Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 25, 2013

This actress was almost A list at one point. Mostly movies. It feels like she has been around forever, and she has, but when she first started working she worked all the time and now just works enough to let her keep doing things that interest her. Lots of things interest her. She says she loves helping people because she has been the victim so many times in her past. Her name recognition is high. Close to A list. Her status on the acting list though is probably C. She once documented an abusive relationship she had with a then A list celebrity who beat her frequently and verbally abused her too. She said that was the only kind of relationship she knew for a long time. Prior to that relationship before she got a break in a very very popular movie that broke the careers of a number of stars, she used to date a guy who was on the edge of the law and always in trouble. He got into some trouble with some very bad people and they decided to make him pay by taking his girlfriend - our actress. She says that she was kidnapped and sexually assaulted for several days and that she feared for her life because she overheard the men talking about leaving no witnesses and she knew what they looked like. On the second night she had been taken, she says they finished with her early and left to go out and to collect on some other debts and they forgot to lock everything and she escaped. She left the town and never returned and said that for years she thought they would come for her at any time and that she was going to end up dead. This will be revealed.

Daryl Hannah


  1. I said it then and I'll say it again. Malarkey!

  2. She's a drama queen. Used to claim Jackson Browne cuffed her around.

  3. Insane rape fantasies for $300, Alex.

  4. I hate that Jackson Browne is like that.

  5. Well, I wonder if the A list celebrity was JFK Jr and the guy on the edge of the law was Jackson Browne? She was with JB for years.

  6. Was the movie Splash? Tom Hanks, John Candy, Eugene Levy. Damn I love that movie.

    1. You are either really young, not too bright, or trolling.

      I am sick of the VIPBlonde imitators T. W.

    2. T.W. Reno is none of those things, including an imitator. What's your damage, Heather?

    3. @"T. W." - is that you, Wendy Davis? Did you get a fresh new account for Christmas?

    4. You're a few days behind jackass. I've been on this site way longer than the lovely VIP.

  7. @Brenda L that does not match the time line. JB and JFK Jr was def post Bladerunner. Kidnap/rape happened before she was famous.

  8. I thought that JB is the abusive ex and someone else would be the one she was involved with around SPLASH-time who would have gotten her kidnapped (according to this story, anyway). I simply don't believe that JFK Jr. was abusive to her; if anything, he was her knight after the crapweasel that was JB.

  9. Assaulted for several days, but escaped on the second day? Come on. As I said before, the summer E-terns were shit. That is what you get when a Federal judge says interns are not employees, so not protected from sexual harassment. Qualifications go out the window, and hiring is based on fuckability.

  10. Yeah, what's the movie that broke careers? Tom Hanks is official A list.

    I remember reading somewhere that she said her career basically tanked because she was emotionally and physically abused, and couldn't handle celeb life on top of dealing with therapy issues.

  11. JFK Jr was a fan of mental/cokey broads, so I would imagine he was into some deviant shit.

  12. Its a wild story but not unbelievable. Imo.

  13. Yeah, I think JFK Jr was the love of her life.
    Sad when they broke up. Jackson Browne was the beater. The other guy is probably someone we haven't heard of since it said she 'left town'. I take that to mean her hometown? She's from Chicago.

  14. 7 I think he meant made stars, helped them 'break out'.
    Like Ron Howard getting respect as an actor, Hanks moving successfully to the big screen,Darryl being seen as this out of nowhere sex symbol etc etc.

    I can see where it can be read like 'killed careers' but flipping it around actually makes sense. Though it's no secret she was slapped around by Browne, since she mentioned it more than once in interviews.

  15. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/features/3635215/Daryl-Hannah-I-hated-being-young.html

    according to this interview,the guy would be jackson browne

  16. err..Ron Howard getting respect as a director, that is.

  17. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Believe she was abused, the extent of it....she's autistic, so an easy victim

  18. @Bacon, that definitely makes more sense. I took it too literally!

