Thursday, November 21, 2013

Teresa Guidice Close To Plea Deal

Apparently Teresa Giudice was very close to making a deal with federal prosecutors before balking at the stringent terms they would require which include at least a $1M fine and many years of probation. There has even been talk of a suspended sentence which would be reinstated if she failed to comply. After she balked prosecutors added the two new charges which she plead not guilty to yesterday.

Prosecutors want her to accept a deal prior to the holidays. Whether the world holidays means next week and Thanksgiving or next month prior to Christmas remains unknown but the terms would be strict and if she slipped up she would be gone to prison in a heartbeat. There is no deal on the table for Joe and he refuses to consider a plea which would involve jail time. Prosecutors will make a deal with him but it has to include at least five years in jail and a large fine. As part of the deal he would not be deported provided he not commit any future crimes.


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