ said...
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AJ said...

That sounds like something my husband would say.
Hubby ..... ?

Snapdragon said...

"it's perfectly ok to persecute and censor religious beliefs?"

A Reminder of What ‘Religious Persecution’ Really Looks Like


Peter said...

In my OPINION, my 5yo niece is better at punctuation than you. Ps he is entitled to his opinion but so are the executives. Unfortunately, in their professional OPINION, he was bad for the network and their advertisers.

Eros said...

@caca I hear that alot from heterosexual men. They get tired of being made to feel like they are the villain because they don't understand and dont want to understand the gay lifestyle. There is acceptance and then theres americas new way: we will shove this down yor effin throat hetero until you equate gay to normalcy. And im sorry, its not.

Count Jerkula said...

According to that pic Harry posted the other day, Homosexuality and Beastiality can intermingle.

When is Wesboro gonna start protesting A&E?

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Phil was right. Nothing compared to a tight tight pussy. Of course, Ms. Kay probably has had vaginal rejuvenation surgery because Phil still likes to hit that Pillsbury Doughgirl. He does have to roll her in flour to find her wet spot, though.

Flashy Vic said...

@AJ, Sorry honey, Er...I'll be downstairs in a minute.
My, thats a nice blouse you're wearing, is it new?

MISCH said...

Personally I wouldn't want to have sex with him…so there.

Harry Knuckles said...

I wish beastiality wasn't a part of this discussion. I have a cat. Smooth soft fur. Languid eyes. Sometimes she just lies there looking at me ......

hollywood dime said...

Ratings are down. This story will die in a week when they've gotten what they need from it.

Snapdragon said...

Eros: "They get tired of being made to feel like they are the villain because they don't understand and dont want to understand the gay lifestyle. There is acceptance and then theres americas new way: we will shove this down yor effin throat hetero until you equate gay to normalcy."

Give me a break. Don't make excuses for poor, oppressed* straight men who can't and (worse yet) don't want to understand something they do not feel themselves.


All there is to understand is this: sometimes men love/desire men and women love/desire women... and people are gonna have sex with the people they love and desire. If this is too hard to accept as a reality--even if you do not yourself feel this way--then feeling like 'the villain' is a result of either religious guilt or their privilege being threatened (or they are afraid of being treated like women, which is a whole other can of worms). Refusing to even try to understand is willful ignorance. These things are not external problems that someone else can fix.

(Psst. Some animals are gay. That is, by definition, "natural".)

auntliddy said...

maybe its good he said that because it shines a light on issues that need to be discussed. He has right to say what he thinks. A and E have right to suspend him We have the right to make comments. Its good to discuss this stuff.

B626 said...

He's always been a goofy old coot on the show. His ramblings are just that. Ramblings.But thanks GQ for baiting him with those questions and putting it out there. :(

Brian Brown said...

(Psst. Some animals are gay. That is, by definition, "natural".)

Uh, no it isn't.

See, humans aren't animals and there are animals that eat their own offspring and kill their mates.

You are really not that bright.

Brian Brown said...

Meanie Rhysie said...

He compared homosexuality to bestiality.

Well, no he didn't.

You people are embarrassing.

Unknown said...

here comes the republicans on one of their tyrants to save their duck fucking hero---pathetic. Mock my punctuation I dont give a shit what you idiots think. He was a huge drunk and wife beater. If Chris Brown said this shit you wouldn't be defending him. Assholes.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eros said...

Im not disagreeing with you Snapdragon on many of your points but does it make hetero mens feelings any less valid just because the presumption is its white privilege or religious guilt. Shouldn't people have the freedom to feel and express what they feel without being judged. Also this is just my mindset based on conversations and observing hetero men but it is possible to be accepting of a group without necessarily being bombarded about every facet of that groups life. I know many guys who have no problem with gay men but they dont want to be involved with anything related to that or that lifestyle. Does that make them a bigot? I dont think so. Its personal preference. Its in their dna to want to do guy shit and be attracted to girls. They dont want to be demeaned or called a bigot just because they dont equate with their vision of normality.

Im not saying they are right or wrong. Its just reality.

Eros said...

*because they don't equate gay with their vision of normality.

AJ said...

@Flashy Vic
Hahaha.... Flattery will get you everywhere.

AJ said...

I'm glad some said that. He didn't compare it to beastiity but that it WOULD LEAD TO it. That's a big diffrence. Isn't it amazing how words can be misconstrued ?!?
That said, everyone has a right to an opinion. I don't think his is right, but what do you think a Christian Southern Good Ole Boy is gonna say about the subject ?!?

Lioness70 said...

So what? This is a story? A straight white man doesn't get gay sex, but it's not his place to judge, it's the job of the man upstairs. (How many people actually read the damn article before jumping on the PR is a homophobe bandwagon to get clicks?) Move along, folks, nothing to see here...

