Friday, December 06, 2013

Justin Bieber Detained By Australian Police - Insults Them

It was not exactly sugart*ts, but Justin Bieber did call a female police officer a "female vagina" when he was being searched for drugs back on November 24th. Justin and his crew were suspected of having drugs with them so Australian Customs detained the group for two hours. Nothing was found but Justin was not happy that he was missing out on hookers and graffiti so constantly harassed the officers during their look for drugs.

Bieber is such a d**k. Plain and simple. He is an a-hole and someday there will be some comeuppance for the guy and he will discover that maybe he shouldn't have burned as many bridges and that in a few years no one is going to like him and they will tell him to his face how stupid his diaper pants are. Gone will be the bodyguards and he will mouth off and get beat up. Gone will be any trace of common sense and he will get arrested for a long list of crimes. Not DMX long, but long enough where he will look like an idiot. He will keep covering his body in progressively more ridiculous tattoos.


  1. Just ugh. Ugh. I have an irrational dislike of this person.

    1. No, my hatred of this tiny asshole is perfectly rational.
      He's the worst thing produced in Canada since Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka, both of whom are murderers!

    2. Dont fret reno and enty, these people do get theirs, and they make not only those around them, but themselves,truly miserable,depressed and angry in the process. Things work themselves out. What is done in the darkness,SHALL come to light.

  2. Hopefully it will not take a few years for him to be gone. I have to say I was please to see as I was scrolling for new music, that his latest was #80. Gone are the days that every release is top 10. Downward sliding has commenced.

  3. At least he didn't call her a male vagina.

  4. I'm insulted he didn't threaten to murder that vagina.

  5. Not a fan either, but if Australian Customs detained and searched his entire troupe for hours on suspicion of having drugs and came up 100% empty, then they did arbitrarily target them for no good reason. I wouldn't call them names because it's not my style, but I'm not an impatient 19 year old. I would however be royally pissed.

    1. Maybe the point was to show him, before he entered the country, that he wouldn't get Hollywood justice in Australia and that he'd better behave.

      Also given his tweeted antics, detaining Mr Beiber and his crew isn't arbitrary at all - they are always trying to up-cred based on lot smokage.

      Please stop making me defend the police ;)

  6. I'm insulted that you've made me think of him murdering a vagina!

    1. Sorry for the mental image Rhysie!

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  8. As opposed to what, a male vagina? Moron...

  9. 2 hours to search some drugs in their luggages??? i understand he was angry!

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  11. We didn't like him ever! His fan base is quickly maturing, & he doesn't see it coming.

  12. Lil Dickhead was right to be pissed and wrong to mouth off. He has a lot to learn about "carrying himself as a man" as he once put it.

  13. He is going down faster than I thought. It's such a shame because he really is very talented. All his antics also reflect on what an asshole Selena must be too, she dated him for a couple years.

  14. Is Australia known for its hookers?

  15. Here in the UK, they show a Australian series, 'Nothing to Declare' which is a fly-on-the-wall type show following what customs there do.

    After watching hours of this show hung over on a Saturday morning, I am not surprised they came down like that on him. It's usual. They swab EVERYTHING for drugs. 2 hours doesn't seem like a lot. They keep people longer than 2 hours when they try to bring in food!

    In a related note, Bieber is a complete andd utter little cock head. I see him turning into the next Corey Feldman.

  16. @FSP, you know it, baby!

    @JSierra, I've thought the same thing. The boy taught himself how to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet, and has won tons of awards. He's flushing all of it down the toilet by acting like the spoiled toddler he's becoming.

    Oh, and Selena is all kinds of mad at Justin right now for kissing a blonde in his video.

  17. His 15 minutes are almost up.

  18. I have a feeling that he used C You Next Tuesday instead of female vagine. I think this enty doesn't want to curse. JB is enough of a dipshit & thinks highly enough to call a law enforcement officer a c you next tuesday and think he can get away with it.

    JB is a known drug user. They probably swiped his bags or had dogs sniff it and something popped up. Which is why they were held and searched. He's lucky they didn't strip search him. Rather they're lucky they didn't.

  19. Corey Feldman would go back to blowing producers to have one tenth the money Beiber has.

  20. Congratulations, Justin's mom. You must be sooooo proud.

  21. sifichick, never heard the C You Next Tuesday catch phrase reference before, ha. They subjected a suspected casual user to what they typically subject drug smugglers to attempting to make a name for themselves. It was an abuse of authority. I hope this made Australian newspapers anyway to show taxpayers how their money is being monumentally wasted by the government for spurious vanity reasons.

