Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Blind Item #7

This Academy Award winner/nominee mostly movie actress who is probably right at the bottom of her permanent B list status still has high name recognition. She was walking through the mall earlier this week when she stopped at a bench and sat down and cried for twenty minutes before finally getting herself together and moving on.


  1. Wussup with all the actresses sitting on benches and crying in public for 20 minutes before getting up and moving on? At least this one didn't involve passing off a baby to a stranger :/

    1. Armish, lololololol, right? You dont have to go out to cry. Personally, i do my crying during laundry.

  2. I don't know but the poor thing :(

  3. We've all done something like this so whatver

  4. I'm guilty of having been a complete and total shaking sobbing mess at times, sure.. just never on a park bench in public for 20 minutes.. smh

  5. Is this the same blind from before?

  6. I went into target this weekend and was just shopping and was followed by 3 guys that were obvious security and I dont look cracked out so I never cried but turned around and told them to stop following me---the malls suck at this time of year

  7. A preview of next week's blinds:
    This former A list academy award-winning actress was spotted at Whole Foods over the weekend. She picked up a can, read the label, then put it back on the shelf without buying it. Quel scandale!

  8. shhh! VIP stop blowing my cover!

  9. Lol @ VIP. Who's following all these actresses when they're shopping? The Starbucks blind sticks out as well.

  10. Why can't someone hand these women a tissue and tell them to either suck the shit up or cry at home? Maybe I'm insensitive but if I'm going to have a break down and cry, and believe me I have, I'm not gonna do it where I can get photographed or stared at like a damn tiger at the zoo.

    This is either complete bullshit to take up space, or some drama queen needs a slap in the face.

  11. I've had my moments of being on the verge of having a crying fit in public, but I keep myself composed until I can at least get to my car and then let it out!! I mean, I don't even like crying in front of people I know, much less a bunch of strangers in a mall!

    With that though, Im going to guess Marisa Tomei. She was probably on a bender the night before was moody from being hung over.

  12. This site has to get better writers and stop rehashing the same bs with different words every few days. Originality please!

  13. @Hammer I dont think I have ever cried in a shopping mall or a park bench etc. but it is a sensitive time of the year for some and it could have been something as trivial as the Christmas music was driving her mad etc. Show some sympathy even celebs have problems

    1. Sorry, you are right. Some cry, I become a witch hence my above post. I didn't mean for it to come across that harsh. I come from a line of drama queens and have a low threshold for overtly public attention grabbing.

      Apologies if I offended anyone.

  14. Wow, maybe she just got bad news, and had to sit down and cry? Jeez people, show some compassion!

  15. No kidding, @msgirl, compassion can be a rare commodity here.

  16. @Hammer we all have our moments--if you guys coulda seen me with those target guys lol---thank god ya didnt

  17. Everyone has different ways of coping. ;)

  18. Hammer Girl - ah, you had a personal button pushed, apology accepted!

  19. Public bench for emergency crying < public toilet for emergency crying

    that's just me though.. people can cry all they want where they want and I'm not judging.. it's more that my brain isn't built that way so it doesn't even register as an option for me personally

    1. Yup, im with you, aemish. Im more like a dude emotionally- speaking for myself. Never been a cryer except as a child and even not much then. I cant even visually picture myself trying to cry on a bench. I'd probably start laughing at how stupid I must look. Oh well, note to self, must work on being more human less android like. Lol

  20. Thank you Derek for putting me in check!!

    @msgirl- yes ma'am. And for me the holidays mean being forced to talk to them. Everyone may need to ignore me until next year, or just tell me to sod off if I get too witchy, I won't get butthurt.

  21. Such BS. Who was Captain Compassionate who timed her crying for 20 minutes?

    @Derek, you went out on Black Friday? {shudder}

  22. Remember that bitchy woman from The Hills/The City and she was on DR. Phill giving advice a few times (yeah ok...) Kelly Cutrone (I think ?) she wrote a book called "If you have to cry go outside" the malls can be very busy this time of year and the parking lots are a nightmare so...

  23. @Jessi: Marisa Tomei crying is a very hot mental picture.

    This isn't a worthwhile story. If it was a dude, then yeah, but this aint no big thing for a broad.

  24. @Seven it was actually the Saturday (Canada doesnt have black friday) and I think I was how Jessi described her scenario of Marissa Tomei hungover and moody lol---but I needed to get gifts

  25. "If you have to cry, go outside.."? See, my book would be called, "If you have to cry, do it in the bathtub -- you're already wet anyway."