  19. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/69938/browne-prevails-in-defamation-disputes

    according to this interview, Daryl Hannah is a drama queen

    http://home.comcast.net/~leslienoelani/TNI.html according to this,Browne didn't beat Daryl Hanna

  20. If she is from Chicago, it makes this more believable, bogus timeline aside. Chicago is still probably the most mob controlled city in the country. Rumor was Gov Blogo used to have to pay a street tax to the Chicago wise guys.

    1. Sorry Count, but NYC is way more mobbed up than Chicago.
      The feds have pretty much destroyed The Outfit. All it is now are a bunch of mostly retired old men & few younger ones that are brainless.
      Only a few trucking companies are controlled, whereas in NYC, the entire private garbage pickup business, [the carting companies] & most of the concrete suppliers are mob run.

  21. Jackson Browne's career certainly tanked. He's not the sort of man women fantasize about being knocked around by. Clark Gable, yes, and I'm sure there's some more modern equivalent. Christian Grey? At any rate, Jackson Browne fantasies are soft, poetry-writing fantasies, not hot, hard sex.

  22. I should explain that I mean voluntarily knocked around, in a Scarlett Johansen sort of way, not involuntary domestic violence.

  23. The breakout movie was Bladreunner. Splash came out 2 years later. It was Sean Young's big break too.

  24. I was thinking the same thing Count, as far as it more believable. Hell, I would travel as far away as possible, too. It doesn't say that ex was famous.
    Though you're right on the wording.

  25. Anna Belle - what she is? I never heard that.

    I believe her far more than Browne, he was hugely popular at the time and had more clout, and could easily have smeared it.

    7 - I puzzled over that too, took me a sec to decipher it. I guess as in "broke out.'

    I don't believe JFK JR was abusive. I read they broke up cause she was such a slob!

  26. off topic but I never saw how she was considered a great beauty. I think she looks like a dude

  27. Msgirl she falls on the aspergers end of the spectrum. Hope this one isn't true.

  28. @Msgirl, it was my understanding that Jackie Kennedy didn't like Daryl and didn't think she was an appropriate Kennedy wife.

  29. A 2007 reference to Daryl Hannah's saying she'd been kidnapped: http://eco-chick.com/2007/01/682/daryl-hannahs-work-is-true-beauty/

  30. @nutty_flavor This


    also kind of pissed Jackie off

  31. Can't blame them Kennedy women for being bitter toward Hollywood broads, they were all cheated on with Hollywood broads.

  32. @Flora, don't you think that was a pre-Photoshop cut-and-paste job? I can't imagine Daryl would pose for it.

  33. Back on the Jackson Browne topic, it always interested me that his contemporary James Taylor had a much longer career than Browne, although Taylor has wrestled with psychiatric problems and, like Browne, has been accused of domestic abuse.

    I think James Taylor's songs are just better. I can name - and sing- several of them (Handyman, Fire and Rain, How Sweet it Is, Up on the Roof, You've got a Friend...) and can remember just one of Browne's, Running on Empty.

    1. Don't forget the classic "Is She Really Going Out With Him", Nutty! Piano bar staple

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Dang it, Melanie and AKM, you guys are right! I no longer have a dog in this fight, carry on without me.

  34. JFK Jr. ended it because Jackie didn't approve of Daryl,
    but I have always thought if he married Daryl instead of the climber he did marry he'd still be alive..

  35. @nutty_flavor I am pretty sure that was her. She has never denied it.

    I think whoever wrote that blind embellished the story.

    This is the only reference I could find to "kidnapping":


    "A teenager at the time, she lied to her mother about where she was going, left Los Angeles and went with six other girls to Sin City. Once she got there, she got a creepy vibe, especially after one of the girls at the hotel where they were staying -- under the watchful eye of several "sleazy guys," as Hannah put it --- said she'd been kept there for a year, but had no money to leave.

