Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 21, 2007

These same two first name guys must be really tired today. Both male and female models spent the night with these tow. Spies said there were at least three models of each sex available for use and both partook heavily. Unknown is who did whom or if they shared. One thing is certain. If you need security to pass up people to your room, maybe you should slip them a few bucks so they stay quiet. Also, maybe you should keep the noise level down so they don't have to come into the room and see you in a state or position in which you probably do not want to be seen.

David Hasselhoff and Dave Navarro


  1. On what planet would these two be hanging out together. I call shannanegins..

  2. The only place the Hoff has any cred is Germany.

  3. Escorts don't care about cred. They care about money.

  4. Dave Navarro eats his own jizz.

  5. So, wait-Dave Navarro and David Hasselhog were bros and had models, 3 sets of each sex, to pick from, and no one knows who, what, or how many people did the deed together, but that they were noisy and cheap? Ok. Can't see either one of them caring ppl knew, frankly.

  6. Did the Hoff wear a light up condom?

  7. I think I just went blind.

  8. I don't believe this blind, but I think this photo/event was its inspiration:

  9. Maybe through Carmen Electra?

  10. Probably got together to discuss a musical collaboration, you know seeing as how their styles are so similar. And it just progressed on to sex drugs and rock n roll as you do.

  11. How would anyone ever get this?

  12. Model and hooker are interchangeable now?

  13. I feel like i need a round of antibiotics from just reading this.

  14. The models were a cover. The Hoff and Navarro were in one room doing each other, and the models were in the adjoining room snorting coke.

  15. models and hookers have been interchangeable for quite some time

    esp since there are thousands of "models" who don't get enough gigs to make a living

    and even the ones that do are greedy or are high maintenance

  16. Everyone knows that daves a closet flamer. Surprised about hoff though... even though, who knows who did whom with that many people involved.

  17. Why do the 2007 blinds just drive me crazy???!!! Ugh.

  18. OH.MY.GOD MIND.BLOWN This explains so much! I knew about the Navarro rumors, but the Hoff?! whoa

  19. I am pretty sure Dave Navarro wasn't hush hush about sampling the male eye candy in the past. The Hoff, though? That one really does surprise me.

  20. im with everyone else dave navarro totally for the dude n chicks!! but the hoff i scoff, no way that dudes all about the younger pussay. he may have watched dave n. bang some dudes but only to share the coke stash to keep his GIRLS there

  21. Would never think these two travelled in the same circles let alone have orgies together. Then again one never knows do one?

  22. Aoife, I agree. I myself have frequently raised an eyebrow on disclosure of seemly ill-suited orgy companions. People can be rather short sighted though. The acquaintance may suit one's sex dungeon perfectly - but will they mix well at the country club, or your Christmas soire?

  23. Dave Navarro has no shame in his game. He'd admit to it. Doesn't even sound that off for him. However those two Dave's hanging out like this? No way. Noooo waay.
