Friday, December 20, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

July 1, 2013

This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award nominee/winner was a restaurant the other night and they lost her reservation and dared to make her wait a few minutes. Not a good idea. The foreign born actress went off on the staff in several different languages and threatened them that if was not sitting in five minutes she would have her husband buy the place and then close it.

Salma Hayek


  1. I don't like entitled, rude people so she's off my list.

  2. yet revealed (i think)

  3. This was revealed before

  4. and Salma H is not A list

  5. I´ve worked for the press in my country and she has an awful reputation for being spoiled, arrogant, insufferable and anything but professional every time she comes to visit on account of press junkets and such. I completely believe this.

  6. How sad that the rich and famous so often seem to feel that they have no use for what money can't buy, like character.

  7. Bitch. Bitch. Bitxh. Never liked her.

  8. I would have said, okay I want to see your husband buy this place.

  9. It's called go sit in the bar and relax with a cocktail. If you are lucky you get a vibrating pager.

  10. Low blood sugar, much?

  11. Great idea to threaten people who'll be in charge of your food, Salma. I bet everybody spat in it.

  12. Hope she got a food poisoning.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous11:22 AM

    It would have been so funny if the staff would have all broken into laughter right in her face.

  14. Well done to Cathy who guessed this one first!!

  15. Interesting. A long time ago, when she was dating Ed Norton, I happened to be at the same show as the two. It was at the Viper Room and you had to wait in the side entrance until they opened the doors. Both of them waited patiently, with the rest of us nobodies, and didn't try to jump the line when the doors finally opened. It made me like both of them and I'm bummed to see she's changed into a diva.

  16. access to billions of dollars will get to anyone's head

  17. Is Salma A list?

  18. i like Salma Hayek because she has some personality and her french husband has a soccer(football) team and in this town,she visited a help center for beaten women and she's paid the renovation of the building with HER own money and she did discreetly

  19. Hollywood scum.

  20. What if the hostess said, "Why of course. We have your table. I'll go check to make sure all is perfect." And then just make her wait. It's all in the verbiage. Are people so hungry they forget their manners.

  21. Yeh, this is OLD.

  22. But how many of us can say theirr husband will buy the business??!! Thats an awesome threat!!!!!

  23. Salma has done A LOT of nice stuff, so I'm giving her a pass. And that's a pretty awesome threat. Haha!

  24. Surely she has her own chef. Why is she always hanging around restaurants? Go home rude bitch!
