Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Your Turn

Are you where you thought you would be in life?


  1. Kind of. Doing criminal defense work. I always wanted to be Perry Mason. But he dressed better, won more cases, and got paid more. Other than that, sure!

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Kara: no wheelchair? Hurrah for fulfilling your potential. That's rad!

  2. No. But I am glad that where I wanted to be is no where near where I am because I am better off here than there. Make sense?

    1. This reads like a fugazi Enty blind item.
      I barely understand how to read those, but I think I thought I think I get it.

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Nope. I didn't see myself up at 5 am looking after my sisters kids while she spends time in QLD. One of em has the squirts. I start work in 3.5 hours FFS

  4. I was up at 4.30 for work this morning. Sat at a desk writing reports all day. Came home to children desperate to be fed and house a mess. Tonight is general taxi service. But you know healthy and loved so...really isn't that as much as anyone aspires to in the great scheme. Anything else is a bonus.

  5. Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Frankly, I'd be shocked if ANYONE said that yes, they're exactly where they thought they'd be.

  6. Anonymous10:11 AM

    At age 5, I thought I'd have a house full of cute pets, be married to Leo Dicaprio and live next to my BFF and all her pets. And eat popcorn and fairy floss for dinner

  7. Yes. After a lot of hard work im doing what I love doing. I make stellar money even though not as much when I consulted. I feel very happy and blessed.:) nice topic, Enty.

  8. I thought I'd be taller.

  9. Eros is a kiss ass.

    1. Not trying to be. I was just being honest.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      If Eros were a kiss arse, he/she would've commended bad grammar and poorly written blogs. And engaged in some Jessica Alba adoration.

    3. Lol Rach Around! That was funny and disturbing all at the same time. ;)

  10. Yes & No.
    Never knew or thought I'd have Crohn's disease :/ It's changed my whole life around.

    1. Thats rough. Are you doing better now?

    2. Eh.

      I have good days and bad ones. It's manageable with meds and being careful of what I eat. It's unpredictable though, I can still do everything right & end up in the hospital.

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      AJ : sucks arse, sorry for you.

    4. Thanks :)
      I really do try and stay positive though. I'm doing ALOT better than when I was.

    5. Anonymous10:50 AM

      AJ: good to know.

    6. AJ I also have Crohn's. Being sick destroyed my shot at nursing school and the toll it took on my body. But I'm in. Good place now - active, fit and have a great net of close friends who I love

    7. Sorry for you both - AJ and Amy. I read up on the disease some time ago. I love to read when someone kicks a disease's ass. It sounds like both of you are taking your life back which is very inspirational.

    8. Amy : Happy to hear your in a good place. I've missed out on a lot of things bc of my Crohns so I know how you feel.

      Hubby & I really want to try for a baby next year but I worry my body won't let me.

      EROS: TY :) We are Crohn's Warriors !!! Always ready for battle. LOL.

  11. I am not. But then again all things considered I'm not bad. I need to adjust my perspective.

  12. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Seriously. I don't have kids. Any suggestions for a three year old with green apple splatters who wants cuddles (ew. I saw what debris you left in my toilet) and to watch Peppa Pig?

    1. Rice usually help with the runny d's.

    2. @Rach, BRAT diet (appropriate name, heh) - bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. All binding foods, should help with the runs. Make sure she gets water or pedialyte, diarrhea can dehydrate the little ones pretty fast.

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Seven: I seriously think I need to call in sick by proxy today. Poor little mite is so crook. I'm administering cuddles, dry bikkies (I call them grown up crackers and it seems to work) and electrolyte drink. I think I need to take her to the Dr. After we watch Peppa Pig that is

    4. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Thanks AJ. Now, my next question. How do I make a bowl of boiled rice appealing to a finicky child who won't eat spaghetti because it "looks like worms"?

    5. Hmmm ... I got nothing.
      Seriously though try bananas if the rice is no go. I live off the BRAT diet on bad days with my crohns.