    So Hannah, who was 17, tried to leave by telling the guys she was only 15, thinking they'd find her too young. But that made them want her even more, she told us. Long story short, Hannah said, she called her mom and fessed up that she was in Vegas. Her mom booked her a ticket back to L.A. while Hannah and another girl escaped out a bathroom window.

    "I can't tell you for sure 100 percent that it was a trafficking ring. But it had all the earmarks for sure," she said."

  36. I've read that as well, JSierra. Apparently she didn't even speak for the first several years of her life, I think?

    I also remember reading once (in STAR magazine, back when it was good) that she and her sister Paige have genetic issues where they simply can't keep weight on. Apparently they cram in doughnuts, pizza, hot dogs, and beer, and still can't gain.

    Her family also has Chicago money, IIRC...stepfather, I believe?

  37. And yep to the stories of JBKO nixing the relationship. Remember when he briefly dated Madonna?! Same thing. Can't say that I blame her...blond actresses? Too close to home.

    AND, if you'll recall, JFK Jr. himself even considered taking acting classes in college and Jackie basically said NFW.

  38. Neither JFK Jr nor his sister are very bright. It took him 3 times and special considerations to pass the NY Bar Exam and she "Ummmm....Ahhh"ed her way out of being gifted a Senate seat from NY. Instead they eventually gave her an ambassador job to keep her out of the news and glad hand people.

    1. Count, not sure how many times it took you to pass your CPA exam but the NY Bar is difficult to pass. Many people take multiple times. I had a friend who took the CA Bar three times and just gave up and he was very smart.

  39. why compare jackson browne to james taylor? or anyone? i'm a huge JB fan. he wrote great songs. he's a brilliant songwriter. and he's still recording so he's not washed up.

    i do believe he beat her up.

  40. Down on the Boulevard I hit Daryl hard...

    Caroline and her brother were morons. Just like all the offspring of the Kennedys.

  41. Disagree about Caroline being dumb. Supposed Jr was ADHD which made him appear dumb because he bounced from one subject to another

    Oh yeah that makes sense about Jackie. But I think Daryl wasn't like that, who knows what would have happened if they stayed together.hey I just read there's a conspiracy theory that Onassis was involved in the assassination. That's a weird one.

  42. @msgirl


    The theory was Bobby's assassination. It's in the book linked above.

  43. @msgirl: Did you hear Caroline try to speak and answer Questions when she was the hot name to be appointed to the Senate? If that aint dumb, then it is embarrassingly clueless.

  44. Count, that is what I was citing, completely inarticulate and had that "tax issue" Illegal nanny.

  45. Not making light of what she went through. I HATE abuse in any shape or form . But if this blind is true its oh so juicy. Probably the juiciest I've read thus far.

  46. Caroline was not dumb, she passed the bar the first time she took it. Maybe she's not a speaker.

  47. We can agree to disagree, Becca. I have seen the influence wane all over NYC, not just Italians, but organized crime over all.

    @TTM: OK, then I will stick with embarrassingly clueless. The interviews were worse than the Palin dolt trying to answer questions.

  48. Sherry: Was he allowed to take it the third time alone, unmonitored and untimed, in a library?

  49. ("Is She Really Going Out With Him" is Joe Jackson.)

  50. Flora, thanks for the correction, gotta read up on that. And Jackie marries him?

    Count, I missed that. Hmmm,

  51. Ha! It's funny when we think that someone else did some song. Like when I was little...I thought "Year of the Cat" was John Lennon.

  52. I once almost came to blows (not really, but you know) about Bob Seger and the song "We've Got Tonight". I was wrong again! We didn't have the google back when I was haunting piano bars

  53. I went to school with Daryl in Chicago - total textbook Drama Queen - and not at all inventive.

    1. Whoops sorry Phillipa, missed your comment - Chicago doesn't quite register as a pissant empty town :)

  54. I *think* that Darryl Hannah's the actor that bought the pissant town she came from and just left it standing, empty. Possible association?

