Saturday, December 28, 2013

Blind Item #2

This B- list mostly movie actress has a great name. That is about it but she keeps getting parts. The best acting she has done in ages is when she was caught making out with her brother but kept it together when the older woman who caught them remarked what a nice couple they were.


  1. Chloe grace mortez and her bro

  2. Not Jakey and Maggie pleez good God someone talk this idea out of my head!

  3. Uh not the Maggie above me right here :)

  4. Could be worse. Could be like the photo of Lohan supposedly making out with her mum...

  5. Does the Phoenix sister act? The one married to an Affleck?

    1. She hasn't in a long time. She mainly does music with the other sister, Liberty I think?

  6. There are dozens of pics of her holding hands with her brother. I can't recall ever holding any of my brothers' hands.

  7. Summer Phoenix!
    was she the broad that stopped take her meds in SLC Punk, or am i thinking of sumone else?

  8. Summer hasn't worked since 2004. none of the phoenix sisters are b list. the brothers are the only famous ones.

    all the incest blinds are bullshit anyways.

  9. enty doesn't say the brother is famous, so someone unknown.

  10. @WareCat, love the Bubbles gif. That about sums it up.

  11. enty has done blinds before hinting at cgm and her brother. i seriously doubt it's true though.

    hasn't he accused her of being a racist, too?

  12. ha!
    thnx SaintsFan!

  13. Seriously doubt anyone is making out with their brother. Pass...

  14. Legit, every time I hear/read these rumors about CGM and her brother, I get that aha feeling bc there's always something a little weird about the pictures of them. I dont know any siblings holding hands by choice, much less past the age of 7! Just.... no.

  15. I thought Chloe was a good actress? Would she fit that description Enty gave in this blind? Not really seen her in anything.

  16. @Reno

    CGM just starred in the Carrie remake. the movie and her both were horrible.

  17. hand holding doesn't mean anything. i know families that are very affectionate with each other. i've seen several celebrities holding hands with family members on the red carpet. i don't think it's a big deal.

  18. only thing i've seen Chloe in was Hick.
    it was aight.

  19. Chloe Moretz (literally) kicked a** in Kick A** movies, her bit on 30 Rock (as Jack's boss's granddaughter) was really good, and she was Isabelle in the Hugo movie. She's very, very talented. I'm a fan - thankfully not on the Sav level, though!

  20. Haha Warecat, I started using that word after a holiday TPB marathon this week!

  21. haha!
    Trailer Park Boys.
    best thing to come outta Canada since Kids in the Hall.

  22. my dads family always greets with a kiss on the mouth.

    my moms family finds it crazy weird and is very unaffectionate.

    i found incest porn in my dads room.

    i dont think incest blinds are BS. I think incest is a lot more common than we care to admit.

  23. Shhhh Seven! He uses google alerts!

    This blog has manipulated me into believing that she is a little bitch, and I'm not sure that i mind it. That was mean of me, she's a little girl.

  24. I doubt it is CGM. The stuff I have seen her in, she is a pretty good actress. Besides, for some reason, I read this as someone older.

  25. Alice Eve
    Very low B list; Enty always comments on her name; has a couple brothers

  26. alice is in the dm today.

  27. Sadly I agree with headrot. Incest is damaging stuff in the worst way.

  28. Oh, headrot, that is horrible!

    Incest and molestation BIs make me feel like frothing at the mouth. LEAVE KIDS ALONE, freaks!

  29. Too much info headrot but damn. Maybe there is explanation why he have those? idk

  30. Incest and pedophilia shouldn't be bandied about like all of the entertainment industry does it. But while incest isn't especially practiced there, we know it does go on and a lot of the producers and shakers are pedos @headrot

  31. I just google chloe and her brother you wouldn't think that was her brother in most of them.

    I can understand so of the assumptation.

  32. CGM doesn't fit this at all. Not B-, (B- actresses don't score the lead or co-lead in almost every single movie they make) certainly not 'only has her name' going for her (widely regarded as -the- young actress to watch), and frankly...great name? Chloe Moretz is a great name?

