Thursday, November 07, 2013

Today's Blind Items- One Half

A semi-regular feature where I give you one half of the answer. Usually it involves strange hookups. Today there is a little bit of lots of things.

#1 - Jennifer Aniston said she tried to get this former co-star and B+ list mostly movie actor hard for two hours but he just could not perform. He has that issue with lots of people and his name is not Gerard Butler.

#2 - Demi Moore said this former boyfriend of hers who is a married B+ list mostly television actor now but was mostly movies back in the day still calls her when he is drunk and tries to invite himself over to her place or begs her to take him back. She says he has been doing it at least twice a year for well over a decade.

#3&#4 - Speaking of calling, Anna Paquin says this B-/C+list openly bisexual actress with A- list name recognition has been trying to hook up with Anna since Anna revealed she was bisexual. Anna has had her fill of crazy people though after her strange encounters with this other desperate to be famous actress who can actually act and goes through people/relationships on her way up the ladder like a knife through butter always looking for the next person to give her a boost in exchange for sex.


  1. #1 Jake Gyllenhal
    #2 Rob Lowe
    #3 no clue

  2. #1 Paul Rudd
    #2 Rob Lowe (but I think Demi's full of shit)
    #3 ??

  3. 3 could be Amber Heard for the relationship climbing actress

  4. #1 I looked on IMDB at her last 15 movies and I coudn't find anyone that really fit. Most of her costars were married like Jason Bateman and Paul Rudd.
    #2 Rob Lowe
    #3 Amber Heard

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Totally agree with heard for #3 and.Lowe was absolutely my thought,but he has been sober for almost 15 years(legit sober)so can see him doing the drunk thing...
      if estevez did tv-him
      otherwise..i.guess nelson

  5. #3 - Amber Heard
    #4 - January Jones

  6. Maybe Vince Vaughn for 1? 2- Rob Lowe; 4 - sounds like Anne Heche

  7. That last one was good, come on somebody guess that one. I don't care about Jen or Dem.

  8. #3 one of them is Amber Heard

  9. Anne Heche is great for the last one.

    Trying to make Judd Nelson work for 2.

  10. Replies
    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 3.Anne Heche
    4.Amber Heard

  12. Yeah, I'm pretty sure #2 is Rob Lowe.

  13. 1 Coop
    2 Rob Skee Lowe
    3 Michelle Rodriguez
    4 Enero Jones

  14. 3/4 The one who can act Evan Rachel Wood.

  15. Bradley cooper, rob Lowe, Michelle Rodriguez?

  16. Aniston is a trooper. I may have to rethink my opinion of her after this and the Butler reveal. She must really like dick. I would have never thought that of her.

  17. I thought of Evan Rachel Wood, too.

  18. #2 Emilio Esteves

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Evan Rachel Wood is a good guess especially since she had a part on True Blood with Anna.

  21. # 1 - How bad did she want it to where she tried for two hours? This would be funny if it's Justin Theroux.

    # 2 - Rob Lowe

    # 3 - Amber Heard

    # 4 - Evan Rachel Wood

  22. TWO Hours? damn. Ok I need a nap.

  23. #1 Vince Vaughn
    #2 Rob Lowe

  24. #4: Definately Evan Rachel Wood

  25. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Rob lowe sober as judge since his scsndal with the young is his wife-they are big into recovery programs/supporters..etc not him the drunk

  26. #1 Butterscotch Stallion?

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Dont believe...keeps getting women preggo:)

  27. rob lowe is sober fools do some more research

  28. 3 amber heard for the win

  29. I agree with the Evan Rachel Wood guesses except for the part about how she goes through people/relationships on her way up the ladder...she was with MM for a long time and is now married to Jamie Bell and has a child. I would hardly call that a lot of people...or sleeping your way up the ladder. They aren't exactly A list stars or decision makers.

  30. I'm with the ones who say Emilio for 2. Not sure why Demi would turn him down though since ex-sex can be pretty good and she probably needs something like that.

    Amber Heard for sure is 3. That one defininitely is the "sex for fame" type, and I doubt she is even Bisexual at all, but just said it to get press and open her horizons for the casting cooch. I mean COUCH!

  31. Like Demi (Free Fall) Moore would say no to a drunk dial from a past hookup? Come on Shelly! No frickin way. You're telling me Demi (Chicken Dance) Moore has standards? Not buyin it.

  32. @Carolina; she got together with Alexander Skarsgard and got a part in True Blood. After that she dated her on screen brother from a show early in her career and when the dust settled she went after Jim Sturgess (I wish I could give you a source, but lets say there were rumors of her trying to pull a Leann Rimes). He was like helll nahhh and she went back to Manson and then Bell.
    Judging by her Twittertimeline the girl likes attention Miley style: bragging about druguse and her 'bisexuality' eventhough no one has ever seen her with a woman. She is playing a game and she is doing it well. Since she had her kid though she does seem to be more relaxed and focused on more important stuff.

  33. Demi Moore is delusional.
    I'm a girl and if Jennifer Aniston took her top off, I think I would get hard. lol. Anyway, I'm going with Mark Wahlberg pre-marriage.

  34. Not saying I've ever had much respect for JA to begin with, but she kept trying for two hours? That is just sad.

  35. Not Rob Lowe only because of he's sober. But I'd love for some of you industry insiders to share some gossip on him. It's a little hard to believe given what he was like when he was single that he's been a true blue faithful husband all these years. With the exception of the nanny suing him years back I've never heard rumors about him.

  36. #1 not sure
    #2 don't believe it
    #3 Lindsay Lohan
    # Evan Rachel Wood

  37. My guesses:

    #1 -- Clive Owen
    #2 -- Tobey Maguire
    #3 -- Michelle Rodriguez
    #4 -- January Jones

  38. 1. Cooper
    2. Lowe
    3. Heard
    4. Heche

  39. #2: Thomas Jane. People forget they dated. He didn't divorce Patricia until 2010/2011 if the timeline is fudged