    6. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I DO have bananas. I'll make it seem enticing. Somehow. Then, the Dr. And more Peppa Pig

    7. Sounds like a good plan.

  13. Fuck no. But I am glad I am still not married or have kids. No offense to those who do, but that path isn't for everyone.

  14. Any one who is where they thought they would be in life didn't aim high enough.

  15. plenty of pedialyte & popsicles Rach, so they dn't dehydrate. if they start vomiting too, go to the dr. asap!

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Ware, no chucking yet. Electrolyte drink (I called it Peppa Pig cordial) and water crackers and LOADS of cuddles seems to be working. Can you give kids Imodium? I'm calling in sick and going to the GP asap

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Pedialyte sounds like the drink 9 out of 10 paedophiles prefer.

  16. Anonymous10:48 AM

    JSierra: I'm starting to rethink the whole having kids thing after the past week. At least I get to hand them back in 2 days. Who knew nappies would be more challenging to navigate than a Chinese finger trap

  17. No. Not even close.

  18. I thought I'd be living on the North Shore in a big house, a couple of kids, etc. Instead I am working on the North Shore, and never married or had any kids. :(

    1. I'm in Waianae. No north shore dream fulfilled here either.

  19. Nope. I'm back in school though so it almost feels like a do over. It's busy with the hubs and kids though.

  20. Absolutely not. I got married April 6 of this year, and my husband committed suicide on August 5. I am unemployed, and since my husband did not change the beneficiary of his life insurance from his mother to me, she kept all of the money. He had no will, so everything has had to go through probate, and thus far, I have paid $4000 in attorney fees. However, I count myself lucky that I have a wonderful family and wonderful friends, and my faith in God.

    1. Peach so sorry to hear of your troubles. Hugs from a stranger for whatever it's worth.

    2. @tennispeach- So sorry, hugs girl.

    3. So sorry to hear this. I never know how to respond when I hear sad stories like this. It makes me want to hug you like sherry and go erase my smarmy reply up above. Hold strong to your faith and God will guide you through this. God bless you tennis peach.

    4. That's heartbreaking.
      So sorry for your loss.
      Big internet hugs from little ole me.

    5. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Holy shit, that's seriously devastating. All I can say is that you must be incredibly strong, brave and resilient and I hope you have good supprts. Lots of love to you.

    6. I hope that there are many blessings in your future.

    7. Peach, so sorry.

  21. Not me either but as stated above not unhappy on how life turned out. If I don't like anything I can change it.

  22. I'm happy to be right where I am. Life is good. I'm sorry for those suffering and am not ignoring or belittling your pain.

  23. Being trolled by Crowdgather? No, not really.

  24. I never even wanted to visit Germany. Certainly didn't think I'd be living here for over a decade!

    1. My best friend is going to do this soon. Her fam is from sicily and israel. She visited italy for 4 weeks over the summer and I was honestly surprised to see her come back. Shes a little anti american now which tickles me. Traveling abroad is a mind bending experience. I miss Europe. Do you miss anything from living in the u.s.?

    2. Hi Eros. Well I miss blue skies. It can be grey here a lot. And the chattiness of Americans. If your friend just loved she'll probably get over that anti-American thing soon. I went through that phase too ;)

    3. Moved not loved lol

    4. Well she hasnt made the plunge but she took a million photos while she was there which made me envious. I dont think id ever leave either. All that gorgeous architecture...eastern europeans arent too chatty are they. That was culture shock for me when I was in austria and hungary.the brits are even chattier and bubblier than americans.. they love to party and good company.

  25. No, I never dreamed I'd be sucked into a gossip site blogging community. :-)

  26. I figure I'm right where I need to be... for whatever reason.

    Hugs to you, Tennis Peach.

  27. I wanted to be a porn actor as a daytime job and Batman at night.

    Surprisingly I have finished murdering English grammar and ortography in a gossip blog.