  33. Two of CGM's bros are openly gay. This isn't her, plus, she is a good actress. Why couldn't it be the Jake and Maggie G. I think they're both off, personally. I doubt its them. I think that Mia Wachamacallher is odd, maybe her?
    Incest and pedophilia are not as uncommon as they should be.

  34. This cannot possibly be Jake & Maggie Gyllenhaal because this piece of information would make either one of them appear slightly less than mind-numbingly boring and average and that is just not possible.

  35. I agree. I've not held my brother's hand since he was a kid and we were crossing the street. Some are more affectionate I guess.

    Jessica Biel has a brother. Hmmmmm.

  36. Googled CGM and her brother. The body language in the pics I found isn't sibling like. Maybe they're just an affectionate, racist family?

  37. Anonymous11:14 PM

    If it's Jake & Maggie, Lilo and her mom, or the Phoenix sibs, then it's no business of anyone here. Incest between consenting adults harms no one and the Incestophile Community needs our acceptance, not intolerance and vile and hurtful incestophobia. Next year, Prop 948 in California seeks to legalize incestuous marriage when both parties are of legal age. Remember: it's like it says on the commercial for The Fosters: "DNA doesn't make a family: love does."

    1. ooh you're one of those. "if they legalize gay marriage, next it'll be beastiality or incest and I'll be able to marry my sister." judging by your intelligence level, sounds like there may have already been some might wanna look into that.

    2. Internet high 5 to @HimynameisChloe.

  38. @Anonymous I am a pretty liberal guy, and quite frankly I don't care what 2 consenting adults get up to even if they are closely related, as long as it IS consenting, which is not always the case in incestuous relationships. One party usually has some power over the other. There is also a lot of evidence that any children of such a union have a higher risk of genetic....errors I guess is the word.

    Anyway, it's moot for me since I think this blind is made up.

  39. "Anyway, it's moot for me since I think this blind is made up." -Basil

    As opposed to the others?

    BTW, some of these comments are vile and I'll gladly be mocked for being a "white knight" rather than a shameless, ignorant, a-hole.

  40. I don't know the last time I held my sisters hand, but nothing about it seems weird to me.

  41. I don't know the last time I held my sisters hand, but nothing about it seems weird to me.

  42. Some families are very affectionate and that's ok. My ex family is like that but my family, not so much. So I can see both sides of the coin but kissing is a no no. Holding hands fine, kissing, NO.

  43. I'm betting it's two of the Phoenixes (sp?): their parents were in Dave Berg's Children of God religious cult, and kids were encouraged to participate in the sex stuff: no doubt that being involuntarily involved in something like that as a kid would definitely leave a person kinda twisted. Google or Wiki "Children of God Dave Berg" to learn more. There were other Hollywood types involved as well.

  44. Anonymous8:44 AM

    @Basil. You said:

    "There is also a lot of evidence that any children of such a union have a higher risk of genetic....errors I guess is the word."

    While the Incestophile Community generally advocates safe sex, there are many who prefer to go "bareback." Speaking as a woman, I have to say that what I choose to do with my own body is my own business. And your comment about one party "usually hav(ing) some power over the other" is typical of many non-vanilla sexual relationships. Again, incestuous sex between two consenting adults is nothing to be ashamed of. I personally know of a widowed mother who is in a healthy, loving, and very sexual relationship with her 25 year old son. I have other friends (a brother and two sisters) who have been in a committed relationship since they were in their late twenties. It's all about love, people: open your minds, lose the prejudice, and advocate for tolerance.

  45. Anonymous is either a troll or kook.

    Most incest begins when one or more of the parties are CHILDREN. Therefore consent is not available.

    Then it is abuse. And molestation and child sexualization, even without intercourse is not a victimless crime. It is vile.

    Lemme guess…your dad or your brother brought you into sex?

    How old were you?

    Are you also an advocate of man/boy love?

  46. I'm sincerely hoping that Anonymous is a troll. There is nothing OK with incest. Sorry.

  47. whoa. shit got weird while I was gone.

