Monday, November 11, 2013

Tom Cruise Thinks Acting Is Like Fighting In Afghanistan

I thought about writing this over the weekend but wanted to wait until Veteran's/Remembrance Day because it shows you how little regard even people like Tom Cruise has for the military and what it is like to fight in a war and get shot at and watch your friends die in front of you. During his deposition whcih I wrote about last week Tom Cruise was asked the following question:

 Lawyer:  "Now, your counsel has publicly equated your absence from Suri for these extended periods of time as being analogous to someone fighting in Afghanistan.  Are you aware of that?"

Cruise:  "I didn't hear the Afghanistan, but that's what it feels like, and certainly on this last movie, it was brutal.  It was brutal."

Obviously Tom's lawyer should also be apologizing but would never do that because then he would have to admit something he said was wrong. Maybe he really believes that getting shot at by people trying to kill you is as hard as getting paid millions of dollars to work a few hours a day on a movie set surrounded by folks who are there to make sure nothing happens to you and to cater to your every whim and desire before you head back to your rented home or hotel suite and tell every one how exhausting and brutal your day was because the craft service guy was five minutes late or your latte was cold.

You would think Tom Cruise would know better but apparently he has a very high opinion of how hard he works in his movies and is probably lucky to be alive after working on the movie and if you pay him another $20M he would love to do it all over again.

Bert Fields did call TMZ after the story ran because he wanted to point out a section of unreleased deposition which says the following:

"Do you believe the situations [being in a movie and fighting a war in Afghanistan] are the same?"  Tom replies, "Oh come on."


  1. I say the same: Oh, come on.

    I was never a Cruise fan before it became fashionable to attack him over every little thing. Now I feel compelled to defend him, because it's just so over the top.

    1. Agree Nutty - enty also left off an even more damning quote right after he said 'oh come on' his full quote was "oh come on, we're filming a movie." I was wondering if enty was going to have an item on this but figured because of the bullshi/shoddyt reporting by tmz he might let it go- guess enty couldn't resist the cheap shot despite it's inaccuracy.

    2. I dont like to admit it but youre right. The cheap shots are cheap. Can you not always go for the easy mudslinging and instead maybe do a little more in depth nuanced reporting Enty?

  2. bashing Tom Cruise is boring!
    and come on! Cruise has been misquoted.Even him says it's not the same thing

  3. The fact that he also implies that he runs more races than an Olympian sprinter also makes me hate him even more.

  4. " 'A sprinter for the Olympics, they only have to run two races a day,' [GMD] continued. 'When I’m shooting, I could potentially have to run 30, 40 races a day, day after day.' ”

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He's just beyond beyond.

  7. I'm neither for nor against Tom on principle, but it seems that he has a lot of haters out there, and it's boring. People are so quick to hate rather than give someone the benefit of the doubt. He's not equating what he does to fighting in Afghanistan. Clearly he's not in a life or death situation. What he's saying is that his job is all encompassing and that the physicality of his movies is like being in combat or training for the Olympics. Have you seen his action movies? He does all of his own stunts and his movies are incredibly physically demanding.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. He's a tool! And his movies suck!

  10. Lawyer: "Now, your counsel has publicly equated your absence from Suri for these extended periods of time as being analogous to someone fighting in Afghanistan. Are you aware of that?"

    Cruise: "I didn't hear the Afghanistan, but that's what it feels like, and certainly on this last movie, it was brutal. It was brutal."

    Doesn't sound like he's misquoted. He could have said, no, it's not like fighting in Afghanistan, but he didn't - he said "that's what it feels like."

    Then went on to say Olympic sprinters only have to run once a day while Tommy has to run 30-40 times a day and train for a whole year.

    I neither love nor hate Tom Cruise but that's a pile o' crap evidence that, as a friend said to me yesterday, he lives in his own little world and has no idea what reality is.

  11. If you guys want to read a whole CABOODLE of documents from Tom's deposition, go to and read them there, Tony has waaayyyyy more pages than these snippets being reproduced on various gossip sites.

    However, Tom still looks like a bit of a numbskull because he's not incredibly bright or eloquent.

  12. The lengths he goes to fight tabloid rumors seem exhausting.

  13. Anonymous7:40 AM

    steph : he's running from his gay thoughts.

  14. I do believe he works really hard for his movies and I think he is very dedicated to his profession. However, those were stupid things to say out loud, outside of his private circle of friends/family.

