Thursday, December 05, 2013

Kanye West In Trouble- Could Be Headed To Rehab Again- Slams Jewish People

You might not remember that Kanye West did that whole hiding out in Japan thing for a few months where we never heard a peep from him. That was great wasn't it? Blissful silence. He was in some kind of rehab or something approaching it. He needs to go again. Desperately. He went last time after continually losing it and coming close to the edge of destroying his entire career. He is at that point again. Currently his tour is losing millions of dollars a week. A tour is the lifeblood of any artist and in the landscape that makes money from record sales nearly impossible a tour is how you pay for those homes and keeping Kim Kardashian in crappy clothing. If your tour starts losing millions of dollars a week you suddenly find yourself worried that you will end up needing to live at Kris Jenner's place for a few months and the next thing you know you are Gavin Rossdale and haven't been able to get up off the couch in twenty years.

Kanye's ticket sales have been awful. He is averaging 50% ticket sales and that includes sellouts in bigger markets like Los Angeles. When your audiences don't even fill the floor seats and the rest of the arena is empty you are in big trouble. Promoters will stop booking you and won't want any part of your next tour. Your employees still need to get paid and the cost of the tour also keeps chugging along. To make matters worse Kanye has been slamming Jewish people every chance he gets this week and says they are controlling the world and that they have been angry at him for his remarks which is why his concert sales have been down.

No, your concert sales have been down because you are crazy, you keep canceling shows and you got involved with Kim Kardashian who no one takes seriously. Oh, and you are acting crazy. Did I mention he is acting crazy? Your childish ways have grown really old. It is just like GaGa and her costumes. It gets old. Maybe the two of you should combine tours like you were going to a few years ago and show some humility and you could sell out a show or two.


  1. Hysterical much, Enty-of-the-day?

  2. No one keeps these two in the news more than Enty.

  3. President Obama, whom I do not always agree with, called Kanye West 'a jackass.' On this question, I agree with the President.

  4. That's fucking awesome that Obama called him a jackass. Kanye West has a problem with everything. Black, white, human, plant, it doesn't matter, he will find a reason to trash talk. This shouldn't be shocking anymore.

    1. He's an equal opportunity hater!

  5. Kanye is an ass, simple as that. His antics do not hide the fact his product/music has been crap lately. His whinning and belly-aching are beyond old. Is anyone taking him seriously? And I think it's funny that KK has hooked her trailer to this rapidly falling star.

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I've never been a Kanye fan. But I keep reading he's a genius.

  7. He seriously needs to be evaluated for some type of unchecked mental illness.

    1. +1. He's the male Amanda Bynes. There is something mentally wrong with him.

  8. @Henriette, I agree. @Knockout Drop, he's like the Emperor's New Clothes. Everyone else believes everyone else think he's a genius.

  9. Perhaps this explains the mystery of "why" he hooked himself to the Kartrashians. If his personality has been resulting in lower sales, then perhaps the relationship was meant to provide positive publicity except whomever suggested it didn't take into account that Kim is not really liked that well either.

  10. So he will downsize and play smaller arenas hes not going away. It happens to most concert acts eventually.

    1. Sandybrook, he'll call it Unplugged and claim it's more intimate.

  11. It's so ironic that he did the song "Gold Digger."

  12. He's just digging that hole deeper and deeper

  13. I actually enjoyed his earlier work. But for the last few years, no thanks. He needs therapy. He hasn't been stable since his mother passed.

    Anyone else notice how being attached to the Kardashians brings others down? Reggie Bush, Kris Humphries, Lamar Odom, Bruce Jenner,etc.

    Miles Austin got out just in time. Scott Dissick is the only man benefiting from being associated with them.

  14. I hope this Enty runs into Rossdale on the street and Gavin kicks the shit of him/her/it. You're trying so hard to be clever, and witty, but you come off as a whining sniveling jealous shithead.
    Oh wait--I forgot Enty believes everything he reads and writes.

    1. @megley - amen. Rossdale does well touring with Bush, even if they aren't where they were 20 years ago.

  15. I read somewhere that his Kansas City concert had only 4,500 people in a stadium for 19,000.

  16. More like Miley and Kanye need to tour together. They're both so full of themselves and think they are oh so important. And I never checked the stats on how her tour was going but I know one of the radio stations here was recently talking about how they couldn't even give away any the tickets they had. The people even petitioned the station to stop playing her music. They finally agreed not to play any for 3 months.

  17. And his Tampa concert had 7,700 people where the capacity was 21,000.

    His tour is definitely tanking, and being a control freak, when things don't go his way he just gets crazier. I'm not expecting to see a Kalm Kanye any time soon.

  18. Baaaaa Haaaaaa Haaaaa!!

    He has been KURSED!

  19. Kanye's just not a national artist. I'm sure Beyoncé, Rhianna or Taylor Swift would be filling those arenas. Or Jay-Z. Probably still Eminem.

