Thursday, December 19, 2013

Blind Item #1

This recently separated good looking movie and television actor was at a club this week and made it clear to the women approaching him that he was only interested in threesomes that night and to not talk to him unless she was bringing someone with her. When women would approach he would stand with the two friends who were with him and they made the women turn and pose and then critiqued their appearance before deciding whether they would be allowed to stay. He found his two women by the end of the night and took them back to his place.


  1. What a pig.

    Why do women lower themselves to be used like this just to bang a celebrity?

  2. Whomever it is, he's a pigface.

  3. C'mon, did this really happen? Anyway, can't think of a recently seperated good looking actor.

  4. ...again...why do women lower themselves to this level? Have some respect for yourselves. Disgusting...and the guy's a complete pig.

  5. @Kristin, I was shocked that I got it before someone else. VIP must not be awake yet.

    1. @Karen Well tomorrow is FFF. I imagine there is a network of spreadsheets she has to update, bibliography to tend to, copious note taking on topics such as girth, follicular crop dusting... It's important work she does.

  6. While I understand the gentleman's enthusiasm for threesomes (ggb only please because gbb is disgusting), being obnoxious to the ladies during the screening phase can only be counterproductive. Guy needs to smarten up.

  7. Gossling and Mendez just split

  8. Why do women lower themselves this way?

  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    it is gosling

  10. Attn Ladies

    The vag is like Kryptonite to dudes, but until you band together and say "fuck off", this behavior will persist. Why wouldn't it? The guy knows what he wants and isn't wasting time/energy on pleasantries. It's economy of motion.

  11. Hard to believe this prince is separated, lol

  12. The best part was he was successful in his endeavor. Hopefully the rating of the sum of the two women would be enough to hold in Black Jack

  13. Taye Taye got his groove back

  14. Ugh, this does really sound like Taye, and that makes me sad :(

  15. Ah for the life of a goodlooking celeb..........

  16. He is really good looking. Damn it.

  17. Taye Diggs is hideous-don't get the whole 'good looking' vibe and this story is BS. No woman would degrade herself like this even if she was a whore.

  18. If some dick asked me to turn around and pose for him, he would get a heel in his balls!!! How revolting.

  19. Diggs, and he's not any worse than the chicks who agreed to it. Only you can prevent acts of whoredom.



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