Friday, December 06, 2013

Angels We Have Heard On High - The Piano Guys


  1. ummm did they pay u to post his ents?

  2. these guys are sweethearts. t/y, enty!

  3. Eh. Somebody shared this with me on my FB page. It's kinda hokey, IMO. Maybe if it were live.

  4. I enjoyed the music, but watching them mess with the piano was stressing me out.

  5. OMG - MM. I totally agree. I was so horrified for the piano. LOL.

    The recording is so canned. I think that's and their gleeful dorky facial expressions are making me so uncomfortable. I need my wine....

  6. I refuse to click on it because the most disgusting fat lazy lying hypocritical fibromyalgic creature I know sent this out in a mass email yesterday. Fuck her and her "happy holidays!"

  7. It was hokey. It was like watching 4 high school music teachers at a jam session. I agree the facial expressions were a bit much too. That said, the music was good and put me in the holiday spirit.
