Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former A+ list rock star who still plays but seems like a sideshow, barely made it to an event with his wife. The former rocker shooed two escorts out of a hotel room while he screamed at the front desk to have someone buy him a shirt in the next ten minutes that didn't have lipstick on it or his wife would think he had been cheating. Umm.


  1. Is Steven Tyler married?

  2. Springsteen is NO sideshow

  3. Sharon wouldn't care if Ozzy cheated. She'd actually probably be impressed if Ozzy could still get it up.

    Alice Cooper?

  4. Co-sign Gene Simmons

  5. Anonymous8:35 AM


  6. Gene Simmons probably. He's a cheating pig! I don't get the whole groupie thing with some of these guys!

  7. I thought Gene and Shannon had an open relationship? Alice Cooper is an interesting guess, @crila.

  8. @Candyland... I'm sure Gene would like that but it looks like Shannon doesn't agree:

  9. Ozzy doesn't really scream, or at least not coherently. He just mumbles and shuffles around.

  10. @Stephie - I did not know that! I think you folks guessing Gene are right...

  11. I think its Ozzy but today is Keith Richards birthday hmmmm.

  12. Ozzy played Belfast with Sabbath last week, I missed out as I had to work, but a couple of mates said that Ozzy was on top form for over 2 hours. So thats hardly a sideshow.

  13. Sideshow immediately made me think of no one's favorite drunk, Eddie Van Halen. Don't know if he's married, and really don't give a shit as whatever talent he had has long been snorted/drank away.

  14. Such a bullshit story! 'Lipstick on your collar tolda tale on you....'

  15. Such a bullshit story! 'Lipstick on your collar tolda tale on you....'

  16. And Simmons is NOT a former rocker; he pulls KISS out when the need hits (they do a fair amount of charity gigs). Eddie VH, sur l'autre main, is over.

  17. @Megley... The BI doesn't say former rocker, it says former A+. Also, this headline from 2011 further leads me to believe it's probably Simmons:

    KISS Guitarist Not Distracted By Simmons Sideshow

  18. Can;t be the Ozz. The dude can barely walk, let alone scream and cover up sexytime evidcence. And he wears black always, doubt lipstick would look that obvious on black .

  19. Alice would never . . .

  20. I'm gonna guess either Ringo Starr or Keith Richards. Both were mainly known as players, not singers. Both are absolutely eternal A+ status. And both have had recent events that put them in the news. Today is Keith's 70th birthday and 30th wedding anniversary. Ringo recently wrapped a short tour with his All-Starr Band in Vegas, and had a book of his photographs published. The center photo was one he'd snapped during the original British Invasion of some fans. They conducted a nationwide search for the fans, and when they located them, had them come to the show in Vegas and meet Ringo.

  21. I agree with the Gene Simmons guessers. The man is a pig, but he's a businessman these days, first and foremost. He signed a contract when he married Shannon, and I think he means to honor it.

  22. LOL at the idea of it being Morrissey!

    Back in the day, he had quite the friendship with Pete Burns from Dead or Alive. Can you imagine if Pete Burns left lipstick prints on a person's shirt today? It would look like one of those 1970's lips telephones, and probably just as big!

  23. Gene doesn't scream at all. He never acts out. Gene gets his way talking slowly and calm. This so crazy I could see ozzy begging more than screaming. He said playing, so makes me thing instruments????

  24. Gene is always in complete control. He's a very smart man and I don't see him doing this so publicly. Isee Rod doing it.
