Friday, December 06, 2013

Paulina Rubio Is A Homewrecker

Find someone who has had some interaction with Paulina Rubio and you will find someone who probably doesn't like the X Factor judge. She just isn't nice. I'm not sure I could find someone who has anything positive to say about her. She constantly complains about everything. Anything that goes wrong is the fault of someone else. I'm not exactly sure how she even got the job as a judge on X Factor except that Simon probably wanted to sleep with her. Chances are good he has.

When Paulina was a judge on The Voice in Mexico one of the people on her team was married with two young kids. She knew that but it didn't stop her from dumping her boyfriend and dating the man. Now the two are a couple and the man has abandoned his wife and kids. He doesn't see them and hasn't given them a dime of child support. Her current boyfriend is Gerardo Bazua and his wife has been giving interviews to anyone who will listen about how awful her husband is and how much she especially hates Paulina Rubio. The thing is that Paulina will get tired of the guy. She always does and then he will go back slinking to his wife and Paulina will move on to the next married guy or the guy who can help pay her debts or give her a job. Whatever Paulina needs right then is what Paulina goes after. If you want to read about the affair, here is a Spanish article.


  1. is it Latin American gossip day at the Cdan?

  2. She is the Latina Sienna Miller

  3. Enties!!!! No hablo espanol! Ok, un poquito.

  4. I've never even heard of her!

  5. Hooray for Slutty McSlutty's! ;)

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Well this is a huge step back for gold diggers. (Or in this case "lead" digger)

    U are supposed to sleep your way to the top. Not laterally screw your way to mediocrity.

    And when are wives gonna get some fucking balls and start taking a bat to the empty heads of bitches like this? Let her start the new relationship with your man...and a concussion!

    Too early?

  7. Yeah, what's up with the telenova posts? I don't know who these people are and frankly, tons of American celebs do the same thing. Why not just channel the Daily Mail?

  8. SHE wasn't married, HE was. So HE'S the one who's the shithead, and even though she's the one who's now dating a dude who would cheat on his wife and leave his family, she's not the one who did the cheating.

  9. Yes, how exactly did she force him to not pay child support? Was there a gun involved?

    I only know her name because she was with Marc Antony and that was a big deal for some reason

  10. +1 @Evan

    No kidding.

  11. I never understand why women breed with these cheaters. Another couple of kids abandoned does not bode well for this world.

  12. enty dearest, if you spoke to your friends who've toured w/ her you'd also know that paulina is a cokehead who can't sing live. like jho, she 'sings' to full-playback...tho unlike jho, she doesn't have the moves that can cover it up. and yes, she's a huuuuge jerky mcjerkerson who, incidently, bleaches her skin and has had 3 (that i know of personally) surgeries to cover up her indigenous/aztec-y features. next thing you know we'll be dishing the dirt on thalĂ­a. #truthtalk

  13. How is it her fault he's not paying child support??

  14. This happens in real life too. Guy leaves wife & kids for some temptress doesn't see them or pay child support also had a small lottery win they hid so wife & kids get nada. I can't understand how people leave behind their kids flick a switch to off like they never existed on to my new life!!!

  15. Evan speaks the truth.

  16. Don't really know who she is, don't really think it's her fault the guy abandoned his family for her (some guys have shit for brains) but bottom line, she has a nice caboose, and really, isn't that the only thing that really matters?

  17. I think he's the one wrecking his own home.

  18. Quick, someone post her pic on that horrific new homewrecking site that mercilessly slut shames women and says absolutely nothing about the husband cheating on his wife. It's like thedirty run by a hoard of spiteful, dick worshipping housewives.

  19. Lil P, my cousin had that happen to her, was pregnant with the third when her husband left. Talked to her mum who said in some ways it is better as the kids have stability with him not being there rather than being there intermittently. But my hubby & I couldn't have them. SMH.

  20. It is not her fault but people of quality don't bother with other people's spouses. Or at minimum you say you want a relationship with me, call me when your divorce is final.

    And if you thought you deserved someone of quality why would you want a man who abandons his children never mind the wife.

  21. @liddy - or like two people who dig each other making out. Like people do. Perhaps you only get your groove on whilst wearing a burka or a habit.

    1. Lucas, they are in public!!! Does that mean anything anymore??!! You like to play grab/finger ass in public, i dont want to see it! Its low class. And you can get alit going on under that burka, lol

  22. IKR, aunt liddy?!?! Can you believe she's wearing a BATHING SUIT to go SWIMMING?!?! What a harlot!!!

    And what kind of woman in a consenting sexual relationship let's her partner touch her rear end?! I've got the vapors! Quick! Someone getting the smelling salts!

    1. Disc, see above about BEING IN PUBLIC!

  23. Celebrity bedrooms, the original revolving doors. Enty always acts so surprised by it.
