Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Tom Cruise Says He Has Cheerful Phone Calls With Suri

I know it has been forever since we have seen Tom Cruise with Suri Cruise and that is why he should just give up this lawsuit he filed against In Touch. He is suing them for $50M because they say he abandoned Suri. Tom filed documents with the court saying his relationship with Suri is "wonderful and they have cheery phone calls." He also says that he e-mails Katie Holmes. First of all let me know when other Scientologists are allowed to e-mail their ex and to have cheerful phone calls with their kids. I bet a lot of them are wondering how come they are not allowed to do that and Tom is.

Tom is going to lose because he is going to have a hard time proving any damages. Tell me how he lost $50M because In Touch used the word abandoned. He didn't. He makes more money than ever. What he wants is to make them pay but he is not going to have any luck. He says in the court documents that he was busy filming two movies but that he was a constant presence in her life at the time. OK, what about now? Is he still filming all these movies back to back? Huh, then I guess he wasn't hurt by what they claimed? When is the last time you saw them together? If you go from seeing your child almost every day to cheerful phone calls for a year is that abandoning them? I just don't see how that one word is going to get him $50M.


  1. Just because we don't see them pap ttogether doesn't mean he doesn't visit her.

    He uses his teleportation to see her. I heard its faster

  2. Xenu lets him see her all the time.

  3. Unless you have their phones tapped, there is no way to prove this isn't true.

  4. The abandonment claim is bullshit but sounds like a pretty pathetic dad- I'm busy filming back to back movies for a year??? Where? 24/7 every day? No weekends off or holidays? He has access to private jets!!!! Unless Katie was making it hard to set something up this sounds pretty bad. Phone calls are nice but if he was interested in being there and seeing his young daughter he would be there.

  5. Nope he hasn't seen her, if they were in the place be sure there would be proof, photo's . Tom would never pass up a chance at good press…

  6. oops……same place

  7. Agree. He could do whatever he wanted to fly out and see her whenever he wanted. He just doesn't.

  8. dang, suri is losing her fashionista status in this pic. i give that outfit a 5.3

  9. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Good for him. He should sue. People need to learn that u cant say anything about anyone and make up shit!

    ....yelled the woman on the gossip site.

  10. Part-time parent doesn't equal abandonment...whatever. It's pretty common these days (sadly).

  11. Tom Cruise is mistaken. He just pressed the Home button of his iPhone for a while, and he had conversations with Siri on his favorite subjects:
    "Suri, what do you know about Tom Cruise?"
    "I'll look on the Internet"
    "Good, good…"
    "Tom Cruise is an American film star, famous for his leading parts in Top Gun…"
    "Perfect! Goodbye, Suri."

  12. Cuz xenu told him so. The truth hurts,andHE CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!!

  13. Poor Suri. You know what this means... Mega massive holiday extravaganza photo spread!

  14. we would have seen the pics cause he would have called every pap agency ..
    hes a deadbeat

  15. we would have seen the pics cause he would have called every pap agency ..
    hes a deadbeat

  16. Isn't he supposed to cut ties with her since Katie isn't raising her in his crazy church? I'm with Enty, Tom isn't going to get $50 million or even $50 out of them. It's just a ploy to try to look like a good Father.

  17. I believe he does want to see Suri. I believe he loves her like a father. BUT I also think he's trying to appease Miscavige (sp)and not flaunt her since COS is losing top people and the little guys aren't so happy either.

    Seeing someone break the holy rule of cutting off a suppressive person isn't good for membership is it?

  18. here Steppy Steppy Steppy

  19. Damn, she looks exactly like Katie in that pic.

  20. Agree with sherry. This is like his compromise of not seeing her. He skypes with her. I was kinda hoping he did see her but kept ut so low key there were no pics. I'll hv to check suris burn book to see what she says, lol

  21. OT, but does anyone on here watch GH? Heather (yep, she's still around!) is locked up in the Miscavige Institue for the Criminally Insane. LOL

  22. CO$ has instructed him to sue the last 20 yrs whenever a publication suggests that he's gay. Why would this be any different? Whether it's true or not it's not the image he wants out there so he'll sue. Tom is either one of the stupidest pawns in all of history or he is an inherently evil person. I can't figure it out and I've read all the recent CO$ tell all books.

  23. Will everyone PLEASE quit cutting Tom Cult a single break? He would NEVER let a single chance of a photo op pass him by, and people who make it their biz to keep up those things, swear its been 6 times that he's seen her, since the June 2012 split, and I fully believe them. This whackadoo is worth 300 mil. He could drop out of a few of his dozens of current projects, afford to fly in every other day. He doesn't, and won't. And everybody will still go see the as nozzle's latest movie and rave about him. Ughhhhh

  24. Still lolling inwardly at Angela's comment - hii!

    That said, di butler is absofrackinglutely correct in every way.
