Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Charlie Sheen Is On A Bender For The Ages - Went Ring Shopping

It is remarkable that one man can do so many drugs and still be alive. Even at some point Keith Richards has to stand in awe of Charlie Sheen and the amount of drugs one person can ingest into their system and still live. According to the one or two people Charlie still has close to him after firing everyone else, Charlie is on a bender which exceeds not only his famous Two And A half Men bender but also the NYC Plaza bender and that the past two weeks have been the most he has used in years and years.

To make matters worse he did fire those closest to him and has decided that his current girlfriend should replace them. Yeah, sounds logical to put a porn star in charge of your finances and your career. After all she has been nominated for an AVN so she must know everything. Apparently she is also earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a month from Charlie and she wants to make their agreement formal with her taking a percentage of his earnings in return for her help. Yep. Oh, and also she would like to get married and have a baby as soon as possible. A friend she saw this week says that she is already trying to get pregnant. That would mean they are having unprotected sex which would make me horrified. Welcome to Charlie's world.


  1. Isn't he snipped yet?

  2. Happy birthday Keith!

  3. You heard me Enty, you really really did!
    Now THIS is what I'm talking about

  4. Dementia brought on by drugs. How come I feel like someone is going to end up dead here and it probably won't be him.

    1. He'd better hang on, I didn't put him on my 2013 Dead Pool list. C'mon Carlos, stick it out til Jan 1st!

  5. He looks like he smells.

    I have other thoughts, but I can't ruin this gorgeous morning with passing judgement on these people.

  6. I swear he made a deal with the devil and is the new antichrist.

  7. According to an article Michael K listed last night on the D, she's telling people they are going to be married soon.
    Rumor is that she also is the reason that he went off on Denise (who has made it clear that he is wrong and welcome to join them for Christmas)
    She's got a hold on him for sure and I think Sherry is correct. She doesn't know what she's dealing with.

  8. He is having unprotected sex with a lady who earns her salary having unprotected sex? Shocker.

  9. This is NOT gonna end well. That's or he will live forever because all of his drug taking, has preserved him in some freaky chemical way. Kinda like a Twinkie.

  10. Denise Richards tweeted thank you to me after I wrote how much I admired her for putting up with crazies and bullshit. Lol sweet!

  11. Molly that/she is sweet!! Yeah, this trick is leading him around by the peen alright. And those two having a baby? With all the drugs and past unprotected sex in both their lives?? This kid will come out with three heads!!! If this porn queen or whatever he calls her is smart, which, yeah I know, but if she were, look at charlie and brookes twins. She may end up with special needs child and i highly doubt she is prepared for that.

  12. I'm amazed he can even get it up anymore with all those drugs he takes let alone emit sperm that are capable of fertilizing an egg.

  13. THiS is good gossip we all can enjoy! Thanks Enty!! Wouldn't having unprotected sex with Charlie effect her work in porn? Wouldn't that now cause a scare as bad as the HIV scare???

  14. I think the trick feels confident enough that she won't have to go back into porn industry once she's secured her income from Coke Daddy. If she gets pregnant, regardless if it's Charlie or not but will claim it's his, she'll be set for life, or so she thinks.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. So I'm figuring Denise nixed the family vacation cuz Charlie wanted to bring along the porn whore. Not Winning, you schmuck jackass!

  17. He showed what a true scumbag he is by going off on Denise. She's the only loving parent his twins have ever known.

  18. Just to clarify. Not everyone named Charlie rolls like this. Me... I'm pure as the wind driven snow.

    1. @ Charlie
      Of course you are ;-)

  19. FX is promoting this crackpot for a dollar and its horrible. Wheres the line. Of coarse he doesnt give a shit, hes never had any consequences, they just throw more money at him.

  20. This won't end good for this gal. Let's just hope he doesn't have any weapons with him this time.

  21. Oh little porn girl.. you play with bad men, bad things happen to you.

  22. Auntliddy, I was thinking the same thing, how messed up any children from that union would be. Poor kid would be more disease than human.

    Y'all know those stuffed animals they make shaped like different germs? Charlie, that's your next child, a human-sized STD.

  23. Brooke must be thanking her lucky stars that Brett is taking some of the evil limelight off her... Charlie, too... If there ever was a case of the state / gov needing the right to sterilize, I think this would be it. Seriously, next time he is headed to jail, facing contempt, whatever, he should be snipped, his marriage rights revoked ... Put under constant psychiatric care. He is just not right when off his psych meds and on the street drugs and hookers...

  24. If she was decent she would try to get Charlie cleaned up and instead of having a child, raise the two who have been thrown away at age 4. Another dirty whore, who's only interest is parting Charlie from his money and being Brooke Junior. Nice going Charlie, you aren't stupid, snap out of it!
