Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sales Of Showgirls Spikes - Elizabeth Berkley Bounced From DWTS - Coincidence?

Bill Engvall has made a deal with the devil who he found the name of in Larry The Cable Guy's phone. I kid. He didn't need to call because he already knows Jeff Foxworthy. Haven't you ever wondered why Jeff never seems to age? How his hair and mustache never turn grey? Actually Jeff is really funny but it does seem odd that a man with consistently the lowest scores on Dancing With The Stars manages to stay on week after week. Yesterday was no exception and you could have driven a freight train through the wide open mouth of Elizabeth Berkley when it was announced she was going home. She said she was shocked but did recover nicely and did the requisite thanking of her dance partner and how she had the best time ever and is thankful she won't have any more time to get her career back on track with weekly national television appearances and can go back to hoping for a television show or a Lifetime movie.

Usually by this point in the show the people with the lowest scores don't have enough fans to keep them on the show so it is really interesting that Bill manages to keep on keeping on. Now I'm wondering if he can actually win this thing.


  1. She is actually an excellent dancer. That show is crap. Once Valerie was bounced -- and yes, she DID need to go due to her bad knee and performances -- I quit watching.

  2. Remember, Bill Engvall appeals to a similar demographic as Bristol Palin. The only way Bill Engvall would be voted off is if one of Duck Dynasty guys made a surprise late entry.

  3. Jeff is the Dorian Gray of comedians.......

  4. Too bad...I like Elizabeth Berkley, that movie Showgirls was the most hilarious unintentional comedy I ever have seen.

  5. Haven't watched a single show this season. This show needs the boot. Take American Idol with them.

  6. Does anyone know if Showgirls is on Bluray? That movie is so fantastic.

    Good to see Berk's still got them crazy eyes.

  7. It's on HBO this month LOL!! Coincidence? Probably not. Not too mention Iggy Azaleas latest single, change your life, has a Showgirls themed video with it. Go Elizabeth! That movie is HYSTERICAL. "oh thank you, it's Ver sayce!" lmao

  8. The bottom 3 should have been Bill, Jack and Leah. Leah is good but not THAT good. This opens it up for Corbin to win it all. He was amazing last night.

  9. I wasn't surprised she was voted off. Her personality was off.

  10. There really aren't any good dancers left in the competition besides Corbin and he bugs me for some reason. And I always am surprised by how limited Karina's dance catalogue is. She only knows ballroom and nothing else. Any time they go outside the box for dances such as contemporary or jazz or hip hop she never knows what to do. I like her but that is strange to me. I figured that they all at least studied something else at some point in their dance career.

    I also thought it was hilarious that Val just basically just told Elizabeth to shut her mouth for once! Man she must have been annoying to work with.

    I don't even have a favorite and that bums me out because I usually have at least one person I am routing for.

  11. Yes, Bill should have been gone a couple of weeks ago. It was sad for Elizabeth to get a perfect score then be told she is going home. She comes off as manic, and that probably turns people off.

    Leah is giving it a good try, unlike Bill who is stiff as a plank, with no sense of music whatsoever.

    I'm actually an Amber Riley fan, she has knee issues and still gets out there and gives it her all.

    This show is tired, but unlike AI it does have some entertainment value. You get to see people that you thought you'd never see again.

  12. I really don't get all the vitriol over Showgirls. I quite liked it; it was about a lot more than just naked dancers.

  13. DWTS fans booed loudly last night when they got the boot.