Brian Brown said...

AJ said...

I'm glad some said that. He didn't compare it to beastiity but that it WOULD LEAD TO it.


Here is the quote from the article:

What, in your mind, is sinful?

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

Brian Brown said...

Derek Harvey said...

here comes the republicans on one of their tyrants to save their duck fucking hero---pathetic. Mock my punctuation I dont give a shit what you idiots think. He was a huge drunk and wife beater. If Chris Brown said this shit you wouldn't be defending him.

Pointing out factual inaccuracies - and this post is pathetic - is not "defending" anything.

I realize it is all about silly, feel-good emotionalism, for people like you. But that's you.

Lioness70 said...

Here's a wild thought. Phil said recently that he knows the show isn't going to last too much longer. He (and Jase) skipped the Barbara Walters interview to go duck hunting. I don't think he'll be too sad if this whole thing goes belly-up.

AJ said...

He was asked a baited question that they knew he would answer in such a manner. I took his words to mean that he thought it leads to it rather than comparing it to it.
I'm not arguing for or against him or anyone else. Being an American, gives us the right to have freedom of speech on our thoughts. Granted, those thoughts might be wrong but the whole point is that he is free to think what he wants.

Unknown said...

and if he was poor and not on TV you idiots wouldn't be defending him....

Unknown said...

and yeah he was a drunk and abusive to his wife so I don't know which inaccuracies you are talking about.

Pip said...

Yes, AJ, he has a right to look like a bigoted asshole. If his employer thinks that will reflect poorly on them, they can fire his ass.

Anyone who uses the beastiality argument when speaking about homosexuality is a dumbass. No ifs, ands, or buts, you are a piece of shit.

His comments on blacks were horrible as well. Apparently pre civil rights, blacks were fine with picking cotton. They didn't sing the blues. Only they did. It dated back all the way to slavery. The hymns were adapted and became the blues.

I really hope this show gets cancelled. All of these people are dumbfuck.

Squeezebox said...

His family signed a contract with A&E to put on a "reality" show, meaning they all invented personas to pass off as real. The invented "reality" even included having the guys change their look from typical American guys to ridiculously shaggy, outdoorsy bearded beasts. Sell the image, sell the show.

Didn't he get the whole memo? He was never supposed to let the world see the real him. He was supposed to present the fictional front designed for the show.

No wonder A&E is pissed off. He broke their make-believe "reality".

AJ said...

Can't we all just get along and let people love whomever they want to love ?
When my cousin came out, I told him "Honey, I don't care if your in love with 3-Headed Polka Dotted Alien from outer space. I just want YOU to be happy in your life. Everyone DESERVES happiness and love."

Runswithscissors said...

+1. I'm more of a corrie myself. (Coronation Street, to those who don't know)

Eros said...

Lmao! A.J. That was funny. :p

Runswithscissors said...

I've watched the show, the appeal of it is that it's family entertainment, there is no foul mouth, no discussion of political nor religious issues (except at the end where they give grace for family and friends) characters are not stupid as is the stereotype of the region.
GQ did a great job of baiting him with questions they knew were going to become controversial.
He gave his opinion in the stupidest way possible, because he is old and doesn't give a flying *uck about it.
Btw, gossip is that his youngest is gay and gets his groove on when he goes to trade shows and conventions, Phil will shit his camo pants if it's true.
GQ sales have been down, Duck Dynasty's ratings have been down. They are in the news, Christmas sales of their products are going to increase 10 fold.
Phil's college graduated sons will continue laughing all the way to the bank.
Which, by the way, are as preppy as they come, they just saw the good mine that is Uncle Sy, grew beards and came up with a business plan.

Eros said...

One of my older cousins was gay. He LOVEEEED me but most gay men do when they meet me, :) We all always knew he was different and my heart broke for the kid. I will always have a small place in my heart for the gay struggle because of everything my cousin went through trying to hide his secret. His family turned their back on him when he came out and I cried and cried when I found out he died of aids alone with nobody. Broke my fucking heart and it's been difficult talking to them since all that happened. His mom was always there for him but my uncle acted like he died when he came out. It doesn't matter who you love in life just treat them right and be true to yourself.

Runswithscissors said...

Gold* mine

AJ said...

Hugs. That is so sad :-/ I understand where you are coming from. Several of my cousins are gay, lesbian or bi-sexual. I've had to sit down numerous members and give lectures and reason with them.
Hugs to you. You sound awesome.

AJ said...

That was my goal. He was so serious at that moment and I wanted him to know I didn't think it was something he should be afraid to share.
Plus it fits the situation today with everyone freaking out about DD.

Eros said...

@ A.J. Thanks for that. And yes your words summed it up perfectly. You sound like an awesome person as well my dear :)

Dorothy said...

