Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Six Weeks From Today Amanda Bynes Will Be Home

Shortly before Christmas Amanda Bynes will walk out of her rehab program and go to her mom's house where she will be under her supervision until a judge decides what to do about Amanda's conservatorship. This means that six weeks from today or a little sooner if the insurance runs out Amanda Bynes will be free to Tweet and to roam and to wear wigs for the world. I think until the new year she will be doing all of these things via social media from the guest bedroom at her mom's house but at some point she will walk out that door and take a cab ride or a long walk and that is when the world will hold its breath.

When Lindsay leaves rehab I count down the days until she goes back or gets arrested but I don't worry about her. With Amanda I have to say I am a little worried whether she will live once she gets out of rehab. This is a very sick woman and UCLA didn't want her to go and I wonder what the long term effects are of that decision. I hope if she shows any signs of regressing that they hospitalize her or do something beneficial and don't assume it will get better on its own. I also wonder if she is going to try and act again.


  1. Well, thank whomever, that you are not in charge of her, Enty. You know as much as the rest of us which is nothing. I'm glad you think mental illness is such a joke. What a POS you are.

    1. Did you actually read this?

  2. This was written by a more concerned Enty, rather than Haggy Enty. Huh.

    I wish her well.

  3. Oh so now you worry?

  4. Yeah, this is a gross post. I know we're all for anarking on people but this just feels gross. Is there an adult in charge at CDAN?

  5. I hope she's getting better and I hope her family is getting the support they need to care for her.
    YOU, however 'Enty', prove what a moron you are with each passing day and with each uninformed, horribly written blog you post.

  6. Not sure what anarking is.... ;-}

    Snarking, obviously.

  7. He cares, he sucks. He makes fun of her, he sucks. Just cannot win with you people. As someone whos been in the mental ward twice, he sounds just as concerned and understandingly fearful as my mom and family were. His concerns make perfect sense- she is VERY sick. Give Enty a break for once.

    1. Finally an opinion I can get behind. Go Kels! I skip the comments section habitually because of the chronic bitching and whining. I wish enty would moderate his comments section which I think he was doing before.

    2. Fuck moderating. Who gets a pass and who gets the cut? I'm glad this isn't a one-opinion-fits-all site like BlindGossip.

    3. Thanks for having my back but I'm not ok with moderating. I'm entitled to my opinion just as these people are.

  8. LOL@ people bitching about people bitching.

  9. true dat Meanie.
    Eros, apparently u dn't read the comments, cuz all Kels does is pop in & shits on everyone's comments. maybe u two shld stick to Enty's shitter & kick it there w/ Jax & Mooshki if u despise us all.

    1. Why in the hell are you following my comments? I find that to be extremely weird. And I never said the comments should be moderated- I said give him a break because I think this post was sincere and concerned. Nobody despises anyone- I was simply stating that I don't see the snark yall see. I do not see whats snarky about: " I hope if she shows any signs of regressing that they hospitalize her or do something beneficial and don't assume it will get better on its own. I also wonder if she is going to try and act again."

    2. I obsessively follow your comments Kels. I have them all saved in a special file on my computer. I will add this particular comment under the section titled "asshole"

    3. No reason to be nasty just because you don't agree. No offense but all you people do is bitch and moan about enty which is a little nonsensical. Do you complainers know where the fuck you are? Youre on a damn gossip bloggers site which means 9 times out of 10, the blogger and your opinion wont agree. You complainers also barrage entys opinion in the comments section like youre trying to forcefeed your groupthink mentality. I abhor that whole lumpen proletariat logic. People (Enty) should be able to express his opinion without being shamed because it doesnt agree with the masses. Thats all.

  10. Your mom and family counted down the days to when you would have another mental break? Did they predict you'd end up dead rather than giving you the benefit of a doubt? I found this post kind of gross rather than caring.

    1. Have you ever had a family member thats been depressed for 12 years and had PTSD and hidden Aspergers, and they are silent and then one day they just go off? Yeah that happened to me and my mom was TERRIFIED.

      What is a mom supposed to think when her daughter says, "I want to die, I don't want to feel this pain anymore." And attempts suicide multiple times? As a mother, do you have any idea how much it hurts to hear that when all you want to do is help? Unless you have been in this situation, please don't judge because you don't know the half of it.