  26. One time I had a crying jag in front of the Bellagio fountains. Suddenly the music stops & I hear this announcement that the fountains are dangerous! Haha, I wiped my tears and moved along...

    1. I don't know why, but I laughed way too hard at that. Now I'm getting the side eye from strangers.

    2. You guys are always cracking me up so I'm glad to have contributed to the side-eye. And yes, @Jessi, I did feel a bit paranoid they thought I would off myself in their gajillion dollar fountains.

  27. That's hilarious @Shopgirl. Do you think they thought you were going to jump?

    @count you crack me up! What doesn't get you hot and bothered?

  28. I only cried at a mall once. I was shopping for clothes for a TV appearance that I was really stressed out about, and I was in one of those "I hate shopping for clothes" moods. I didn't know what to do, so I called my sister and asked for suggestions of what to get which led to panic/fear tears spontaneously erupting from my eyes while I was walking. I found a bench to sit on and continued crying until I was cried out. Then I felt better and rung off.

    It happens.

  29. Oh, Topper, sounds like a very stressful experience with a domino effect.

    I avoid malls like the plague, but Robin Sparkles is good for a mall laugh.

  30. If it wasn't for the Oscar nom I would have said Amanda Seyfried, she seems sad, lonely and kind of lost.

  31. I would be completely mortified if I ever did something like that in public. Im just a very private person tho so im notgoing to knock anyone who is comfortable enough with their emotions to express themselves Iin public.

    On the b I, perhaps she was preparing for a role?

  32. It could be medication, it's happened to me. Took me almost two weeks to figure out that my inexplicable tear attacks had nothing to do with me, depression, thoughts in my head, or anything else. Meds completely wacked up my system and all my body could do was cry about it. Cleared up 24 hours after I stopped taking them.

    So, yes, this blind is probably fake, but not every crying woman needs to be subjected to violence as a cure.

  33. Im rather envious of people who can emote like that. Maybe I will try this crying on park benches someday. It may be good self therapy.

  34. Medication could be possible. I've had my meds switched and I'm now one moody, crying SOB. With Christmas on top of it I'm a freaking wreck.

    Whoever this is I feel for them.

  35. awwwww {{{{hugs Topper}}}}

  36. That brings me to a question. I have been having weird crying moments where I'll tear up for no reason. This will be my 4th time getting Depo Provera, anyone had emotional trouble with this?

  37. I have definitely teared up in a store before. I was deep in depression, gained a bunch of weight and got really upset when I couldn't find clothes that fit. I've even teared up at the mall when I would see families or couples. Dark days man, dark days

  38. I'm doing the same thing of late; my little brother committed suicide a few weeks ago, and while I'm crying a little less now I'm still bursting into random spontaneous sobs. The holiday season only makes it worse, I think.
    All of my sympathy to to this actress, whomever it is.

    1. Elissa, hugs. I was coming on here to say when my mother was sick and dying of cancer, there were days i cried all day, no matter where I was. And I didnt or couldnt care. So u right, show compassion. :)

  39. Elissa, I'm so sorry for your loss. (((hugs)))

  40. Elissa I am very sorry for your loss, and please don't take what I wrote above personally. Hugs and lots of love to you.

    I would have deleted what I wrote but I don't believe in writing something then deleting it so I don't have to apologize or admit I was wrong, which in this case I was and I feel like a total bag.

  41. Who the hell is following these actresses around malls and watching them cry for 20 minutes? Sounds so creepy and weird. If this blind is even true, it's very sad and I hope the actress in question feels better.

  42. I think this is one of those crazy fads like planking in 2011, up-skirt shots in 2007, and liking reality programming (end date, anyone?). Those wacky celebs, making this the year of the public cry / baby hand-off! What will they think of next?

    I kid guys, compassion all round :)

  43. Hey, maybe she just had a death in the family or something. Leave the girl alone!

  44. @renoblondee - depo can definitely screw with your hormones. It's the same shot they give to "medically castrate" male sex offenders.

    @Alita, I laughed out loud at "year of the public cry / baby hand-off" - exactly! This is third blind where Our Actress just breaks down in public and weeps, and it's reported like a Big Thing, except this one doesn't involve handing off the baby to a random stranger for her weeping.

  45. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Cry if u must.

  46. Marissa T. Sad for all of you having a rough time. Hope the new year brings about better times.

  47. Renee Zellweger
