Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today's Blind Items - White Power

This former A list tweener from television and movies who was a tweener before there was such a term but never had much success past the age of 21 is the biggest fundraiser for a white power group and has raised well over a million dollars by appearing at their conferences and gigs and speaking out on behalf of the group.

He approached them about three years ago and for a year he just attended meetings and then started speaking out and now for the past two years he is their go to guy and is on the cover of brochures and pamphlets and the guy is big on how non-whites have kept him from making a living since he became an adult when in reality it is because he started doing drugs at about 18 and became crazy and no one wanted to work with him because you weren't sure if you were going to get the pleasant meet my grandmother actor or the crazed guy coming off a three day meth bender with a knife in his ;pocket he brought to set because he thought someone might kill him.


  1. Torn between Scott Baio and Chris Blue Lagoon Atkins.

  2. Scott is on a Nick show right now. Can't be him. I know because my son watches.

  3. What about Kirk Cameron?

    1. This kind of depravity is so him. I second this guess.

    2. No. This is not Cameron.

  4. Edward Furlong is a good guess. I did think McCauley Culkin at first but Furlong fits better.

  5. brian bonsall from family ties.

    1. Just look at this photo http://www.nndb.com/people/194/000136783/
      That's classic white power style tats without the swastikas or stars & bars.

    2. No. That's classic tattoo style. WP has nothing to do with a butterfly or it's placement.

  6. Atkins has worked pretty steadily and Bonsall wasn't really a tweener, was he? He was just a little kid on family ties. I thought Leif Garrett.

  7. Corey Feldman? My only question is if he appears on pamphlets, wouldn't this have gotten out by now? I am not some conspiracy theory "all blinds are BS" reader but, seemingly this would be a great find for a tabloid. I imagine some Cro-Magnon redneck white supremacist would be smart enough to realize they could make a buck off these "pamphlets" if they exist.

  8. Aaron from Full House. That kid was a little tool.

  9. Except he did sing "Eye of the Tiger" on the Cosby Show pre-Full House. NM. Can't be him.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. If there were pictures of a well-known former teen idol on the cover of a white-power organization's "brochures and pamphlets" then don't you think that would have leaked out at some point?

    What's that smell?

    It's bullshit.

    But having said that, I can't believe ANY organization would want Leif Garret to represent them at this point.

  12. Leif was more of a singer than an actor, yes? Started doing drugs before 18, I believe, as well.

    I don't really have another guess, though.

  13. Isn't Furlong in jail? Anyway Leif Garrett fits the description a lot better as a tween before the word existed and he is an addict.

  14. @Feed Watcher - I thought the same thing, too. As soon as I hit "publish," I realized that I meant to say WTF to there being literal pamphlets with the guy's picture on them. Really, Enty?!

  15. No Leif acted first then sang.

  16. Why does this even need to be a blind? Sounds like the guy is doing publicity and appearing at their conferences. Blind to us because we don't know the websites those orgs use to publicize meetings/conferences. Why doesn't enty just post an item about 'look what ________ is doing now and let the commentary begin??

    1. Would probably get just as many clicks and stop random hating on other guesses.

  17. My first thought was Edward Furlong.

  18. Who is that red head douche from the partridge family?

    1. Danny Bonaduce and Leif Garrett,,,and Tonya Harding do commentary on a World's Dumbest video show on Tru TV. I only catch it when I am too lazy to turn the channel after Impractical Jokers. Todd Bridges and Daniel Baldwin are on it, too.

  19. Just because Edward Furlong was in American X, is that why you guys are guessing him?

    1. that's what I thought in my head too, Jessi.

    2. Yes but that movie was so intense, you'd think the exact opposite right ?
      I think I'd be as far as away from that culture after doing a movie like that.

      Great movie, but it's real intense and brutal. Just my two cents on why I don't think it's Furlong.

      The guy from Blue Lagoon seems plausible and would be perfect to them with his blond hair & blue eyes.

    3. The curb scene still gives me nightmares!!!!! Yuck!!!

    4. @Jessi, I looked away during the curb scene. That was awful.

  20. Furlong is still working. Baio is still working. Blind says no success past 21.

    I am not sure who it is, though.

  21. Wasn't there a similar blind about an actor donating money to one of these groups?

  22. Ware Cat got it. I was scanning the guesses for his name. Ole White Power Willie. Dude angry.

  23. I agree that this is Willie Ames. Any one so long as it's not Johnny Whitaker.

  24. Oliver from "The Brady Bunch." Little trouble maker. . .

  25. I agree with Texas Rose...

  26. PS. Kirk Cameron has suddenly turned up in a few commercials for a new 'Christian' university. The ad reminded me of Sea Org's posters. Could be the go-to guy fir a behind the scenes 'white' college/uni.

  27. I looked up Willie Aames and Christopher Atkins. Who knew Atkins was still getting work?

    If it's one of them, I'm going with Willie. He lost his house in 2011.

  28. Only problem with Willie Aames is, he was 24 when Charles in Charge started.

  29. haha, its kinda shitty that 9 outta 10 of my guesses are always wrong, but i get the racist one rite =/

  30. @Jason... ah good catch.

  31. If it was Willie Ames a simple google search would show some connection to Aryan/white power group if this blind was true about depth of subjects support. Couldn't find anything.

