Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blind Item #4

This former B+ list actress solely due to her role in a franchise and is now a casting couch B- lister is playing with danger. Out in public she is dating one guy but behind the scenes is doing everything she can to hook up with the best friend of her guy. Our actress thinks the best friend offers a much better chance for fame and success than a no namer to most scrambling to always find his next job.


  1. Replies
    1. VIP- nailed it. Thank God for the Daily Mail. Kristin too.

    2. See? Im in it for the sympathy praise. Celebrating mediocrity since 1982. Thanks texas rose ;)

  2. Greene is dating Liam Hemsface's friend.

    1. Lol. I love you called him Hemsface. He is pretty, right? But bless his heart, dumber than a box of rocks. No one will ever accuse Miley of being a rocket scientist, she's got a very quick wit and savvy as hell, but....anyway, she would on occasion laugh w her friends about something stupid he had said or done.
      But yeah, Ashley the climber, Hemsface, dude I don't know either.

  3. Obviously Count Jerkula has the better street cred, but playing him off against Harry Knuckles is beyond
    crazy. Get ahold of yourself girl.

  4. Not sure I'm buying this. The boyfriend looks gay as Hell. If Ashley wants to fuck someone for an acting job, she just does it. No sneaking around. She would just tell this cupcake to go stand in the corner while she inserts Hemsworth's dick in her vagina.

  5. I also thought Ashley. Didn't know her bf was Hems friend. Good one.

  6. just to be different: Sienna miller (GI Joe),her baby daddy and Robert Pattinson

  7. Feeling the FrenchGirl guess!

  8. Ashley was a B+ and is now a B-? I do think this BV is about her, but her rating is definitely over-estimated. She was maybe a B and is now a C+.

    Anyway...sleeping with Liam Helmsworth would not be a chore. I'd sleep with him even if it didn't help me with my career. He's F-ing hot at hell.

  9. It's "always scrambling to find his next job." There, at my contract rates you owe me five bucks.

  10. @Haywood: Harry knows the deal. If one of his womens tries to get with me, I tell them "Anal Only, the vag is Harry's Hole." If they go for it, then one night at the club, I'll give him a reach around by telling a couple betches he picks out that they gotta go through him to get to me.

    It aint no fun, if the homies can't have none.

  11. Liam looks like a cross eyed simpleton to me, he dated miley ffs.

  12. I was going to guess Ashley Greene as well. She was the first person that came to mind.
