Monday, November 04, 2013

Today's Blind Items-The Action Star And Limo Drivers

If you are a limo driver and you get a call to go to the airport to pick up this A list mostly movie actor who only does action movies you better being some cleaning supplies and some towels. Our actor loves nothing more than to get naked in the back of the limo and talk to the driver while stroking himself at the same time. Apparently this has become something that has turned from a once every ten or fifteen trip thing to an almost every trip thing. Our actor has to use different names now to ensure pickup and is always kind enough to leave a big tip but leaves a mess which is not something that comes in the job description of any limo drivers. Apparently this habit has become much worse now that he has split with his actress "girlfriend."


  1. Gee a lot of pent up energy there???

  2. I picture drivers as older established family men. Not hunky and sexual etc. Kinda strange and I'm sure most are disgusted

  3. He sounds like a great subject for Masters and Johnson LOL. Love the show Masters of Sex.

  4. Shouldn't "actress" should be in quotes too?

  5. I want to he just having casual conversation or is it sex talk? Great that he leaves a big tip.

  6. You call Rosie an ACTRESS…..?

  7. LOL @Sugar! Love it.

  8. WTF? He's like the fucktards who leave used condoms laying around after checking out of a hotel room. I had an ex who tried to pull that shit when I was a naughty 17 year old and he thought it was hysterical.

  9. Statham is comeback with Rosie

  10. I'm trying to visualise this whole scenario - I mean you know, does he just jump on the back of the car and strip off, does that include socks and shoes, does the driver suddenly turn round and see completely naked guy, is his face shocked? Too many questions. I'm embarrassed on behalf of this guy. What if the limo driver's unattractive - does that matter?

    1. *on is in. Although for all we know he might jump on the car as well

    2. He probably violates the gas tank in ways we couldn't possibly ponder...I hurt at the idea of RHW being an actress. But, she's very pretty.

  11. Problem solved limo company owners--send the female drivers for him.

  12. Oh come on, I know Statham is the go-to guess for closeted action "star" but can anyone actually picture him doing this? He's a pretty funny guy. On the other hand, if there was a mirrored wall, I could see Sly Stallone being all OVER this.

  13. As a former limo driver, I actually had this happen to me once. The guy wasn't famous, but he did own the pimped-out Escalade I was driving him around in. He had never been pervy towards me before, so I was caught off guard. I thought about rolling the divider up, leaving the keys in the front and ditching him on the highway at 2:30am. I knew the child safety locks were on in the passenger compartment (I had just locked myself in there two nights prior when I was driving his cousin around) so he would have had to call his wife to come get him out. Ha! So gross. Not the grossest though. A lot of sh*t goes down in the back of those cars.

  14. Okay, I'm all for masturbation but this is just gross.

  15. If it's Stahtham apparently brit's have never heard of using socks lol

  16. That seems like a lot of effort to have to get completely undressed and dressed again in the back of a car. That's commitment.

  17. Gotta be honest, I feel like this is more "exhibitionist" than "gay". They're not mutually exclusive, but for the assumptions that the guy must be gay, well, I'm not so sure about that part.

  18. I think if you are going to wank off every time you step into a limo it behooves you to hire someone as your full time driver who gets paid for that extra clean up time and make sure that it has the glass where the poor guy doesn't have to watch unless that part of the kink

  19. This is gross if true and so over the top. How does Enty find out these things and not the tabs with all their sources or other blogs who would post it in a heartbeat.

  20. @Talks2much - Stallone isn't into wall mirrors. He prefers them on the ceiling. And glass cages in the middle of his room where he makes escorts go to the bathroom, while he lies on the bed underneath and does his - thing.

  21. That sounds awfully ...specific, JBE

  22. I'll Drive you Statham. Call me.

  23. The most horrifying thing about this blind if it's Statham is that he is considered A list

  24. How can anyone get turned on by having someone crap on a glass table? Just ewww.

  25. I have fantasized about having a woman poop Skittles into an over sized wine glass, but actual dookie, I'd pass on.

  26. I was thinking Statham too, lol. This is screwed.

  27. Would it be that hard to keep a hand towel and a packet of baby wipes in your briefcase? You can just tell people you're self conscious about your stress sweat, blame a different body fluid. Clean up after yourselves pervs.

  28. I keep baby wipes, are the best sex aid since the pill.



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