Saturday, December 07, 2013

Blind Item #5 - Grammy Nomination Concert

Plenty of pot for this about to drop from A list celebrity/singer but kept to himself for most of the night. He also seemed scared of any cameras and was way more paranoid than the amount of pot he smoked should trigger.


  1. I was going to guess Alan Thicke, but luckily remembered the correct name is Robin Thicke.

  2. Hardest thing about getting back into the swing of weed is getting past the paranoia.

  3. I would have said Mayer.

  4. I'm so happy I've never gotten paranoid with weed, cuz I love it! I have passed out, and I got sick once, but otherwise it just makes me happy and floaty.

  5. @CeeKay: You never toked up on the way to the mall, walked around, forgot what you needed, got paranoid that everyone knew you were stoned, and left w/o buying anything? That was like an every other week occurrence when I started smoking.

  6. I was thinking Beiber for this.

  7. Replies
    1. NVM. Just saw the Grammy party headline. I take it Thicke was there? If so, then it's him.

  8. Count you reminded me of a day years ago when I had a couple of tokes with friends in the afternoon. I thought it would long gone by the time I went to tend bar that night, but no! Behind the bar (it was busy) I couldn't tell if I was moving too slow or moving silent movie fast. Oh the paranoia

  9. The paranoia sucks balls!! I was once so paranoid I was going to lose my flip flops while I was walking due to the floaty feeling. Then I thought everyone was watching me and refused to walk around anymore.

  10. Yea if Beibs was there this is probably him. I never was paranoid about being high on weed in public but it made me like being outside a lot more.

  11. i barely smoke weed, so i drink b4 hand, get a good buzz, then start smoking.
    that seems to block out the paranoia for me, but it also makes me super clumsy.
    i have sum rad scars from those times.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      @Ware: I can't drink and smoke the green. Makes me ride the porcelain bus everytime.

  12. +1 @Count and @Hammer_Girl. Weed paranoia can be brutal.

  13. I remember when I was 17 - I went to a Rush concert at Madison Square Garden with a guy I had just started dating. I told my parents I was going to Nassau Coliseum (They though MSG was too dangerous at the time). We smoked when we got there. During the second song, I thought to myself (I hardly know this guy, my parents think I am in Long Island.... and everything else under the sun....

    I have since gotten over the paranoia part. ha

  14. That's the thing about weed. You're convinced everyone knows you've been smokin' when you're out and about. I only just started doing it, and it certainly takes getting used to, especially if you're older, we raised with the, "Just Say No To Drugs" BS, and have accumulated a lot of emotional and mental garbage over a lifetime. That stuff will clean out your closets, and then look under the rugs for more shit to drag out and clean up. Definitely not an escape drug, but worlds better than any anti-depressant or bi-polar prescription drug out there.

    1. With a name like that, I was sure you'd be full-on pothead. Madlib's music is almost made for us.

  15. Sorry about the typos. I know better than to edit from the middle.

  16. Weed is like anything else, practice makes perfect. I was paranoid coming into class baked in HS, but that was years ago. Shit, now I toke up just so music on my iPod sounds better for the 15 minute subway ride to work. Not coming into work high feels weird at this point....

  17. Funny part is that I don't really care if people know I'm high. Countless times my buddies and I would re-enter a bar after puffing and having strangers say, "I think I got a contact high when you walked past." Owners and bartenders don't care, cotton mouth sells a hell of a lot more beer than peanuts and pretzels.

  18. I've never been able to smoke pot with a good result much, and I wish I could. I'd either get paranoid, too sleepy, or sick. I'd love to be able to smoke it like a normal person.

  19. Weed is the best medicine for my crohns.

  20. Never really liked pot because of the paranoia feeling. But for some reason, hash or oil was fine for me. Do they still make that, or was that an 80's thing?

  21. I would assume the Cali dispensaries carry hash, but on the streets of the east coast, that shit is rare. Never seen hash oil.

  22. Pot is the best therapy.

  23. Reno - I'm the same way. It bums my husband out that I don't smoke often with him, but it just doesn't affect me much, and when it does, it's often not in a good way.

  24. I got monster headaches and nothing else when I smoked it. Never did it again.

  25. Anonymous6:54 AM

    i never got paranoid when i went through a uni student phase of smoking. it did wreak havoc with my short term memory though.

  26. Anonymous6:56 AM

    i used to rock up to my parents church, when i was home in mid semester breaks, stoned out of my conch
    and acted natural and fine. it must depend on your personality as well?

  27. Short term memory was never my strong suit, I used to forget homework all the time as a kid. The biggest side effect I had with weed was it would destroy my attention span sitting in class in college.

    I think I'm going to toke up after breakfast today.

  28. Could you call this looking like he is paranoid?

  29. Rach: You gotta puff, then drink away the cotton mouth. Same goes with pills, drink first, never take em when you are already loaded. You learn that young in Jersey, due to the Karen Ann Quinlan thing.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Count: so suck the bong, sip the JB and it's all good? It just seems to make me barf.
      I remember one time downing a bottle of black sambuca and then cramming that pipe tight and having a 10 hour body stone on my friends footpath. I physically couldn't move.

  30. @Rach: You didn't go to the hospital the next day after you pooped green, did ya? I heard of someone doing that.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      At Count : nope! But it felt like I was sinking into the concrete and becoming part of it. I came around stiff, cold and really hungry. I hate body stones. Mostly happened with skunk.

  31. Any of the stars mentioned can fit this bi. Ive only done 1 drug once my entire lifeand I only did it once - pot. I was dating this really hot artist guy and he was heavy into pot like you wouldnt believe. Well he knew I really wasn't into it- not my lifestyle but one night we were hanging out and he told me he had some pure grade top of the line stuff. I said why not, once couldn't hurt. One person said it gives you a floaty feeling. She was right but it goes beyond that. Its a soaring out of body feeling, except you're there in your ownskin. And it felt like small electrical tingles were on every part of my body. Sex while yyou're high is probably the most mind blowing experience Ive ever had. I was like fucking "Wow, did that happen and did we really do that"or days afterward. There was a little paranoia set in when I fell asleep. I heard alot of noise at the door and freaked out thinking it was the police. My bf laughed and pulled me back in bed telling me to chill it was just his roommate. I never did it again. No wonder people who smoke it can't. Its got to be highly addictive but I know there are weaker and stronger strains of it.. Gr8 stuff but I dont want to be some drugged out zombie...

  32. Pot is not addictive, just habit forming. No physical dependency.

  33. Definitely Biebs...with his new love of Adderall