    I heard a great quote once suggesting that for a pop star to be successful, the audience has to want to 'be them or fuck them.' Beyoncé, Rhianna, Taylor, Jay-Z fit that pretty well. Eminem might be too old. But Kanye doesn't fit at all. Who would want to be him? Who would want to fuck him?

    At any rate, I'm dying to see what his many art-house defenders, some of them Jewish, say of Kanye's newest round of anti-Semitic comments. Jody Rosen of New York Magazine/, one of my least favorite writers, is a leader of the Kanye-is-God movement. I can't wait to see how Jody Rosen chronicles Kanye's collapse. I'm sure it will all be America's fault!

  20. Kanye needs to stop blaming everyone else for his problems and start looking inward. Like that's ever gonna happen!

  21. remember when this asshole's jaw was wired shut?
    ah. memories.

  22. I can't think of two people who deserve each other more than Kim and Kanye...

  23. I'm rejoicing at Kanye's slide. Now, please take the Kraptrashian bunch with you.

  24. I do like President Obama, I wish he would speak his mind more. Much like if The Princess Anne, or Princess Margaret were Queen, ears would have been scorched.

  25. Kim Kardashian in Krappy Klothing. There, fixed that for you.

  26. He sold less than 5,000 seats in a 19,000+ seat arena in Columbus. Enty speaks the truth. Kanye is in trouble.

  27. Anonymous9:17 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Scratch that. It was Kansas City. Don't know where I got Columbus from.

  29. I wouldn't say his career is tanking, but he's incredibly unlikeable, egotistical and constantly trying to dive head first into new ventures without seeing things through. He's been pitching DONDA to Silicon Valley investors and none are willing to bite because all he is really capable of is conceptualizing something, not execution.

    Plus Yeezus was shit. His first two albums were amazing, but everything since then has been more about stroking his own ego and talking about what a blessing he is to the world.

  30. I am a Jew, and I see nothing offensive with what he said. Ignorant yes, but not offensive.

    I am much more offended by the way he dresses Kim.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I used to like Kanye - I thought he had some really unique talent. And then he hooked up with Kim KarKrashian and it became apparent it was all just post-production enhancement, you know? I really lost all respect for him with the KarKrashian thing. At least Amber Rose wasn't a blathering idiot. Well, she may have been an idiot, but she was a mostly quiet idiot. Now that I think about it, she just had a kid with Whiz (I know, I know) Khalifa, so yeah, she's an idiot. But I digress.
    I keep hearing Kim say,"KAN-YAY" in that nasal Valley voice of hers. It kind of makes my ears bleed.

    1. Yes robot, all of krapers have awful, thin, reedy, whiny voices. And they are so ignorant and stupud!!!!!!! Its really appalling.

  33. Just that he is so argumentative and biased shows hes got problems. He doesnt need rehab so much as psychological help. And i dont think kraptrashians drag anyone down; the men u listed were already slightly moronic when they were scooped up. In other words, dont blame kim because Kanye blows.

    1. "Don't blame Kim because Kanye blows"-Hahahahahahahaha! Perfect!

    2. @ethorne- truer words have never been spoken!

  34. Some of his earlier work was good, great videos and great songs, Golddigger is a classic. He was different and unique but it all went to his already overblown ego.

    I know he isn't a rapper per se but you notice even Jay Z or Eminem co-headline tours with other people or together even. Usually a bunch of rapper/singers and singers tour together because few rappers can fill a large arena alone. I read this in Billboard a few years ago and I could see it.

  35. @parissucksliterally - I'm Jewish too. We should totally hook up.


  36. What a bunch of racists you all are. You'll never be a third as talented as Kanye West. Nowhere near it. I say that in all seriousness. Jay-Z's last album was garbage, Kanyes was really great. Haters gon hate, I guess.

  37. There is no one thing I don't like about this post. this information makes me very happy.

  38. i dont thnk kim is his downfall, he wouldve went this way anyway. Shes just along for the ride and whatever money she can get. She'll leave him soon as he loses "star power". She'll lead him to his death and make money off his demise.

  39. Kanye's problem is that he was placed on a planet full of people who do not recognize his genius and bow down to it. It's all our fault, people. We're not worthy!

  40. From what I've read, a 50% turn out is huge, he's not even filling 30% of most venues and I think that's the reason he's flipping out, because at the end of the tour it's very possible no one will have made money but they will all be much poorer. No one makes money from CD sales anymore, it's all about the touring and he's losing loads of his cash. He's the reason it's happening and of course not understanding how much the general public hates the Kardtrashian's and it's hurt him financially plus I'm sure she makes him give her large sums of cash for sex, the baby, and whatever else she can pick out of him. He's stupid and done this to himself and now he's having a real public mental crisis over what would have been obvious to anyone else on the planet. He's got dirtbag rubbed all over him now, and it's not going to wash off.