  22. If he tried that crap with a US customs guard homeboy be in jail right now.

    How is it an abuse of authority when this idiot kid makes his drug usage obvious and you know the attitude of this guy and his entourage he deserved.

    I never get the waste of tax payer's money argument in this situation. There are just as many custom agents on duty as there would be on any other day. There are always a few people they check out thoroughly for various reasons and sometimes it pans out and sometimes it doesn't and just because they didn't find anything doesn't mean there wasn't something going on illegal. I somehow doubt a major smuggler got by because they were giving Bieber the business.

  23. Tina, the length of the detainment and intrusiveness of the search WITHOUT PROBABLE CAUSE is inexcusable.

  24. Um, no. That is not rational hatred. Til he's drugged, raped and murdered people, he's not on the same level as Karla and Bernardo. SMH

  25. Beeny Bum they have a similar show in Canada out of Vancouver airport or at least the one whole episode I saw was from Vancouver, now BC is known for its fine herbal crops and I was too shocked at how tough they were on people.

    Now this is a reality show and the TV itself may influence these border cops and they are only going to put the good stuff on TV but I did not know for example if you have a criminal record in the US you can't even be sailing in Canadian waters.

    There was a couple just come back from a music festival in the US and they went through all their stuff with a fine tooth comb and tested for residue and they got a hit for cocaine residue and the couple said hey we were at a music festival we do not have cocaine we did not do any cocaine at the music festival but they kept badgering them and I thought if they don't have any cocaine in their possession what difference does it make if they DID snort cocaine at the music festival - that was on US soil US jurisdiction NOYB. They finally let them go.

  26. Well elan that probably means that customs guards are doing to that to thousands of people every day and not just because they are a famous known drug user.

  27. Tina, apparently you think living in a gestapo-type police state is necessary to maintain order. I grew up with the Constituion of the US and believe otherwise, so let's just agree to disagree on the government's conduct in this situation.

  28. Iceberg, my point is that the leap from being a casual user to actually smuggling drugs into a foreign country is a huge one to make. A quick cursory encounter with drug sniffing dogs is all that was called for. Instead, they were treated like drug smugglers with secret sniff proof compartments hidden somewhere. Ridiculous and over the top behavior by over zealous agents hoping to make a name for themselves while real smugglers could have easily walked right through while they were preoccupied with bullshit.

  29. I detest this little punk and can't wait for the day he ends up a has-been like Vanilla Ice or Leif Garrett (the latter was actually a decent person), but to be fair, he has a little good in him. Kills me to admit it, too:

  30. Oh, and he shouldn't have been detained. I think the most they're using is pot or codeine. An intrusive police state scares me much more than illegal drugs. Prescription drugs are another story (kidding..sort of).

  31. Thank you MadLyb, "An intrusive police state scares me much more than illegal drugs." I think personal dislike for Bieber is preventing some from seeing the real problem here.

  32. The only thing worse than Bieber in harem pants was a couple of weeks ago when I went to see Nine Inch Nails play and Trent Reznor was wearing them. At which point I knew Trent had jumped the shark in his quest to remain edgy. 50 year-old men, no matter how awesome, should never dress like 19 year-olds.

  33. this kid obviously takes no counsel, so it's going to be a case of crash and burn. such a shame bc he didn't start out that way. he needs to get it together bc he's already pretty expensive to insure, and i can tell you for fact the rate went up after the EUR and LatAm dates. scooter's a damn fool if he doesn't implement the same cog/wheel testing system the other a-list tours currently abroad use.

  34. Apparently one of his bouncers was caught possessing drugs and has to face court in Australia. So probably a fair call by customs.

  35. Border Security is the best show!!!

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  37. Ooooo Haverchuck, The Enties brand new fake 'reader support' account, so new I was the first to view it's profile.

    And umm no. There were NO drugs found. The guy had a disposable vaporizer which had residue in it, he was given a ticket and released, and a lawyer paid the fine for him.

    Making shit up like The Enties do is a dead giveaway you are one of them.

  38. Justin Credible/Aldo Montoya tells a great story of nutsacking an 8ball into Kuwait for Shawn Michaels. WWF's live show there was such a huge deal theywerent checked, but he was scared shitless.

