Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Blind Item #11

This Million Dollar Listing realtor tried to buy lunch for a table of ten this week and his card was declined. The next one too. Eventually someone else had to pay.


  1. Ill take your word for it you probably used him/her to get your beachhouse.

  2. Well, they aren't HIS /HER million dollar houses, right?

  3. @sandy I'm team Josh Altman FWIW

  4. I'll go with Luis from NY.

    1. Has to be. What a little fake it til you make it poser.

  5. @VIP a nice Jewish boy at least probably a go-getter

  6. No-the little one that stole those paintings from his listings. Josh Flagg.

  7. I'm thinking Ryan from NYC or the little guy Luis.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. TTM

    No but most of us could live off the amount of commission they get paid to sell ONE house.

    To be fair though my credit card company will shut me down if I don't make the minimum payment on time, even if the minimum payment is $10. It happened twice over the past many years and I've made sure that never happens again.

    I have noticed and others that credit card companies are stricter than they used to be post 2008.

    1. Yes amazing how the government can rescue the banks to the tune of billions but these bozo bankers could give two shits about how many years you've been funding them with your interest payments. Please let me get "too big to fail".

  10. That arrogant one...Josh Altmann. He has a very high standard of living for a realtor...

  11. By tine the real estate agents split their fees with the agency and pay the agency back for the ads etc. That 15% isn't so much anymore more like 3 or 4%

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It's josh and his fake ass. He used to do the same shit when used to roll with the Olsen twins. At least he stopped stiffing the restaurants on the bill.

    1. Which Josh? Flagg or Altman?

    2. @califblondy Flagg, sorry. Lol. He and the Olsen twins were notorious for going around and either not paying the bill altogether or not tipping the wait staff that they ran ragged. Especially at the Beverly Hills hotel. They were hated there.

  14. I'm really hoping its Altman. He's such a self absorbed dick, always about the image. The card denial would have been a fresh FU from karma herself.

    1. He's a douche. Cant stand him. I saw him on Sunday at Nordstrom. He's very homely looking and short! I hope this blind is about him.

    2. I wondered how short he was.

  15. i thought Flagg was a trust fund baby, cuz of grandma Edith, who i LOVE!
    this sounds like Luis & his sexy pompadour hair.

  16. Probably Altman. Josh Flagg probably saves his pennies and is not showy the way Altman is.

    1. @PotPourri: I read that as "saves his penises" and has to do a quick double-take.

  17. i love Edith. I think Flagg has money. What about that Swedish guy? i think that really sounds like him

  18. Fredrik has his own real estate business in Sweden too.
    homeboy's loaded.

  19. I stopped watching this show a while ago. I'll go with that whiny little freak with Starlycakes. I know he's not on the program anymore but I want it to be him anyway.

  20. I think some rich people get a thrill out of dining and dashing or trying to see how much they can get comped etc. I don't get that mentality at all. If you are that bored, start up a business that does something important if you are all about being cheap.

    Saw a cool documentary about a program that gets college students together to develop products for people in the third world that address a specific need in a way that is economical and accessible for that country. One team developed a way to treat infants with pneumonia without using oxygen tanks. They came up a great idea just using water in a bottle with a tube run on a rechargable battery. In a previous year, people in the program developed solar operated lanterns that are now used in Africa all over the place and another woman developed a sleeping bag unit for a premie baby for the hospitals that could not afford incubators.

  21. If it's current, I'd say Luis. If it is all then maybe Chad? I'm not sure how much Madison really sells, he seems to lose a lot of deals.

    Josh Flagg's grandma is worth like $50 million dollars. He might be cheap, but his card would not be declined.

    1. Anonymous3:19 AM

      @car54 - definitely not Chad - like Madison, he's also very frugal and saves his pennies. (When I say frugal, I mean he's not a 'flash Harry' like what Altman comes across as - he spends money wisely). I know Chad personally and can tell you he is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. And yes, his hair is beautiful! :-)

  22. @Tina, that is the best thing I've read today - thank you!

  23. Ryan Serhant and ewwwww, last I heard he was dating crazy Kelly Bensimon.

  24. Anonymous3:17 AM

    These guys are not as rich as people seem to think.

    Flagg sold his apartment in his Grandma's building for a little more than original purchase price, despite spending big $ renovating it. Flagg recently bought Nicky Hilton's ex's house (Katzenberg). Before moving to his apartment, despite his 'I'm so successful claims', Flagg rented. And he does not have huge wealth behind him - his Grandmother has already said she's not leaving any money to him, and he does not appear to be given handouts by his parents.

    Altman has only recently purchased his own place, and that's a project. He (and Heather - Madison's former assistant) rent a very modest house off Melrose.

    Madison has a nice house in Malibu which he owns and he is, by far, the most successful of them all. He's careful with his money, and does not flash it about like the others.

    My guess on this blind is Altman or Flagg ... I'll say Altman though, because he's more likely to host a group of people than Flagg, who's a bit of a loner and miserable to boot.

    ... My second guess is going to be Ryan Serhant though - there's something about him that screams 'try hard'.



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