  28. No,left a great job to move to Las Vegas with hubby. Plans to start a new career derailed by Trigeminal Neuralgia, medicines most painful affliction. Nine years of suffering and brain surgery to correct leaves a major hole in your resume.

    A big hug to anyone who keeps going in the face of daunting illness.

    1. Del: And one big hug to you as well.

    2. Crap. That is the WORST. So sorry you have gone through so much. I am in pain 24/7/365, but still nuthin like what you got. Grateful...

  29. And hugs to Tennis Peach if what she says is true.

    I hope this was well written, or 'rotten' in rachy's language, because I wanted to be serious in this post.

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Kermie, I like being quoted. Don't recall "rotten" but feel free to use "tunnel cunted sow" and "rancorous minge twingeing arse clap" as well. Xx

  30. @AJ, thanks, I'm good now. Massive doses of meds took their toll, tinnitus, crappy balance,but I had a brilliant brain surgeon. Little teflon pads all along the trigeminal nerve and I'm almost good as new.

    Our son has ulcerative colitis/Crohns, I know how tough your battle is, stay strong.

    1. @Del : Glad you found a doctor that could help. Finding a good doctor that you can trust is key.

      Good luck with your son. I can't imagine having to deal with childhood & crohns.

      And thank you for your kinds words. Always appreciated.

  31. @Erin: Thank you, Erin. In my youth I was adept at motivational speaking, the few opportunities I had to do it.

  32. @Peach - I'm so sorry! I know a bit of your pain.

    To answer the question for me: Hell no! I definitely didn't see me working as a manager in a financing authority for the government; going through a very bad divorce (#2); or having children (I now have my niece and nephew who are in their late teens because my brother committed suicide last year and their mother is a worthless piece of crap and he didn't leave a will or change anything so his evil 2nd wife took everything and left the kids with a few of his things as memories).

    But even though I miss my brother something awful and dealing with teenagers can be rather trying at times I love how close I am to them and am trying to give them as much love and stability as I can. And I have an awesome boyfriend who has taken on all of these challenges as his own.

    1. Your niece and nephew are so lucky to have you.

  33. In answer to the

    Out of curiosity, if you don't think I am rude, Eros, what do you do? I think I want to do it.


    1. I manage erp system implementations for corporations. I really do love Iit. I know many dont like what they do but I am a super analytical person who loves the challenge of finding business solutions for companies. So I never get bored and its always new and interesting. The erp program I work with is sap and a basically end up redesigning the program for my business base.

  34. Life has a funny way of not working out quite how you envision, doesn't it? LOL No, I'm not where I thought I'd be either, but I get what I need instead of what I want so I'm really happy with how things have turned out.

  35. I thought I'd be Queen Shit of Fuck Mountain by now but I still have a ways to go.

  36. In many ways no because some dreams were just not realistic but in other ways much happier than I thought possible. Walking through doors that opened when I least expected... or didn't expect at all...

  37. Nope. I'm single, childless, and a third ofmy way through a degree. Half my lifetime ago, I figured my career would be on track, I'd be in a long-term steady relationship with at least one child. Alas, the PCOS and debilitating health problems put paid to those plans.

  38. I never thought I would be 43 and pregnant. I thought I would be running some entertainment empire writing Oscar winning scripts, but I like being a writer/academic; even if those two passions sometimes do not make the best bedmates.

    1. Wow, you sound like you have an interesting life. In some parallel universe I imagined I would be a writer but no time for it. Maybe in the next lifetime.

  39. @ Rach - I'm not in a wheelchair yet! And thanks!

  40. Sort of. I thought I'd be married, have kids and a career. I have the career part down and did exactly what I set out to do. The rest isn't as easy. However, sometimes I'm glad I'm single because I enjoy the freedoms that come with it. Other times I wish I had the family because I love kids and want a spouse/partner in life's journey.