@Jis -He also stated he's pro-segregation of minorities. This is just another racist, homophobic cracker who's pissed off that old white guys aren't in power anymore.

PS go fuck yourself for defending this asshole.

justche said...

He has never stated he's pro-segregation of minorities..what a crock.

Thought this was interesting...who really are the bigots? The ones who support his right to free speech and freedom of religion, or the ones who think he should be shut up?

Sarah Highcove said...

A&E did not do any kind of "nice gesture"....they knew he was who he was when they hired him and knew what would happen in the interview. Because of this I'm completely sure that they planned this public shaming for ratings and exposure. This is the kind of world we live in now. :(

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

He can say whatever he likes, sure. That doesn't mean A&E is obligated to keep him on air or keep him flush with a paycheck.

The 1st Amendment guarantees the government can't arrest you for exercising your free speech. It does NOT guarantee you won't suffer non-governmental consequences for whatever shit falls out of your open piehole.

cece said...

You're right. It was just such a stunningly awful thing to say.

Christine! said...

Free speech sucks when you are on the ugly end of it.

I got a chuckle from a Twitter photo of the Pope and Phil- with the quote that they think the same way about homosexuality, one is Time's Man of the Year and one is a #bigot.

Merry Christmas to all!

lazyday603 said...

If you're going to produce TV freak shows because people love watching freak shows why is anybody surprised when the freaks act like the ignorant white trash that they are? It's why you signed them in the first place. Because their lives are so out of the mainstream that the mainstream could giggle & point at them & feel superior to them.

Rosie riveter said...

Super original there buddy

lesbianeatwhat said...

@snapdragon thank you for what you said. And i cant say enough homosexuality is natural and normal. It happens to be there are gay animals, in fact my male cat is gay, yes i was as surprised as you to see him happily be mounted on many occasions. But youd never know he wasnt a "normal" cat. My son wouldnt think im abnormal, in fact he thinks im quite a normal and boring person/mom, he does think his step mom is pretty freakin cool tho. I dont push my homosexuality on ppl. I do however feel free to join conversations when ppl brag or gripe about there wives/husbands without feeling like i have to end every sentence with "but im gay so....",i dont shy away from any coversations or dicussions about engaged/married life, but i dont announce IM GAY ENGAGED!!! Its not my job to change ppls opinions its just my job to live my life NORMALLY and hope that makes others see Im no different.

anon said...

First of all, it's not just his comments about gay people. It's also his comments about black people:

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," the 67-year-old reality star said in the mag's January issue about pre-Civil-Rights South. "Not once."


"I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' -- not a word!" he said. "Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."


And those talking about free speech don't understand what that means. It protects you from THE GOVERNMENT arresting you for what you say. It does not prohibit you from saying stupid things. It also does not prevent there being CONSEQUENCES when you stay stupid things.

I thought conservatives were all about personal responsibility. Phil said it, he needs to own it. It's not like he was secretly taped, he knew what he was saying was going to be published in a national magazine.

A&E has every right to do what they did.

ForSure said...

If you are a man who watches and gets turned on by woman/woman porn, then PLEASE stop saying that you cannot ever understand how fewer than 8% of the male population is attracted to their own kind.

MsWool said...

he also discussed the relative tightness of a woman's vagina to a man's anus... for a christian, that seems like something that shouldn't be publicly discussed. But, my feeling is that he's just another hypocrite.

MadLyb said...

I don't really give a shit about these people or most people on "reality" shows. I'm sure A&E made sure that any racist and homophobic statements made by this classy family during the course of filming were spliced out, or whitewashed, so to speak. Not that most of their audience would care, because we have a lot of racists and homophobes in this country. I hear them all the time at work, and I live in a pretty liberal state. I wish the gays could all come out of the closet so we could shove all the racists, homophobes, xenophobes and misogynists back in, and brick up the door.

That being said, this just another vicious circle where drummed up outrage over a legitimate free market decision by a private company will cause catharsis, which is a fertile state of mind for indoctrination by people who do not have a benevolent agenda. It behooves them to keep the masses dumbed-down and focusing on this stupid shit, that's for sure.

This is not a free speech issue. It's a company branding issue. It is actually good for business to not discriminate against any group of people since their money all spends the same. It is idiotic to allow a hired employee to spew bullshit that is non-representative of company ideals.

Kimstyle said...

I'm sorry, but to all of you who are claiming that him saying that homosexuality may lead to bestiality is simple freedom of speech…. seriously?
If another public figure had claimed that interracial sex led to bestiality would it be a simple case of freedom of speech?
Doubtful. It would be a national issue.

TimC said...

a&e needs the family more than the family needs a&e.

someone jumped the gun and dropped the hammer too quickly on this one, the gentleman is entitled to his opinions and the right to express his opinions on another forum besides a&e.

a&e should get over itself they'll just look stupid and powerless when they have to apologize to the family.


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