Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Hooker Was Collateral Damage

This Academy Award winner/nominee trashed his hotel room and a hooker after being rebuffed by the co-star from his latest movie.

Back while they were filming the b+ list actor and the B+ list actress who have both starred in their own movies had a quick fling. One or two nights at most. She is in a long term relationship but the actor is broody and moody which is what she is attracted to. She felt guilty and he should have too but he didn't. She went back to her guy. Our actor sulked and even did some stalking. Now the couple have been reunited by a promo tour and are traveling the world together within a group.

He asked her to dinner and even tried to make some clumsy passes which were rebuffed by the actress who some now say is cheating on her guy with the director of the movie. Possible, but he is not that moody or broody. Nice guy though. Anyway, our actor left a premiere early after drinking his way through the red carpet and first portion of the movie. Apparently he found a hooker in the lobby of his hotel and brought her to his room where he proceeded to trash the woman and the room. The studio paid for the room. He paid for the damage he did to the hooker which was extensive.


  1. The obvious guess would be someone from Catching Fire, but I'll go with Terrence Howard as the psycho and Nia Long as the actress with long term partner.

  2. I think Hunger Games but is Liam broody? Elizabeth Banks maybe?

  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    This cunt should've been charged. This is arse.

  4. Kat Dennings and some guy from Thor?

  5. What extensive damage do they mean? Like he beat her up or something??

  6. Don't hookers have pimps who take care of guys like this?

  7. I like the terrance howard nia long guess. He's been looking rough lately even in the movie promo

  8. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I love how Americans use "collateral damage"
    Enty, it's outright abuse. She didn't just happen to be standing off to the left and cop an accidental piece of shrapnel as he tore the room apart

    1. Exactly Rach. He beat her up. Nothing collateral about that!

  9. I so want this to be Sean Penn but can't make it work unfortunately.

  10. @Basil: No, not all. Most hookers with brains go independent, so they don't have to share the wealth.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Count: I base my knowledge of prossies on Secret Diary of a Call Girl.

  11. I base mine on years of reading whore boards.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Count: the pros I've seen, and worked with (as a counsellor, no one would pay for my minge, I'm too high maintenance & like to cuddle after sex) have been toothless hags.

  12. Sounds like Woody and Elizabeth

  13. Rach: I seen chicks like that. I think it is USA Sex Guide where dudes post their streetwalker pics. Like pay the whores an extra $5-10 to take nude pics. REVOLTING! I'd rather just spend the $30 on a porn site and jack off.

    Sometimes in Atlantic City I'll take a break from the casino and wander the streets for a bit. Couple times I saw a street walker, offered her a smoke and shook her down for info. "Any weed or meth around? Where is the party spot for non pros?" I do the same with cabbies and old strippers, when I am in a new town. I would have made a good narc if I didn't have pride and a conscience.

    Another fave trick of mine is seeing a hottie chatting a dude up in front of the one strip club in AC, and getting her to leave him. He is drunk with a hard on, thinking she actually wants him. I walk by and say, "If he don't know whats up, I do." Chick drops him like a hot potato, and tells me to hold up. Dude is shattered. I chat with the chick for a couple minutes, act surprised about the price and take her #, saying if I do well at blackjack I'll give her a call.

    Trollin life since 1981.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Count, we've gotta hit the town together some time. You make my life seem so vanilla!

    2. I'm such a fan of the count. I love the stories and perspective.

  14. At least you know your role Count

  15. Jennifer Lawrence and Liam

  16. Liam is not an Academy Award nominee/winner.

  17. Sounds like Russell Crowe, but don't know if he's doing a movie currently.

  18. Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson

  19. Terrence Howard and Nia Long or one of those from the BestMan Holiday.

  20. Jennifer Lawrence is dating the broody and moody Nicholas Hoult.

    She's rumored to have had a fling with Bradley Cooper in the past but they are currently starring in seperate movies and he was nominated for Silver Linings Playbook.

  21. I like the Terrence Howard Nia Long guess.

  22. I'd like the Terrence Howard and Nia Long guesses too if it wasn't for one thing, she's a Black woman.

    Terrence Howard is notorious for his known hatred for anything and everything Black. And yes, I know he is himself but nobody said the guy was normal. He's not the first to suffer from terminal self hatred.

  23. Terrance Howard and Nia Long were just on Watch What Happens promoting the Best Man sequel. He was drunk and told the story about how they did this horrible movie together and he hit on her, and she shot him down. He also spilled the beans about he and Robert Downey Jr. on the whole Iron Man fiasco.

  24. I'm gonna go Brolin, the raging ass boil come to life, and Winslet. She wouldn't do this, then get knocked up by money bags, so soon afterward would she? Only other guess is Woody and Banks.

  25. Obviously not Hemsworth, he's never been, a nominee or winner. You shouldn't expect that to ever happen. He has a terrible temper, besides his other lovely trait of serial cheating and it's fighting. He has beaten dudes down. Never heard or imagine him beating a woman.
