Thursday, December 05, 2013

No Denial From Kelly Clarkson Or Husband About Cheating Claims

It has been several days since the reports hit the internet that Brandon Blackstock has been having an affair for the past five months with another woman. Any response from the happy couple? Nope. Kelly was on The Voice on Tuesday and didn't mention it. Her reps have only said they don't comment on personal lives. You know what? That is a bunch of crap right there. Reps comment on personal lives all the time. They just don't comment on personal lives when they don't know what the answer is and don't want to look like idiots later. These are Kelly's reps and if she dumps her husband they don't want to have said how much Kelly loves him and wants to be with him forever. I think it's interesting they have chosen to ignore it. I also think it is going to be really interesting to see how long they can ignore it when other parts of the story start to trickle out and texts and other women suddenly pop up.


  1. They always ignore it until the shit has flooded the fan.

  2. Isn't she pregnant? I wouldn't expect him to admit something like that anytime soon.

    1. Another woman who is 5 months pregnant came forward today. The shit's gonna hit that fan real soon...

  3. They just got married, so that's pretty fast or he's been consistently cheating on her.

  4. Anonymous7:06 AM

    With all the respect towards Kelly' s career, I don' t understand how such a "good lookin" bloke can cheat on her. forget about his face, not appealing at all. his tummy is horrible at his age. he looks like a lost leprechaun with no sex appeal and he is eager to cheat.. RIGHT.

  5. Celebrities tell their publicists what the ground rules are for what they say/don't say, and Kelly Clarkson has always been quiet about her personal life. Why be so skeptical about her silence now?

  6. (And he looks like a little hobbit. So NOT sex worthy, except for who his mama is)

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Yeah hobbit lol. couldn t find the word

  7. If its not true and thedirty is piece of shit website why even address it. Not everybody is at your level Ms. Enty and takes stuff as the truth from In Style, the Enquirer, the Sun etc.

  8. I've always liked her and just feel so bad that she just got married finally gets the baby she wanted and it's still not as much as she deserves. I hope it's not true. Poor girl

  9. Wtf would she say about it on the Voice? "That was a great song & BTW my hubby is totally not banging another chick."

  10. There is another story on the dirty from a new girl who is claiming to be pregnant by him.

  11. I just don't like him either. IIRC, he and his siblings have never really gotten along with Reba, and I'm Team Reba anyway, so...yeah.

    And he's not nearly as good-looking as his dad, whom I think IS pretty studly. Well-done, Reba. But, oh, Kelly...

    (We don't have any dirt on Reba, do we? She's good people like I've always thought, yes?)

  12. He is not attractive at all and seems like kind of a dick to boot. But I hope he's not cheating because Kelly's such a sweetheart and she deserves happiness even if she married a douche.

  13. My mom, sister and I were eating at Mr. Chow a few years ago and sat near Reba eating dinner with Tim Conway, carol Burnett and some others.

    Reba got up to use the restroom and we ordered my mom to follow. My mom walked into the bathroom and saw it was only one stall so she excused herself and waited outside. When Reba walked out my mom said 'it should say 'woman' room not 'women's' room.
    Reba said to my mom " you got that right!'

    Long story short, Reba's good people because she got sassy with my mom.
    The end.

  14. Little man syndrome, obviously. Ugh.

  15. I don't understand why people get married to immediately or continue sleeping with people other than the spouse, unless that's an aforementioned stipulation of the arrangement. Why bother? What benefit did he get marrying this lady? If he loves her, why would he hurt her by sleeping around? If he didn't love her, why propose?

  16. Wasn't he a cheater before he got with Kelly? Or am I confusing him with someone else?
    No matter, if this is true, I feel badly for Kelly.

  17. His first marriage broke up because he cheated. But that is neither here nor there. Scandal is only scandal when you give it the energy. Kelly has a history of just letting rumors die. The constant lesbian rumor, the rumors she was fucking Justin Guarini on idol etc. The only time she has ever commented is when it had to do with her career. Like the Clive Davis stuff.

  18. See, I thought Kelly likes girls? Anyone think this is a fauxmance complete with baby? No?

  19. Thank you, ethorne. You took the words right out of my fingers.

  20. Why does she have to comment? Its none of our business!!!! Maybe she wants to go thru this privately. Which is her choice, im fine with it.

  21. I called Brandon out on it on Twitter and he just provided a funny response and got retweeted by a bunch of people. I'll remember this when they separate.

  22. April, what'd he/you say?

  23. Lol hey april I mean brianne chantal the stalker obsessed with kelly and spreading these rumors.. he denied it. Post his quote and your article he clearly denied it

  24. Shit's gonna hit the fan is that why he is making fun of the conspiracy by stalker du jour?

    “@YouCantWin_1121: It's sad how low life's make up rumors about @BBlackstock” But it make for great reading while on the shitter:) lol

    CDAN I used to browse you years ago. I can't believe all the crap I thought was likely true.

    It is kind of sad people keep focusing on image. He is a little short for me but you can imagine why Kelly fell for him. Same personality. It is funny should he call out your rancid site the dirty, april? Why would he give a stalker more attention?
    “@aprilbathes: @BBlackstock @YouCantWin_1121 if only it was fake” No, me shitting is TRUE!

  25. Her backstory: here is her twitter not private atm - erased her vile comments perhaps?

    Karma, please catch up to the stalker. At least celebs can fight her, non famous people's reputations she ruined can't. The internet is littered with stories about her. Google and decide.

  26. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Limestone maybe she's a crazy stalker but right now you look like a Brandon/Kelly Stan. I guess since no one paid attention to your rant under Li you then hopped on blogger and picked Limestone. Your Twitter paragraph makes no sense.

  27. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Jesus Christ that's hilar that someone started a blog all about a stalker. Pot let me introduce you to kettle.

  28. Kelly is going to pretend she loves and supports her husband and believes every word he says…all the while working behind the scenes with the best divorce attorneys to kick his ass to the curb when she is good and ready. God. Clearly, with that run on sentence, it's obvious I've been reading this site way too long.