    2. I'll file this comment under "too much information"

    3. You ever live with a bipolar man with severe anger issues, and hatred of women, that refuses all care as 100% not needed? I counted every single day, with my breath held, waiting...

    4. Now youre just being mean. Sad.

    5. Kels and di butler, that is simply aweful. I hope your situation is a million times better and di, I hope you're out of that situation and in a much better place.

  11. Sorry, but when you make constant jokes about someone's mental illness and insurance issues, you can't turn around and pull the concerned card like you were rooting for her all along. Whoever was writing about Amanda before was almost to the point of viciousness in some of the posts. "I'm worried about her now" doesn't soothe that burn.

  12. +1 @7 of 11

    And, yeah, what Lotta says: fuck moderating!

  13. I can't follow Enty's take on Amanda, one week he's saying how sick can she be they need to keep her in for a year, they should let her out. The next he's saying why are they letting her out so soon she's really sick and needs help. Throw in his mixed comments/reveals about her downward spiral happening over either years in some post and not that long in others it's all very confusing to know what Enty actually believes.

    I hope that Amanda's recovery continues when she's released and that she's given the space and privacy to heal at her own pace. Mental illness is a unpredictable beast, one day you feel great the next the whole world has collapsed around you. I hope she'll have all the support she needs

  14. "Ent" has known about her severe mental health issues for years (he revealed a blind about her this weekend that was from 2008) and has done nothing. Just like he posts blinds about rapists, pedophiles and murderers and does NOTHING.

    1. Is he supposed to call the police? Is Amanda Bynes' fate and life up to the author of a gossip site? Get real.

  15. yeah...

    that was a BIT too much Kels for a gossip site as u say. & trust me, i'm not being a dick when i say this, but i seriously hope that u are over medicated & in some intense therapy girl.

  16. I also have a really hard time believing that the fat guy from Head of the Class is the cause of this because Enty claims he is a pedo. The dude does not have that much pull to keep all of those in the entertainment industry silent.

  17. We all need to get back on point. If Miss Mandy is out for the holidays, then there is a Chance for a Buttcheek Christmas.

    Can you picture it? Miss Mandy facing away from the bathroom mirror, pink Victoria Secret Santa hat on, the matching pink tiny skirt. Lean forward so the buttcheeks come out of hiding. Looks back with a smirk as she puts her phone on her shoulder and SNAP SNAP SNAP and Tweet the glory to the world.

    It is going to be a lonely and depressing Christmas around these parts, Miss Mandy's buttcheeks are my best chance at a smile.

  18. P.S. Moderation will never happen.

  19. @Ware Cat, people have divulged far more here than @Kels just did. (Myself included, once.) The internet in general, and blog posts in particular are a unique place in that sometimes it really helps to "say" these things anonymously, and even better when you get some warmth in return. Things that maybe someone cannot say anywhere or to anyone else. It harms no one, and it might help a lot.

    Best wishes to @Kels and @Di.

  20. I didn't find anything inappropriate about Kels comment. A lot of people share very personal things here. We all learn from each other.

  21. All right, since this is what we are talking about today, I will throw my two cents in. I know, I know, yay, right?? Anyway, the only issues I have with Kels comments are these:

    1) this comment section is now about you and your mental health issues, NOT Amanda Bynes and / or how Enty typically treats those that also have mental health issues. So then it gets awkward, because while most people are right on board with throwing around opinions on celebrities because they are strangers, now everyone is concerned about tiptoeing around you. Not to mention (totally mentioning it), some very personal comments made in the past by other posters have turned out to be not true, and posted solely for attention. So there is that layer of tension as well.

    2) I am truly concerned if this is the only place you are talking about this. Truly.

    I don't know you, I haven't followed your comments, and I am all about off topic. This is not that.

    1. I'm fine. Got three job interviews comin up, trust me I'm not worried about mental problems too much anymore. And I'm sorry for hijacking Amanda's attention but mental health and what she is going through is quite personal to me.

  22. And now my comments seem really mean. Everyone needs a little Kumbaya moment here and again, I'm sorry I crapped on yours.