  32. Also, if Willie were capable of raising millions for this group, why is he bankrupt?

  33. Spike TV has a Storage Wars rip-off show. One of the episodes featured a locker that they said had been owned by a former child star. It was FILLED with Nazi memorabilia; a uniform, medals, etc. It was horrifying. They couldn't release the name of the owner, so there never was any satisfaction on that end. I think they had a hard time auctioning it, too.

    Don't think it's Willie, though, unless he's gone back to the dark side.

  34. how old is that kid that used to be on Two and a Half Men??

  35. Jason, do you not remember the popular 70's show Eight is Enough? That made Willie Aames a twiner, before he went into drug abuse and then Bible thumping and then divorce and bankruptcy…and now maybe professional racism…?

    One big problem with all of these is the clarification that he was TV AND MOVIES, and that eliminates a lot of them. Maybe someone even older? A former Mouseketeer?

  36. **tweener, not twiner

  37. Meg, the blind says the person didn't have much success after 21. So, if you count Charles in Charge, that rules Willie out...

    What about that other little dude from Eight is Enough. Adam Rich. He hasn't done much and had drug and alcohol problems.

  38. Adam Rich has done only two things past the age of 21, according IMDB. He participated in an Eight is Enough Reunion and was in one episode of Baywatch back in 93.

  39. MontanaMarriott
    I don't think it's Christopher Atkins. I met him a few years ago and knew him for a few months and he didn't seem racist nor seemed to be on drugs at all, though he does drink, seems particularly close to his children. He was my first hollywood crush and I really really wish I had never met him because of the "old man creepy pervy" vibe I got from him but that's about as scandalous as I think he gets.

  40. Willie is working as a cruise director for Oceania Cruises now, which would only be fun if he did the entire cruise as Buddy. Probably hard for him to fundraise for racists when he spends so much time at sea.

    On the other hand, if this is him and his morning announcements were just ten-minutes diatribes against the Jews, that might be entertaining for wholly different reasons.

  41. If it isn't Willie, then I'm going with Jimmy from HR Puffinstuff. That was on TV and they made a movie out of it.

  42. Can't be Willie because of his body of work past 18. I like the Adam Rich guess, though.

  43. Edward Furlong is half mexican so that is a no go

    Corey Feldman would not have followed/dressed like Michael Jackson nor attempted to dance like him during his Dream a Little Dream days if he was all White Power and he is Jewish

    Too many fingers point to Scott Baio based on his past comments although he claims his best friend is African American and usually white power groups are against Italians anyways.

    Laughing at Bruce Jenner comment.

    Doubt it is Willie Aames, wasnt he 21 in Eight is Enough?!

    Leif Garrett was in stuff, not alot, after 21.

    I actually am leaning towards Brian Bonsall....

  44. @Jessi and @Seven. I cannot watch that scene fully either. Makes me cringe.

  45. Rerun from What's Happening.

  46. ^^^this one had roflmfao^^^^

  47. No Raja, no ReRun, no rent....Turkey.

  48. Brian Bonsall was absolutely the first person i thought of when i read this. check out pics of him and his tattoos and his rap sheet. Dude seems extreme.

  49. If the guy is "on the cover of brochures and pamphlets", why the heck is this a blind item? If true, surely somebody, somewhere has scanned & uploaded one of this pamphlets.

  50. AnalogExperience:

    Long time lurker- first time poster! Yeeeah!

    Lil Adam Rich was using drugs way before 18, the other kids at Chatsworth High used to get weed off of him at school. He had a dork entourage surrounding him at all times ('dork entourage is not a thing- they were literally dorky dweebs that were all around him, all the time).

    1. Adam Rich is Jewish, so there's no way a white power group would accept him as a speaker or fundraiser.

  51. Todd Bridges..."whatchu talkin bout willis!"

  52. Ok, let me fill ya'll in- Bonsall has been in and out of several bands in Boulder, at one point, about 8-9 yrs ago, he played and recorded music with a German Neo-Nazi group called Landser SS. This group was forced to disband in Germany and convicted for "forming a criminal gang organization." Before the band was called "Landser SS, it was called "Final Solution." The members founded the band using members of the Neo-Nazi group, an Aryan Germanic Combat Assoc.

  53. Huh, didn't realize Adam Rich was Jewish.

    Based on Bonsall's history, tats, and the story from di, I'd say we have a winner.

  54. How do you be a white supremacist in Boulder, CO? That was what was keeping me from the Bonsall guess, but di butler might have it.

  55. I like Frankie Muniz for this

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Ok; doesnt this imply he was still showing up on set at 18,when he had the drug problem? Many of these guesses were not still on any set at that age..this should be someone who was probably on a show for several years..then ended when he was no longer a teen..and maybe where a grandmother played a role? How about the kid from Rosanne?

  58. the news would have pick this up a long time ago like when the very first pamphlet hit the streets.

  59. "The kid from Roseanne," Michael Fishman? Jewish. Not him.

  60. Ok;A list..in tv and did movies? not many would fit that..but one is Rick(y) Shroeder..and he did play in a white supremicist movie apparently. He did have some success as an adult,but nothing like as a tween;and he seems like a moody person.
