Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Zac Efron Needs Rehab Again

Two trips to rehab this year have not done the trick for Zac Efron but sources say he refuses to go for a third time and is trying to work things out on his own because he says his trips to rehab have caused his career to stall. Umm, the reason his career has stalled is because it is a pain to hire someone hooked on drugs when you are not sure if they will be at work on time and 100% sober. It also doesn't help that he has not had a hit since High School Musical and refuses to sign on for movies that have a much better chance at the box office than the independents he has been chasing down.

The thing about independents is they are grateful to have him because of the name but his acting isn't good enough to make the performance typical independent quality and the producers lose money and don't want him back and then he has to take lower quality films which just makes it worse. Apparently his family is considering an intervention because of the latest incident where he got so hammered he slipped and fell and broke his jaw.

I wouldn't believe the Kneepads version of the puddle of water. Think about the last time you were outside wearing rubber soled shoes and slipped on water on rough cement. Probably hasn't happened.


  1. I can slip on a dry concrete sidewalk. Some people are just extra clumsy.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Don't ask darling, I just walked into a door. Then fell down some stairs.

  2. Leave this beautiful unicorn alooone!!

  3. So what you're saying is that if he comes back in 18 years and does Ironman 38 we will all love him again?

  4. I don't think the scenario of the fall is too far fetched.

  5. I'm a world class klutz. It happens. Now, did it happen here? Dunno, wasn't there. But, damn, that's gotta hurt like a mofo!

    Healing to Zac...never quit quitting!

  6. Awww. I like him. Hope he gets straight.

  7. I hate to be all "I told you so-y" but I was screaming that he was in 911 danger still, and had been, for a long time. Maybe he can snag Joe Jonas, Taylor Momsen, and check on Demi, on his way in. This watching these rich, attractive, young kids destroy themselves kinda hurts my soul, frankly. I hate it.

  8. What about the poor and unattractive kids destroying themselves? Does that kinda hurt your soul? I hate to see ANYONE doing this.

    1. Well yeah, of course. But I was specifically pointing to the kid actors/singers that had once had huge fame and difficulty aging into this business, despite their wealth of attributes. I worked for a time adjacent to this business, and especially around kid stars. I do talk about it a lot here, because I'm a mom of kids their age, and its hard not to make the comparisons for me.

    2. @MR: I love that response!

  9. Disney took another one

  10. He's doing this shit to himself, and until he is ready to get his act together and WANT to be sober this is the way it's gonna be. I have no sympathy for this fuckwad or anyone else who has the means to get help but refuses to do so when there are others that don't have the money or resources as these bitches yet would kill for the opportunity.

  11. That must be some hard pavement. Three stints in rehab within one year is a lot. He must be on everything.

  12. Eh ... It happens. Friend of mine broke his jaw skateboarding while drunk.

    3rd time for rehab in one year though is pretty intense.

  13. Maybe falling broke his jaw, but if that's the case there are details missing from this story.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. actually one of my colleagues's mother is in the hospital(broken hip& nose) because she slipped on a water puddle

  16. He's a gay pretty boy without much in the way of acting ability. That's why he doesn't get the big studio and production house movies. Still not convinced that his "drugging" isn't overstated for PR purposes.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Harry, yet again you prove my belief you are a homophobe with the I. Q of an aubergine. Fuck nuffle

    2. Rach, while I may indeed be a fuck nuffle, I'm still plenty smarter than your average eggplant. And again, sorry to hear about your worms, but as I said, you didn't get them from me.

  17. @Paint Chips : probably

    what is "great" with the broken jaw is that it's so painful ,you are treated with painkiller pills

  18. Hips I understand, especially when you're older, but a jaw? That is a tough bone, and you had to fall face first to do it. I can see it happening on a bike or a skateboard due to the force, but just walking down the street? Unless you have major osteoporosis, that is pretty hard to do. Maybe a fist connected with Zach's jaw? That makes more sense to me.

  19. On the other hand, a trip to rehab, no matter how prestigious the treatment center may be, is an utter waste of time and money unless the person going wants to be there and truly realizes he/she has a problem.

  20. sad-I kinda liked this beautiful boy

    Disney just gobbles up their youth

    very few make it out

  21. who knew Vanessa Hudgens would turn out to be the sane sober one.

    1. Whoa now....nobody said she's either of those things.....she's.better at hiding it

  22. This scares me because he doesn't seem like the type. And it's all behind the scenes which is making me see the problem is way more serious than usual. :(

  23. I like Zac. He seems like a nice guy (and I believe also has a rep as one)he's not out beating on people, stealing, hitting them with his car, etc., etc.. He's a guy with an addiction who may/may not be ready to truly face it (which is not terribly uncommon with someone his age- the denial, that is). Hopefully he has the wherewithall to face it before something happens that can't be fixed.

    I wish him luck.

  24. slipped on a small puddle of water while wearing rain boots and broke my ankle. that was last winter. I was mortified, it was barely enough water to drown an ant. shit happens.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Three years ago I tripped over a over a flower bed post at night and landed chin first on the concrete driveway. Broke my jaw at the tempo mandibular joint and lost eight teeth. So yes these things can happen to anyone.

  27. @brittiany -- OMG, that was painful to read...can't imagine going through that in real life. Hope everything healed up ok for you!!!!!

  28. Anonymous9:03 AM

    There's always some gormless cunt leaving banana skins around.

  29. First of all, a "puddle" in LA is not exactly a safety hazard. Picture more a sprinkler briefly hitting the pavement. However Hudgens turned out to be the shiny one of that bunch is beyond me. I thought she would be in rehab 10x over by now and drifted away into the has been abyss. I kind of don't mind her anymore.

  30. zacs the last person i wouldve thought to end up in this- stuff! and we all thought out of the two vanessa would end up the crazy crackwh*re but she isnt doing too bad. shes managed to convince people she is classy despite her provocative past.

  31. I would agree that you would probably have to be incapacitated in some way to slip and break your jaw, because the majority of people would automatically put their hands out to break their fall. Pretty much no one just planks, unless they have a medical condition.

  32. I don't know Amanda_jf, sounds like Brittiany planked. Ouch girl!

    It's not just that you have to want to be well it's that you have to be away from the temptation too. It's so very, very hard on both counts. However, it's nice that they say his family wants him well. That's a little different..Oh I guess he doesn't support them all like some others we know right?

  33. Meth is a hell of a drug

  34. I had been making Christmas cookies so I had a backpack on carrying supplies which added to my 'planking ' effect but I promise if it is dark out and you loose your balance you could end up like me with your jaw wired shut for 6 weeks 8 implants put in ( four of which failed) plus your body rejecting the bone graph so ya gotta pay to get it out. A horrible hot f*ing mess