    1. I don't see it as mean. It was very unwise to reveal so much personal information about yourself on the internet. ESPECIALLY on this site.

    2. Dude, no one knows her. Shes basically anonymous. What does it matter if she told us her personal info. As long as it isn't her social security number and home address why should it matter?

  23. too sad. I dont see this ending well.

  24. too sad. I dont see this ending well.

  25. Regretfully, I've overshared here and other places. Sometimes when a post resonates, the words just fly out...sometimes it helps to know you're not the only one. I can't flame Kels for that.

    Like TTM, I can only hope that this is not the only place she's sharing her story.

    1. I love when people share, no matter how off topic. But I do not like when someone's opinion is deemed invalid or inappropriate because they haven't walked your walk. Not everyone likes to share and just because a poster hasn't shared a similar experience doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

      On the subject of sharing personal info, do be careful. There was a comment made recently about my personal life that I'm pretty sure no one should know and I am almost positive I have never mentioned before and it is really sketching me out. Lest we forget our fellow poster who actually found and photographed another posters house (online) then posted the pictures.

    2. @ JSierra, not only did the poster have a picture up, it clearly stated the address, and names were revealed. It was disgusting.

    3. Ohh. I missed that day of class.

  26. @TTM, very good points. Yesterday's OT about drugs, a lot of people were sharing their experiences and some dipwad dropped in to let everyone know they wouldn't have suffered side effects if they'd read the manual (screw you, brakewater). I think the difference is making the story about your experience vs sharing your experience. The Entern has been peeing on Amanda Bynes from the start and his newfound faux concern doesn't make an individual's personal tragedy more or less relevant.

    1. Sorry, not yesterday and not the OT. Sunday's "almost reveal" about an actress's mental issues and suicide attempt.

  27. Still blows me away that someone would jeapordize someone's privacy over a comment made on an gossip blog

  28. The person posting false shit, did it happen to be about an abusive spouse?

  29. Me too, Sugar. I missed that party (thank goodness).

  30. Holeeee craaaap. I wish I hadn't missed this day. phew! I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like everyone is hard on Enty. Just my opinion, don't freak out on me. I also think it's normal that Enty/The Enties may change their tone, opinion, expression, and about someone and their issues. I was much more anti Amanda when she was saying everyone was ugly and fat and old, and had gotten a new puppy she was probably not able to care for, then setting a fire in a driveway. That bitch was unstable, and I had much more negative feelings about her than I do now, knowing that she's been professionally evaluated and has been held against her will for so long, in a case seemingly much more serious than Britney Spears. So I actually appreciate that Enty has changed his tone about her, and is expressing caring, sympathy and concern. Would you prefer that he stay harsh and judgemental about her with no sympathy/change/caring? He's not a robot. Just my two cents. I am concerned for her now also, and hope that she's very closely monitored and heavily medicated for her own good. The poor girl. And I don't think that molestation can create full blown pschizophrenia, but then I'm not a doctor.

  31. And Megley that was just uncalled for.

  32. For the love of Gawd, Anna, use the friggin enter key from time to time, PLEASE!

    "Holeeee craaaap. I wish I hadn't missed this day. phew! I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like everyone is hard on Enty. Just my opinion, don't freak out on me.

    I also think it's normal that Enty/The Enties may change their tone, opinion, expression, and about someone and their issues. I was much more anti Amanda when she was saying everyone was ugly and fat and old, and had gotten a new puppy she was probably not able to care for, then setting a fire in a driveway.

    That bitch was unstable, and I had much more negative feelings about her than I do now, knowing that she's been professionally evaluated and has been held against her will for so long, in a case seemingly much more serious than Britney Spears. So I actually appreciate that Enty has changed his tone about her, and is expressing caring, sympathy and concern.

    Would you prefer that he stay harsh and judgemental about her with no sympathy/change/caring? He's not a robot. Just my two cents.

    I am concerned for her now also, and hope that she's very closely monitored and heavily medicated for her own good. The poor girl.

    And I don't think that molestation can create full blown pschizophrenia, but then I'm not a doctor."

    See how much easier it is to read when you separate thoughts?

    If you speak like you write, you gotta be one hot betch to keep landing men.



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