Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Off Topic

Bought a deep fryer yesterday to deep fry a turkey and duck for Christmas. Probably should practice a few times before then. "A little dry."


  1. Duck is better from an oven, unless you have some secret mastery of deep-fat duck-frying hidden inside you.

  2. Dont fry frozen it will blow up!!!!!!!

  3. I think you need to brine it first..

  4. Funny I just got a waffle maker from my BFF with a note that says "Brunch at your house, Missus Bitches" lol. I guess I should take a page from your book and do some test run waffles before I invite the girls over.

  5. Duck - long and slow. Turkey - as quick as you can to keep it moist. In nobody's home ever should those birds be deep fried though.

  6. @Jonathan.. lol that's great

  7. Aemish is right, brine the turkey first. Try and get Alton Brown's recipe, works great every time. Score and pan sear the duck first, then put it in the oven. Gets all the extra fat out from under the skin and it's not greasy. Bonus, you get to use the duck fat to pan fry the potatoes, yum!!!

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  9. Mmmm delish!!! Maybe if I buy one my parents will try to make it for Christmas. . Im so jealous Enty!!!

  10. Chicken and waffles at Marriott's house :D

  11. Cory is making me hungry :p

    Oh, slightly off topic, but I've never been a fan of lamb too much.. I'm not a fan of meat being too gamey. But at an Arabic friend's house recently for the first time ever I ate lamb chops and couldn't stop. The secret: marinating them in YOGURT over night. They are mouthwatering... sooo yummy

    1. The off topic posts are supposed to be off topic! I think he just says random stuff in the headline just to say something and not leave it blank. We're supposed to be off topic here! Let's talk about anything!

  12. Get a spice injector for the turkey to help keep moist and enrich the flavor. My fav is cajun fried turkey. Most good grocery stores will have them.

  13. Heck ya, cajun anything. Love me some Jamaican jerk shrimp

  14. @Cory My kids favorite Saturday morn breakfast is when I dice and fry redskin potatoes in duck fat. Throw in a little rosemary right at the end and hit with some coarse sea salt. Heaven! I just got in another 7 lb tub of duck fat from Pekin Paradise. I would marry duck fat if it were legal in Michigan.

  15. If you don't want to talk about duck fat, then you're a god-forsaken-pinko-commie-bastard that makes baby Jesus cry.

  16. dry turkey/duck/chicken are usually caused by over cooking.

  17. OneEyeCharlie, I'm going to try the rosemary, sounds delish. I agree about the duck fat. If that's not worthy of an off-topic discussion, I don't know what is!!!

  18. Brine it first, yes. However, before you drop it into the fryer dry the outside and the cavity with paper towels - as dry as you can get it. Less oil splash. Signed, a veteran turkey fryer.

  19. The injector suggestion was right on for deep frying turkey.

    And you can do duck confit with the legs but it is not the same as deep frying since it is slow cooking.

  20. Wherever you inject the marinade, make sure you rub that spot after pulling the needle, that way you close up the hold you just made, repair the incision lets say. The juice won't run out.

  21. I had deep fried turkey once, it was ok, but I like the oven more. The splatter and extra calories weren't worth it. I like the cooking smell inside the house, less mess, etc. Just my two cents.

  22. The best part is the skin. Almost as good as bacon.

  23. Make sure its fully defrosted before you fry your turkey.

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  25. 3 minutes a pound at 350. Not hard get a thermometer.

  26. My youngest daughter came over a while ago. She got engaged this morning....I am so happy!