  55. I thought Jackie O broke-up the romance between JFKjr and Hannah. JFK jr didn't even get married until his mother died.

  56. @msgirl I forget exactly how it all went. It's been a while since I've read the book. This explains it a bit.


  57. Jackson Brown was the abuser, Dodi Fayed was the person with all the enemies.

  58. Thank you to all the men and women saying she is delusional - you are the reason most rape victims and victims of domestic abuse won't come forward. I hope you feel really good about that.

  59. Daryl Hannah has described before what she said was an escape from sexual slavery, that she was convinced if she hadn't escaped -- something near an airport, or even on the runway leading up to a private plane -- she would never have been heard from again.

  60. If I remember, she comes from money in Chicago through her step father. She left and came out to LA very young so I can see her getting mixed up in some bad stuff.

    MISCH - you're right about that. I remember rearing a story about JFK, Jr and the wife having a vicious fight on a plane where she said "we waited until your mother died to get married and we're waiting until my mother is dead to get divorced". The public plane spat was supposedly the reason he took up flying.

    And JackieO absolutely did not want him with an actress. He did some theater in college and reportedly was promising, showed talent but there was no way she'd let him pursue that as a career.

  61. Let's not forget that Jackson Browne hit Joni Mitchell when they were dating.it was chronicled in the book "Girls Like Us."

  62. Ah, the young ones are commenting. Remember Jackson Browne's first wife? Committed suicide and there were plenty of rumors of domestic violence in that relationship and in the DH one as well. As for Caroline Kennedy, the Radcliffe and Columbia Law grad is no idiot-- I suggest you read her book on the Bill of Rights. I interviewed her after it came out-- she was painfully shy and said she was going to have to get over it if she was going to have any sort of public life. And her brother did want to be an actor at one time, but Mama wouldn't hear of it. (My words-- not hers. We only talked about her book. )

  63. I think James Taylor's songs are just better. I can name - and sing- several of them (Handyman, Fire and Rain, How Sweet it Is, Up on the Roof, You've got a Friend...)
    James Taylor didn't write most of these songs. They're covers. "How Sweet It Is" was originally done by Marvin Gaye. "Up on the Roof" was sung by the Drifters (Not sure who the lead was then) and written by Carole King and Gerry Goffin. "You've Got A Friend" was originally recorded & written by Carole King. "Handy Man" was originally sung by Jimmy Jones in 1960! "Fire and Rain" seems to be the only one that is original to Taylor.

    Otherwise totally enjoying the conversation.

  64. Your forgetting she starred in a movie with the "Ma Sheen" when he was at his peak; I'm sure at that point he could be an even purer form of evil than he is now.

  65. @NuttyFlavor
    What about "Somebody's Baby" from Fast Times at Ridgemont High? It had the coolest opening piano solo, and it was his biggest hit.

  66. David Duchovny (sp) went to school with JFKjr. They went to the same elite prep schools. I have a friend who went to school with JFKjr. My friend said he was very nice, but not too bright like an Afghan hound.

  67. Ditto, MadLyb. JB has a documented history of DV, as others have mentioned. I don't even like to listen to his music because of it.

    Alita, that was Kim Basinger. Bought Braselton, GA.

    "What about 'Somebody's Baby' from Fast Times at Ridgemont High? It had the coolest opening piano solo, and it was his biggest hit."

    Isn't it actually an organ or a synthesizer? Splitting hairs, I guess, but still.

  68. Yeah, no. Well, semi-no. Jackson Browne did beat her, just as he beat his first wife (who committed suicide). I remember when pictures of her bruised face were on the front page of some tabloid and the story was all over the news. He denied it but he was a lying sack - like all men who beat their girlfriends/wives.

    This whole "held captive and escaped" story seems like exaggerated bullshit. Maybe she and an ex did a bunch of drugs and owed a bunch of money. Maybe they were threatened. That's about as far as I'd take it.

    She comes from money. If they owed some dealer scumbag, her family probably paid it.
