Thursday, December 12, 2013

Blind Item #10

This organization says they have a quota of "ethnic nominees" they allow. When that number is reached no more are allowed. In case there are additional "ethnic nominees" the board votes to determine which would move on to the next stage in balloting for this award.


  1. Hollywood Foreign Press

  2. Seeing that the GG only nominated 12 years I would say them.

  3. I would be very surprised if anyone actually said that out loud, isn't it just obvious by all the choices made ever. Unwritten rule I bet. Stinkin one

  4. Scientology, & their very unique levels of xenu.

  5. I'm going to go a different route and say the CMA's. Just to be different and for no other reason.

  6. Kinda off/on topic, I'm sad there seems to be no award love for Fruitvale Station and Michael B Jordan! I thought both the film and actor deserved nods.

  7. Anonymous12:03 PM

    The a-list actor is moving forward to seek a new light. Maybe

  8. My thought at first on the H'wd Foreign Press but thankfully in the individual categories they included people of color.

    Whoever it is they're idiots. Talent is colorblind.

  9. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The a-list actor is moving forward to seek a new light. Maybe

  10. Sounds like the Academy Awards to me. Next guess would be Tony Awards.

  11. Augusta National Golf Club.

  12. Okay, now Enty is just taking random observations and crafting blinds. But, sure, I'll play along. In addition to the Hollywood Foreign Press Assoc. -- which this CLEARLY IS -- I'll also throw in:

    - AMPAS
    - SNL
    - RNC
    - NRA
    - LDS
    - the agency that cast The Hunger Games films
    - Every board of every Fortune 500 company
    - my neighborhood Home Owner's Association

  13. I agree with Derek. Probably all of them have hush hush quotas that only insiders kbow about.

  14. do they really have some kind of quota on talent?

    I always think it's weird that there are quotas on anything. If we were truly colorblind there would be no quotas because we would not be considering color or race for anything.....just saying.....

  15. HFPA, just because of the talk of Oprah being left out of the supporting actress category.

  16. Fucking racist Hollywood, but I guess they're merely a microcosm for the fucking racist America.

  17. Oh, and if you're a racist, slither back into your dark, stinky hole. Nobody of any import likes you. Assholes.

  18. The sad thing is that I'm not even surprised.
    Pissed off, of course, but not in the least surprised.

  19. "SNL"

    Oops, bad timing, given that it was just reported that SNL held a midseason casting showcase--which they never do for anyone--for black women actors.

    SNL is guilty of tokenism, sure, but not for capping the number of people of color they have in the cast. They have had, for example, someone of Hispanic heritage in the cast for sixteen seasons running, someone of Middle Eastern heritage five years, etc.

  20. It seems it would kind of odd for the HFP Association to have such a quota, for though it is small, FHP membership comes from around the world. Just seems odd, that's all.

  21. MadLyb, get out of America. There's much more racism around the world than even our little 'ol US of A. Sadly. Its a world wide happening against many different peoples and cultures. I don't see it will ever be completely eradicated. That said, I'm pretty sure, as written, it implies HFPA.