  39. @sean So, the numerous articles saying the drugs sniffing dogs found weed on the bodyguard must be working for Enty as well?

  40. Well, the article doesn't say Justin got fed up and mad after being detained for two hours, it says he "constantly harassed the officers during their look for drugs" which means he probably started mouthing off to them right after they took him aside.

    He is such spoiled twerp and I think he's gonna end up like MC Hammer, by which I mean, flat broke. I think he'll be very surprised by how much less bullshit people put up with from him then.

  41. LovelyCoconuts, what I recounted is exactly what happened:

    There were NO drugs found. The guy had a disposable vaporizer which had residue in it, he was given a ticket and released, and a lawyer paid the fine for him.

    I actually found that information in an article like you described. The article was titled "Justin Bieber detained in Australia after customs agents find drugs on member of his entourage". It's used as a hook to draw readers in, but upon closer inspection, like reading the fine print at the very bottom of the pages on this website, all is not as it appears.

    1. You sound like your a publicist or co$er.

  42. Sean I'm a first time commenter, and probably a last time too. I live in Australia and was just commenting on an official AFP statement as published in one of our newspapers

    1. Haverchuck - you got to let comments roll off your back. A lot of morons hear citing inaccurate info and conspiracy theories all the time.

    2. Thanks texas, I've been lurking long enough to know there's plenty of nastiness on here at times. Maybe I should just be proud of the fact I've been accused of being an Enty from a first time comment! I'll just engage with the lovely ones, I've been lurking long enough to know who you all are too :)

    3. Haverchuck - as you have probably observed I say plenty of dumb shit on here and occasionally get slammed and sometimes slam. I also sometimes realize I deserved to get slammed. You just can't let it scare you off - most people forget stuff a week later and you may end having positive interactions with the same people on another topic.

    4. Second pretty much everything texas rose said, and adding a welcome, Haverchuck :)

      Hang around, it'll be good to see more 's' than 'z' spellings exerciSed on the board ;)

    5. Welcome to Haverchuck too, and agree with Texas. Pay them no mind.

  43. I think we all know what really happened - the biebs was trying to provoke the female cop hoping she would use her baton on him in a strapon fashion. He probably hadn't been pegged in a little while.

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  45. @elan

    They don't NEED probable cause to search for drugs. They're in the airport. Everyone is subject to random searches and testing, it's just the way it is. We have a unique ecosystem and thus customs has to be extremely rigorous to not let in anything that could be potentially dangerous. This includes many foods, types of wood, and of course drugs.
    Because of this, checks for overseas flights can be fairly lengthy.

    It's just how it is here, just like in the US you need to factor the very invasive body searches into your schedule.

    I'm not saying that profiling is okay because it's not, but if they did swipe tests and they were positive they had every right to search through their bags. Even if there was profiling going on (he's a white male Canadian so I'm not really sure why it would be profiling), they were completely acting within the scope of the law.

    Nobody deserves to be abused just for doing their damn job. Also, as an Australian tax payer I'm more than happy for my tax dollars to be spent ensuring nothing is smuggled into or out of the country.

  46. Duck's back, haverchuck. Anna Katherine, you been watching some Hobbit lately?

  47. Let's try to make a pact to never comment whatsoever on Justin Beiber. It's valuable time that one can never get back. #swirlthedrain

  48. Goodnight, I'm astonished at the few in this column like yourself who go so far out of their way to rationalize utterly unnecessary and extreme intrusiveness by the government. All I'll say is wait until YOU'RE on the receiving end some day, gawd forbid.

    You know, much to their bitter regret, the post World War I Germans enthusiastically applauded Hitler and turned a blind eye to his increasingly invasive tactics too..

  49. And we can all breathe easier, feel safer, and sleep much better knowing that Justin Bieber didn't pack a joint or two to smoke while he was in Australia.
    The peace of mind that comes from that can only be bought by the government with tax dollars, yessir.

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  53. The Australian media is reporting that Bieber's PA, Terrence Smalls got busted with pot at Brisbane Airport, Australia. Apparently this was the same incident where Bieber thought it appropriate to swear at a Police Officer.

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  55. somebody here comparing world war 1 to what happened to bieber. did you realise that you just insulted all the people who died in that war?! bieber is flat out obnoxious! he LIP-SYNC's his performances and he's like a kanye west in the making.
