Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

August 27, 2007

About two years ago, this A list director known almost as much for the number of women he f**ks as for his directing, decided to keep an electronic journal/blackbook of the woman he had been with, wanted to be with and only heard about. It included their names, reputation, if they were good in bed, if they were bi, if they would have sex to get a role, anything and everything was included. One day he shared his journal with another A list director friend who also has a reputation and that director started adding all of his info as well and where the women overlapped, both reports were included. The two directors decided they wanted to be able to share their information with friends, other directors, and producers and so created an invitation only blog which now has several hundred entries and has been updated as recently as last week. It's like a wiki sex book but these two directors are the only ones who can edit the information or add anything. The only reports that are added are those of the 15 or so people who have access to the site and have had first hand knowledge of the women. No secondhand or rumors are allowed. No actors are allowed access to the site, and no married men either. If one of the 15 gets married or starts living with someone, the password is changed.

Brett Ratner/Michael Bay (The book still exists and is still updated, many times each week.)


  1. Im pretty sure this was revealed over the summer (but maybe with a different date) because I remember a blind with a black book list with this douche.

    1. Me too @sandy

    2. I think you are confused with the rapper that hired, an intern I think, to create a spreadsheet for him. That was revealed in the summer.

  2. So the Enties know one of these 15 people? Or is the OG Enty one of them?

  3. Michael bay was a popular choice, right? This is scummy...

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I was going to commend them for being stand up guys for not allowing guys in relationships. However, I don't think these two are that benevolent. They just don't want the info leaked to wives/ gf's.

  5. Was this already revealed? The Eterns need to merge their spreadsheets.

  6. Is there a secret link on IMDB where we can review this data while looking over the films & TV show appearances?

  7. Man, if this gets hacked and made public, it will be a KILLER read!

    1. Yeah but it would 'I will sue your ass city'. So it will never make the light of day in any legitimate publications. Its awesome gossip fodder. It would probably be fairly easy to hack into I'd imagine.

  8. If either of these guys were accountants, they'd never get laid, so I guess I can understand their hostility towards women. No doubt they were rejected a lot in high school.

  9. Send that challenge out to Anonymous or is that hacker in jail?

    Frankly if I were those directors I'd be shutting her down, wiping the blog off completely and set up in a new place in a while. Hackers love challenges. So Julian Assange and Edward Snowden got nothing on this?

  10. JAS, I actually agree with you on that one. I'd read it. I'd feel bad about it, but I still would.

    Those two are absolute pigs. Always thought so. They bring nothing to the table, except money. Both are fug, and probably are crappy lays. Their movies are usually pieces of shit too.

  11. Nailed it...

    I had both Bay and Ratner six years ago...

  12. I would love to ask anonymous to hack into this blog. What a juicy read that would be. Any idea how to contact them.

  13. You know, the New York Times recently ran a story about an app where women could grade the men they'd dated. They seemed to think it was just ducky, but I made the unwelcome comment that it would be a lot less cute if the genders were reversed. As they are here.

  14. Dislike Ratner immensely. Glad some instant karma hit him awhile back.

  15. Here's the New York Times piece about the boyfriend-rating app. Bay and Ratner just need to monetize their database.


  16. Rule 1 is to not talk about where Anonymous hang out.

  17. Would love to get access to that site. I wish enty had access but probably only has heard of its existence.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anonymous hang out at Fight Club. I thought that was common knowledge.

  20. metalsludge.com has the penis chart that groupies would rate the rock stars they had sex with it was pretty funny I don't think it's been updated in a long time since rock is dead


    At the end of the day Brett, Michael and men like them are just to empty very lonely guys that know their power and position are the only thing that attracts women to them, they are using the women as much as the women are using them. Hollywood is a sad empty place and intimacy must be a dirty word there.

  21. Ooh too juicy. I will need more information to hack the site..

    *jk if interwebs police are monitoring.. hehe

  22. How sad and pitiful of a man one must be to knowlingly have sex with women who wouldn't look at you twice if you didn't have the money or power you possessed I know both are using each other. It just still strikes me as superlame on the dudes part..

  23. Great idea. They need to anonymize and monetize. If they set the membership limit at 15, then they should charge like $100k initiation fee for noobs.

  24. Hos like money and fame. Get one of the those or both and you too can feel just as used, empty, suicidal and depressed as the prostitute youre listlessly f-ing! What fun! Real emotion, love, chemistry, friendship,fun, conversations, and time are what make great fun in the sack. A shallow frightened hiding little boy that doesnt have the strength to be vulnerable and real cant open up his heart enough to have real mindblowing amazing sex. A hot body is not the only requirement for a great time. Thats just jerking off with another warm body in the room. These shallow sad little boys deserve the sad empty hollow loveless lives they lead and they can keep their stupid blackmail for parts ho book.

  25. @Anna Katherine Nonymous - Very nice!

  26. slightly arsey behaviour, but on the face of it not all that different to the kinds of drunken conversations a lot of guys have (difference of course being that out loud conversations aren't able to be hacked...).

  27. @Angela
    "Nailed it...

    I had both Bay and Ratner six years ago..."

    Wow, so aren't you in the least bit curious to see their write up of you on this site?

    Oh, and if you don't mind sharing, how would you rate either of them? ;)

  28. I'd hate to see the women's private sexual details exposed all over the net, but it would be great if Anonymous took those directors down a peg or 15.