  15. Hunter, thanks for the link, I've been meaning to check out Tony's site but keep forgetting!

  16. Oh, come on, Enty. You're really going to leave out the part after that where he said, "We're making a move."

    Tom is totally deluded but this out of context quote is sloppy and pathetic. He very clearly does *not* think filming is like fighting in Afghanistan.

    And you skipped over the part where he acknowledged that one of the reasons Katie left was to protect Suri from Co$. That is GOLD, right there.

  17. Cruise is an idiot…

  18. So, to review for the slowofbrain writer of this post, Tom Cruise does NOT think that acting is like fighting in Afghanistan.
    If there was anything viable on which to base your crazed world- without-end obsessive hatred of Tom Cruise you would be all over that shit. There isn't so, er, um, you just make stuff up. You psycho. No wonder Cruise sues media assholes for defamation. He may not win but at least he has the satisfaction of showing them for the boorish fools they are. I'm not even a big fan and this makes me feel sympathetic.

  19. I've seen Cruise in interviews and he doesn't seem overly bright without a script.


  21. If you read the link above, you see that's not what he said.

  22. NomNom, I did see that little tidbit.

    Wonder why nobody is really talking about that?

    1. Joella - they have been talking about it for a couple of days- that is why I was surprised enty posted the inaccurate version of the story today.

  23. I don't care for his movies either but even I agree this was quite a stretch to make him look bad.

  24. Famous people need to learn a simple phrase in case they have to testify under oath. Instead of the usual "You are trying to put words into my mouth" reply to silly questions like this, say "What a crock of shit". It's not perjury & it probably stops the questioner dead in his tracks.

  25. Context of the quote aside, Tom Cruise sure does seem to say things that just offer the opportunity for cheap shots on a silver platter.

  26. I always thought a deposition was to answer straight-ahead questions about the case in point. Reading this though, it sounds like the person asking the questions is trying to lead him to conclusions and trap him into saying something damning. I guess I don't know much about law, but a deposition isn't supposed to the same as being cross-examined, is it? Also, some of the questions asked are absolutely stupid--like this one.

  27. Topper, you can ask virtually anything in a depo. Whether it can be used in court or whether you have to answer is another question entirely. Depos are fact finding ventures.

    That said, how much/how hard he works in movies and how seriously he takes that work seems like it would be relevant to how seriously he takes being a father (in relation to those things he spends a great deal of time doing).

  28. Yeah, I think Cruise is probably being treated unfairly.

    The thing is, he's the defacto second-in-command of Scientology so fuck him, really.

    I hope he continues to be treated unfairly.

    I hope he can't fill in a crossword puzzle without his words being taken out of context and being treated unfairly.

    Fuck him hard. Fuck him deep.
    Fuck, oh fuck that little creep.

  29. Just a mix up and misused quote. He;s a cos clone but even he isnt this dunb.

  30. Those asshats at TMZ must have gotten a call from cruises lawyers. They just 'broke' a story about seeing video of deposition and admitting that cruise scoffed at idea that acting is like fighting in Afghanistan. Although this bullshit was started by tmz - enty helped the bs along with his post this morning despite many stories calling bs on tmz's story yesterday. FYI- cruise and his cos buddies are all dickheads but the truth is the truth.

  31. I think what the depo really showed is that Cruise would have been much better off letting the tabloid story go and not suing them.

    He doesn't come off as really bad in the depo as much as he does overly anxious about protecting his religion even at the cost of spending time with his daughter.

    Which means the tabloid story was essentially correct.

  32. The reason Tom Cruise is one of the biggest movie stars, no matter how much we hate him, is because he is a pro. He prepares for the film, he shows up on time, on the day hes told to. He doesn't make people jump through hoops, just assumes he deserves that they do.
    He is dumb as a box of rocks and as well trained as a performing mutt. Hes just smart enough to learn his lines but too dumb to realize Scientology is not the reason for his magic. There is no way in hell his mouth would utter those words.

  33. I read it as him saying you can't just up and leave a deployment, which is like you can't up and leave filming. Even that's dumb, he is the star! He could wrangle time off, use that private jet.

    The part I found insane was how upset he got when it was said something like "Cruise told Suri she has to follow the rules of the teachers and listen to what they tell her." Spoiler alert: You're SUPPOSED to tell your kid that! That is a *good* thing.
