Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Will Smith Takes Suggestive Photos With Co-Star

Star Magazine has a new article this week and say that Will Smith's marriage might be in trouble because of some photos he took at a party with his female co-star Margot Robbie (above) who is also in Wolf Of Wall Street with Leonardo DiCaprio. The photos were taken in a photo booth and show the woman lifting her top and revealing a bra while Will lifts his shirt. Meh. Is it appropriate? No, but I'm not sure anything in the Will and Jada marriage is appropriate. I think we would all be more concerned if it had been with another guy. Maybe Jada told him to do it to add spice to their marriage. You know they have sex twenty times a day so Jada probably encourages this kind of thing because that kind of pace is tough to keep up without some extra help.

Does anyone actually believe the Will and Jada marriage? It is cover and that is all that it is and that is all it has ever been. I think after 15 years they are getting tired of it and it is easier just to come together a few times a year and take photos and smile and pretend they are happy. What the photo booth photos are going to do though is throw a huge spotlight on the marriage and that is something Jada doesn't want. She likes things quiet and clean and this is going to make them messy.


  1. Is it Duane Martin in drag?

  2. What is up with this trend of trashy blondes wearing black rimmed glasses? Am I supposed to think she is a brainiac because she can use bleach and buy glasses? Nimrod Jenny McCarthy does this schtick too and it's dumb.

    1. Don't you know that all it takes to go from librarian to sexy and back is adding a removing a pair of glasses?
      It instantly makes you smarter, duhhhhh

    2. I regularly French Connection UK (edgy fashion!) a librarian and s/he's a sexual tornado under those unassuming glasses. Don't diss the librarian love! It's all it It's cracked up to be. They're well read, you see.

  3. Margot Robbie is supposed to be the new It actress. Or so says the Hollywood Reporter article which spoke with a couple casting directors (female casting directors). For whatever that's worth.

  4. I want to see these pics!

    If will and Jada, have that much sex, I am seriously disturbed by the thought.

  5. Which one is it? Are They adding spice to the marriage or is it a sham marriage? Please pick a side of the fence and stay on it.

  6. Anonymous7:18 AM


  7. If she likes quiet, why'd she butch her hair and ditch her wedding ring in her most recent publicity photo op?!

  8. The pictures were all right until a sheep accidentally entered the photo booth, à la Arrested Development.

  9. Black glasses = Terry Richardson hit it

  10. Sorry, Jada's from Baltimore, Will is from West Philly and I'm all over both those places and I just do not believe it. Sorry. Jada doesn't need to fake anything.

  11. we all deep down inside want them to split up . We dont want will with crazy ass pinkett

  12. I don't think she has a big enough penis for Will to be interested in her "that" way.

  13. He was stupid enough to marry her, he deserves what he gets.

  14. She was photographed at an event without her wedding ring the other day.

    She obviously knew these photos were going to be released. This is just a bid for hot topic chatter during sweeps. All this drama is staged for ratings and magazine sales.

  15. I just read Robbie's IBM page. I assumed she wrote it because it states, "she attended and graduated from Somerset College." Well if you graduated from college it's a given you attended the college. What a doofus.

  16. Oh, Kels. Bless your heart. You really think the Scieno Twins have a true love marriage? Well, I guess in one way, you're right. They both did their own things, literally, and it made everyone happy. For a while, anyway. *sigh*

  17. Hey, it's Donna from Neighbours!!
