Saturday, December 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

May 1, 2008

#2 - Want to know what makes a great assistant? When your married B+ film actress but better known for a great television role drops her stash on the ground outside the airport, and the assistant doesn't even miss a beat, swoops down to the ground and drops inside her own purse. Must have been one hell of a party they had before they went through security. Unless they the assistant tried to get it through? That would be an assistant worthy of a hall of fame. Trouble is her boss is so mean, she probably wouldn't even share.

Jaime Pressly


  1. She kinda dropped off the face of the earth since her show went off the if only some others would follow suit...Linds, Beebs

  2. This is classic real Enty writing. You sort of understand, but he drapes layers of uncertainy over it all....

  3. Too bad about Jaime. She had it all for a brief moment. I live around where she grew up and know her background. :(

  4. am I only one that confuses her with Jaime King??? I thought Pressley was on that crappy Heart of Dixie show

  5. Jaime Pressley is the one from My Name is Earl? I loved her on that show, but have never seen her on anything else.

    @Reno, what's her background? Like rags to riches?

  6. loved her on my name is earl and the jerry springer movie. She has a distinct voice, and i know im crazy but i think its hot. Hell i think shes hot period

  7. um theres a Jerry Springer movie?!

  8. Isn't she the one who bitched about the Mexican-American hotel worker and used a racial slur when doing so? There was a blind about it years ago and I think it was revealed...can't quite remember.

  9. yes there is @derek and its so awful its good. Trashy goodness

  10. she was in 2 1/2 men last season. she's one ugly broad with those alien eyes.

  11. I remember that movie. Ringmaster I think it was called.
    Her character was fooling around with her mom's bf every time her back was turned.
    Funny trashy movie.

  12. I like Jaime Pressley too. She's another NC girl made good.

  13. Ah Joy is mean in real life too? I guess it was perfect casting.

  14. The real question is, who was the 2008 Enty and why am I still here after all these years? I didn't understand most of what he/she wrote back then even more so in 2013. I would kill to know the authoring history of this blog. Well, not kill. Maim a little.

  15. @MadLyb - I really believe it was mostly Real Enty up until about a year, maybe a year and a half ago? He may have had an occasional stand in at time (cue the Jax haters).... After that, things just got weird, so obvious it wasn't him. I think he sold the site. I wish I knew the story of what happened, I would really love the opportunity to wish him well.

  16. So the stash in the purse crazy Planet of the Apes chick, (not googling her name) stole probably was hers, huh?

  17. I think all that time when the site was being spammed by "trolls" that was actually the real enty who somehow got pushed out of the company. The writing and style of posts really changed after that fiasco earlier this year.

  18. Anonymous7:05 AM

    poor crab man