  48. It's Cersei and Jaime Lannister, guys! And the old woman was Maester Pycelle!

  49. Anonymous10:08 PM


    Your hateful, hurtful comments are the result of ignorance and prejudice on your part. When you equate incest between two consenting adults with pedophilia, you are no better than the hicks and fundamentalists who make the same statements regarding homosexuality and pedophilia. The only difference between incestophobia and homophobia is that most of us personally know more LGBTs than we do MFSBs (mother father sister brothers, as we refer to ourselves.) Yes, coercive incestuous sex with a minor IS vile, just as is coercive heterosexual sex with a minor and coercive homosexual sex with a minor. as I said, incestophilia is still a hot-button issue, but we in the MFSB community are making inroads into the mainstream. As one poster noted above (the "Game of Thrones" reference), there are more and more references to consentual incest in books, tv shows, and movies nowadays, and things are getting better for us: I can see a day coming when we will not only be tolerated, but will be accepted and welcomed by the mainstream. We shouldn't have to be ashamed of what we are, when we're not hurting anyone and we are all consenting adults. So please keep your laws (and your morals) out of my bedroom.

  50. @Anonymous is baiting. Ignore at will.

  51. Anonymous6:21 AM

    i am a very open minded liberal person as well, but anonymous here, you are using some of the same hateful rhetoric used to scare people and manipulate them into feeling guilty used by nazis AND conservative politicians("oh whats next...bestiality??") ...and doing so....about INCEST? jesus come on. Let's see some statistical information that shows the emotional well being of individuals within incestual well as the age in which individuals are introduced into incestual relationships...maybe your own twisted family told you that what your dad did to you was "ok" and normal, and that's how dad shows he loves you...or your older brother, or even an aunt or mom...but in MY CASE and in MOST cases, a CHILD was coerced into feeling they were not doing their DUTY, not being a good daughter, sibling, niece, nephew, grandchild if they did not take part in such sexual acts as you describe.
    I actually DO know this because I work first hand with victims of such relationships.

    Now go back into your dark corner of the internet and pick your filthy scabs.
    Oh and make sure to cum directly down the drain so your ignorant, hateful and manipulative ideas don't have a chance to procreate and hurt anyone else. Scum bag.

    no one wants you here. or anywhere else. except maybe your mom?

  52. Anonymous6:21 AM

    i am a very open minded liberal person as well, but anonymous here, you are using some of the same hateful rhetoric used to scare people and manipulate them into feeling guilty used by nazis AND conservative politicians("oh whats next...bestiality??") ...and doing so....about INCEST? jesus come on. Let's see some statistical information that shows the emotional well being of individuals within incestual well as the age in which individuals are introduced into incestual relationships...maybe your own twisted family told you that what your dad did to you was "ok" and normal, and that's how dad shows he loves you...or your older brother, or even an aunt or mom...but in MY CASE and in MOST cases, a CHILD was coerced into feeling they were not doing their DUTY, not being a good daughter, sibling, niece, nephew, grandchild if they did not take part in such sexual acts as you describe.
    I actually DO know this because I work first hand with victims of such relationships.

    Now go back into your dark corner of the internet and pick your filthy scabs.
    Oh and make sure to cum directly down the drain so your ignorant, hateful and manipulative ideas don't have a chance to procreate and hurt anyone else. Scum bag.

    no one wants you here. or anywhere else. except maybe your mom?

  53. "if ne one's gna be fukn my sister, it's gna be me!"

  54. Anonymous actually does make a good point. Go onto any Game of Thrones forum and you will see lots of people hoping the Jaimie/Cersei relationship lasts. There was also The Borgia's. For two YEARS I had been reading posts from people who though Lucrezia and Cesare were "dreamy" together and hook up (despite there being no historical evidence that they actually did). Seriously! There were a lot of shippers wanting it to happen despite the fact that the characters were brother and sister. When it finally did happen, the panty pudding went flying! LOL Of course that is just about shows and not real life. They might feel differently if it was someone they knew.



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