Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Blind Item #6- Kindness

Never let it be said that I am not fair to people. I don't like this reality star turned singer turned actress but she did good so deserves to be recognized. The actress, and I use that term loosely and if you have seen her movies you would too, although I am hoping you saved your money helped out a homeless man the other day. As our actress walked by the guy he was having a seizure and several other people had walked by or pretended not to notice. Our actress ran over to the guy and held him down so he wouldn't hurt himself and seemed to know exactly what she was doing and stopped some guy who was walking down the street and told him to call 911. The guy walking down the street mimed that he was on a call and couldn't but the next person did. That person who did stop to call 911 also said that she hard the actress say she knew where the other guy worked and was going to call his boss and tell him what an a-hole he was about the situation. The ambulance came and I don't know what happened to the homeless guy except the paramedics said he would be fine.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Hmmm ... maaaaaybe Jessica Simpson, although she was singer turned reality star turned actress ... slightly different order ... but the rest matches and she does appear to be very sweet. How could those other people just ignore him?!

  2. C'mon guys. Enty is terrified if this chick and her brother...

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Good point ... because he keeps saying 'actress' and that's the role she performs the most (as in - pretending to be someone's girlfriend), it must be Julianne.

  3. How many movies has Hough done?

  4. Actually possibly saved a life? I demand a reveal.

  5. Aren't you NOT supposed to hold someone down while they have a seizure?

    1. ^^^ yeah, I used a double negative, grammar police. ^^^^

    2. I'm confused, Kristin, do we hold them down or not? How aboot carefully? More negatives, please!!

    3. Never hold them down, never stick anything in their moth. Put some cushioning up against a wall, and under them, so they dont injure themselves. See if you cant get them against the wall, lying on their side. Call ambulance. It is a myth that they swallow their tongue.

    4. @TTM Don't not never hold them down. Unless they fall. Then you sit on their head.

      Incidentally this same thing happened to me over the summer (I wasn't the homeless person or Julianne Hough).

      (And wasn't the asshole who kept walking)

  6. Yep. Hough was on DWTS, then did a stint as a country singer, now she does movies. Good call @Bacon.

  7. Plus Enty doesn't like her.

  8. Reality star turned singer turned actress made me think Jennifer Hudson.

  9. Just watched Rock of Ages this weekend. Don't know how she ended up starring in it.

  10. I think Bacon has it.

  11. Hough was my first thought too.

  12. Why not revealing the blind item kindness? I need to know nice people exist out there :-)

  13. First aid for seizure

    If someone is having a seizure:

    Loosen clothing around the person's neck.
    Do not try to hold the person down or restrain them. This can result in injury.
    Do not insert any objects in the person's mouth. This can also cause injury.
    Reassure concerned bystanders who may be upset and ask them to give the person room.
    Remove sharp objects (glasses, furniture, and other objects) from around the person to prevent injury.
    After the seizure, it is helpful to lay the person on their side to maintain an open airway and prevent the person from inhaling any secretions.

    To be fair though the city street is not the best environment to be having a seizure because the convulsing person could be hitting their head on the concrete sidewalk or a brick wall. All someone with seizures doesn't need is more head injuries.

  14. http://www.webmd.com/epilepsy/guide/first-aid-seizures is where I got those instructions from

  15. Simpson would have thought the man was break dancing before considering it was a seizure.

  16. I was gonna post Hough - Jessica is dumb to take charge in an emergency.

  17. Plus, this isn't kindness, this is being.a.human.being

  18. I thought Enty meant McPhee.

  19. Julianna Hough fo sho.

  20. As an epileptic who has had seizures... the side walk would be concerning to me. It's one thing to seize on a carpeted floor (home, office). Pavement is an matter. Cradling the head gently might work. Depends on the amount of physical movement. Mine are hereditary so my movement isn't nearly as physically involved as a friend who suffered head trauma in a car accident and later developed seizures

    I wouldn't advocate foe restraining someone. But I could see myself actively monitoring and maybe trying to ease a jacket between the head and pavement.

    Depending on who's there I "may" require mouth to mouth afterwards... lol.

  21. As an epileptic who has had seizures... the side walk would be concerning to me. It's one thing to seize on a carpeted floor (home, office). Pavement is an matter. Cradling the head gently might work. Depends on the amount of physical movement. Mine are hereditary so my movement isn't nearly as physically involved as a friend who suffered head trauma in a car accident and later developed seizures

    I wouldn't advocate foe restraining someone. But I could see myself actively monitoring and maybe trying to ease a jacket between the head and pavement.

    Depending on who's there I "may" require mouth to mouth afterwards... lol.

  22. As an epileptic who has had seizures... the side walk would be concerning to me. It's one thing to seize on a carpeted floor (home, office). Pavement is an matter. Cradling the head gently might work. Depends on the amount of physical movement. Mine are hereditary so my movement isn't nearly as physically involved as a friend who suffered head trauma in a car accident and later developed seizures

    I wouldn't advocate foe restraining someone. But I could see myself actively monitoring and maybe trying to ease a jacket between the head and pavement.

    Depending on who's there I "may" require mouth to mouth afterwards... lol.

  23. Does epilepsy cause multiple postings?

    tee hee. twas just a joke, QueenAnne! Don't be mad!

    I hope you don't have any more seizures, seriously. How scary.

  24. Good thing he wasnt in Japan - they are rounding up the homeless to help with Fukushima clean-up. Death sentence!

  25. Oh it's a kindness if you threaten to call some LOSER's boss who fake-mimed a phone call to get out of helping.

  26. Hough, although it's hard to believe she didn't just do it hoping someone would tweet pics of her playing Florence Nightingale.

  27. I thought you were supposed to put a stick or something like that between their teeth so they don't bite off their tongue?

    And I'll go with Hough for this. Enty doesn't seem to like her, but I have never thought she was a mean person, just someone desperate to be famous.

  28. I was thinking, wouldn't it be a hoot if this was Wonky McValtrex?

  29. @Kristin, one of my best friends has a fairly severe form of epilepsy, I totally know, was just arresting you for grammar. You would be totally safe with me, VIP and sandyboo

    1. @TTM I'd make sure you didn't hurt yourself, too.

  30. i read this as heidi from the hills

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @Kristin, I know you would, chicken, Oh Finder of Andy Garcia Never-Nudes and Bum Painter Extraordinaire. Hope you're having an awesome night!

  33. Kelly Clarkson was in From Justin to Kelly.



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