Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Blind Item #2

This B list actor who is equally at home in movies and television as well as fighting paps got into a huge fight with his wife. In front of a crowd while waiting for a table at dinner the two started screaming at each other and she was blaming him for ruining her shot at a reality show with his temper and then he called her the c word and stormed off. Healthy marriage.


  1. Alec and Hillllllaria

  2. Do you think his mother dropped him on his head when he was a baby?

    1. @Runswithscissors = Considering the average Baldwin brothers behaviour, it looks like dropping them on their head was mommy's past time :)

  3. Reality tv is so worth fighting for because we all know how that turns out.....

  4. From everything I've read, I can;t figure out why he married her in the first place! He thinks she's dumb, criticizes her constantly, has been a total bear to everyone ever since they began dating...what was the point, FFS? To have another child?

    1. Everyone is dumb in his world and he has always been a total ass**** to everyone. She just chose to put up with it as a true gold digger. They deserve each other.

    2. Yes, to have another child. That's what these hate filled people do. Breed and abandon children. It's in their genes.

  5. Did he need a beard?

  6. A gold digger and a asshoie walk into a restaurant..... Perfect match.

  7. I wasn't thinking Alec, but he sure does fit.

  8. I agree this is Alec but wouldn't Alec be A list in Enty's world?

  9. @selenakyle, it also makes you wonder how they got as far as the restaurant for a dinner date with that kind of animosity brewing just below the surface. His impulse control and anger issues are nothing new though.

  10. I'm not sure why this was blind. Enty might as well have said "Alec and Hillaria Baldwin got into a huge fight..."

  11. Maybe Hilaria kept her god digging aspirations secret until after the marriage. Karma is a bitch Alec. And so is a costly divorce.

  12. Poor Alec. Make her do vile shit bro. Get yer money's worth before she bolts. Then go on the View and cry and tell how she manipulated you day and night with her young and flexible yoga vag, and you were never in your right mind during the relationship. Get yer PR spiel down before you put that ho on the curb.

    Really sucks for him, cause as soon as he's done payin on Ireland he gonna start payin support on the new kid.

  13. She's in it for a stab at fame and a quick buck…it's the only reason you put up with a nasty ass

  14. This isn't his first dinner time fight with her and it won't be his last. Kim B. said that he was always starting fights with her at restaurants and dinner parties with lots of witnesses. Dude has scary issues. I'm surprised he didn't find a gay waiter to scream at too.

  15. EASY EASY..The Baldwins are a very rich snobby family from Massapequa NY (sp). Also Irish. Big drinkers, all the Baldwin boys have problems. Daniel is a huge drug addict, Stephen has had his issues then went JesusFreak, Alec is a drunk with anger issues who thinks he is God.
    Billy seems like the only normal one.

  16. He needs to call his lawyer.

  17. Pandora,

    I know family members of the Baldwins and while everything you said is correct except two. Them being Irish has nothing to do with anything. They didn't grow up "very rich". Massapequa is not "very rich". Their father was a high school teacher and football coach. So yeah. no.

  18. Although you are right, this should be under "easy easy". I mean come on Enty!

  19. Yep. Even I knew this one.

  20. Oh my goodness. These are so easy today!

  21. Anonymous11:24 AM

    He called her custard????? OUTRAGED!

  22. If we assume Alec is not gay which if he was in the closet could explain 1. his rage issues and 2. his homophobic slurs - men in the closet are often self loathing, then I just laugh because it is the same story told over and over again - old middle aged dude is so stoked cause some pretty girl half his age is doting on him he marries her and then realizes what everyone else could see it clear from the day they started dating.

  23. Yeah I never heard they were wealthy. Maybe pointing out the "Irish" part was an adjective for the drinking. Here's a good Irish joke...An Irish guy didn't walk into a bar.

    (And I say this as a a descendant of an O'Neil.)

  24. Anonymous4:57 PM

    im just kinda sorry but her name is so stupid

  25. Them Long Island Irish are a troublesome bunch. Baldwins. Lohans. Nuttin but headaches.

    How come Long Island got the Lohans & Baldwins and LA got the Hiltons & K-trashes???

    Long Island got to pick first.

  26. Is she still "reporting" or whatever it was she was doing, on that entertainment show? She doesn't still have the yoga thing, right?