  41. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Nope, I'm not. I'm better off! I can seriously say I'm livin' the dream. First time mom, my hubs kicks A, don't have to work, have homes in US, Bulgaria, and Greece, friends all over the world who rock, and extended family who I can't rave about enough.

  42. I am pretty much where I thought id end up, kids grown, retired with enough, not too much, but enough money, still married to same hubby. Got some grandchildren, good friends. Some health crap, but everybody has some stuff eventually. I feel lucky.

  43. Aj and all with crohns- that stinks and of course I feel for your little boy the most. I have IBS , and digestive disorder called mesenteric panniculitis. Many many things I can't eat - no fruits, vegs, fiber, oatmeal , dairy - a lot trips to er and of course, the bathroom. I know the misery and mental hugs to all of you. Esp frustrating that its idiopathic - u can just never get a handle on it.

    1. My daughter has IBS and has suffered a lot for a few years. She now follows a strict diet given to her by her new gastroenterologist and so far so good. She has had to make sacrifices of certain foods she likes but has found many that she loves. It is not a curable condition but it is manageable.

    2. Aunt Liddy : Sounds about right. I equate eating fiber to running brillo through my raw and swollen gut. No Good :/
      Take care of yourself. Our bodies take such a beating.

    3. PugsterMom: Sorry to hear about your daughters illness. I hate when children have to deal with this sort of thing. I remember how bad my stomach was growing up and wouldn't wish that on any one, young or grown.

      I'm glad to hear though that she is in a good place with her illness. Tell her to stay positive and in tune with her body. I've found that keeping a food & symptom diary is quite helpful.

      Best of luck :)

    4. Thank you AJ! She's a college athlete and otherwise in great shape. Finding the right doctor was a blessing. Now she's actually enjoying eating again... and cooking! Praying it stays like this.

  44. Nope, not at all. I thought by now I'd have some semblance of self confidence, a job that pays well and a happy marriage.

    I have none of these things. I'm working almost 7 days a week for peanuts, I'm considering a divorce, my insane parents have become 10x more overbearing...I feel completely suffocated. And I have less confidence than ever.

  45. I am so far beyond anything I could have dreamed that it boggles my mind. I am freeeeeeeee! I have the luxury of time. I don't have any bills. And I can't believe I didn't fuck this up someway somehow. Things get better every single day. After all those years of bloody hell I can't believe I survived. I'm so happy that after the life I lived to get this far I really think a lightening bolt is going to burn me into the ground at any minute. Sometimes it just doesn't feel real. But it is. Life is good. Good post Enty!

  46. So sorry to all of you dealing with suicide and illness. Stay strong.

    RachAround - You sound like a fab aunt, and hopefully the toddler in your care is on the mend. My little guy is not too fond of rice. Good luck with that! I usually do crakers, pastina with butter, homemade chicken soup if I'm feeling all domestic goddessy and lots and lots of water or that pedialyte stuff. And plenty of rest!

    This question is so interesting. Especially since I spent my morning at a funeral where the pastor went on and on about how you can try to plan everything in life but it all goes to crap anyway. And at the time, I was going through about 5 mental lists about all the shit I need to get done for my son's 3-year-old Thomas the Train Birthday Bonanza this weekend. Ironically, today IS his birthday, and I literally spent about 10 minutes with him.

    I don't know where I thought I would be. I remember being asked that question in a job interview, and I told the interviewer I thought that was the dumbest question I'd ever heard. Ah, to be 22 and so ballsy. But, I guess the thing is, I thought differently at age 16 than I do now, so I just don't know.

    I do count my blessings and hope tomorrow is a great day. I'm so bad with hypotheticals.....

  47. Better than I thought I'd be financially. Didn't get the personal life I wanted at all. But I've been broke and agree with the saying that money doesn't buy happiness, but it's a lot more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle. I think it was a shocker for me to realize we don't all get a happy ending but instead have to be grateful for what we did get. My health has held up pretty well so I'm grateful for that.

  48. Nope, not at all but I am happy where I am and I am thankful for the life I have.
