Thursday, December 05, 2013

Blind Item #5

This almost A list mostly movie actor who is A list because he has his own non acting franchise says he had sex with a woman the other night while promoting his latest movie. She didn't speak English but apparently knew what she wanted and our actor said it was the strangest sex he ever had and that includes he had sex with a woman with no arms or legs and filmed it.


  1. Get it, boy! You, too, girl!

  2. Whats a non acting franchise?

    1. McDonald's? Lol
      I have no idea what that means. Enty, go home. You're drunk.

  3. Whattaya say to a woman with no arms and no legs?

    Nice tits.

    1. You're so fucking suave. Lol

  4. OMG Count bwhahahahahahahahahaha

  5. Loko ka talaga, Enty! I said I only pretended not being able to speak English. Lolll

  6. Some time in the summer of '86 I went to Greece to do a 6 month gig.
    I didn't speak a word of Greek ( who does? ) but managed, with the help of my boss, to get settled into my villa ( private beach, very nice, ) and the Yamaha motorcycle provided.

    Within 2 days of starting work I was being courted by two sisters. None of us shared a common language but for 3 weeks wee shared a bed. Enough said.

    Didn't last as the pasty white Europeans I kept bringing home caused some issues.

    Ah, youth. Wasted on the young.

    1. You had a three for all with 2 sisters??? Hmmmm. I wish they weren't sisters. That sort of ruins it for me.

    2. Yeah, how does that work? Eww

  7. And here I thought I was hardcore for banging a guy with 2 fingers missing.

  8. Now im curious what made the sex so strange. I hope this will be in the reveal, Enty dear sir. Im guessing choking and possibly barking were involved, not at the same time.

  9. If anyone needs to ease in to the pool, and just wants to bang a guy with one eye; gimme a holler. I'll just need to check with my wife first.

  10. Eros, i think the strange part of the sex, was a little piece of her died every time she banged this random person.

  11. These comments --- funny stuff! Would a non-acting franchise be voice work in an animated movie??

  12. Replies
    1. Omgoodness, that is just too precious for words, WareCat!

  13. "Non-acting franchise"
    Is this Mark Wahlberg? Produces TV series at least and family has that new burger restaurant opening... ???
    I don't think it's Wahlberg. Who else owns nightclubs and/or produces?

  14. "includes he had sex with a woman with no arms or legs and filmed it"
    Yes, and he called it Boxing Helena.

    Answer: Julian Sands!

  15. Why, it's Johnny Knoxville of course. Non-acting as in playing himself and staring in the Jackass frannchise.

  16. Ah shit VIP I remember that guy I used to see him on the train all the time :( always wondered how he went to the bathroom :)

  17. Non-acting franchise could be animation.

  18. Oooh, Knoxville is a GREAT guess.

  19. Jon Favreau hahaha

  20. oh yeah...knoxville is am awesome guess.

  21. Could totally envision Knoxville boning a chick w/ no arms and legs. Can't imagine that he didn't get it on video though.

  22. "This almost A list mostly movie actor who is A list because he has his own non acting franchise " so clear! someone can explain me this sentence or the words

  23. "a woman with no arms or legs"= Milo's Venus?

  24. Non-acting franchise? What -- like a Dairy Queen?

    1. @SNJ-LOL! But now I want a mint Oreo Blizzard!

  25. I was thinking Jon Favreau. He directed the iron man movies but didn't act in them. But I would probably consider him an actor first, direct second.

  26. Favereau did act in the Iron Man movies. He was Stark's driver/bodyguard.

  27. Demi Moore produced the three Austin Powers pictures;
    Danny De Vito produced a few Tarantino films.
    Some of the actors/producers are just lucky guys who played the middle person between a writer and a studio, and get a cut of the franchise as a result, without appearing in any of the films.

  28. Sex with a midget!

  29. Charlie, your comment makes me think if a really uncomfortable situation I was just in. Out having bevvies with the neighbours, lots of fun, ended up back at our place. Evening is wrapping up, dude neighbour is on my front step smoking. I quit 6 years ago, only craving I had was when dude neighbour was over smoking before. I say "hey, you gonna give me some o dat??" And he said yes, which surprised me, and we went on in that vein for a bit. Then he ran off the porch saying, "ask my wife!" Which I didn't understand and then suddenly I did. Unfortunately, we were both not talking about him giving me a drag of his cigarette. Also unfortunately, I think I'm hilarious, so I said something like "come on! Just the tip!" Which is funny if you are talking about smoking, kinda crude if you think your chick neighbour is down to bone. So, there you go! It's not just you, Charlie! Lots of people also want their wives permission! It's been a bit awkward at the driveway beer-klatches lately.

  30. Knoxville was just promoting that grandpa movie too.

  31. Isn't anyone creeped out at the thought of a limbless woman is possibly being sexually exploited by parents, spouse or pimp? Being stripped and filmed and treated worse than in a circus freak show and thinking that being dehumanized is your best choice for living independently and paying the caretaking assistants is bleak, and if that is the case, is not anything an A-lister should brag about participating in and filming.

  32. I'd think a limbless woman would be happy to get laid.

    Celestine, the limbless woman who was on the Howard Stern show playing the keyboard w/ her tongue, actually had kids. Just cause she don't have arms and legs doesn't mean she doesn't have needs.

  33. Tom Cruise? "Mission Impossible", and he can't act.

    I like the Johnny Knoxville guess and the last sentence of the blind is sounds like something he would do.
