Friday, November 08, 2013

Rumer Willis And Jayson Blair Have Split

In the news you are least likely to care about today or any other day Rumer Willis and Jayson Blair have split after a year. Jayson's friends said he couldn't do it but he managed to survive a year with Rumer Willis and won the bet. No, there was no bet but I bet lots of people think there was a bet involved or he wanted to meet someone famous like Bruce Willis or Demi Moore. Rumer is a very nice person but the two never seemed to be a match. She is really focused on her career which keeps getting boosts from producers who do hope Bruce will say yes to something if they keep putting her daughter in things.

In other news you really don't care about today every celebrity alive is either recording an album, selling perfume, has a clothing line or just had sex with someone who is way above their looks.


  1. They must have gone out in daylight

  2. another thing to just not care about

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    "My readers won't like or care about this story. I'll post it anyway."

  4. "or just had sex with someone way above their looks" . Is there a graph these celebrities use to see where they fall on the curve so they know who to bone? Do they fall with a new haircut, or move up with botox? I don't know if I would want to do that much math before getting my freak on, but that may be just me.

  5. Rumer is probably the best looking of the three Willis girls.

  6. Maybe she is a nice person, and they get along well. Sheesh people are superficial and mean.

  7. Rumer Willis is a nice person? Wasn't there a revealed blind item about her at-the-time boyfriend shopping for her birthday gift when he got a phone call and she could be heard screaming at him?

  8. They all have book deals too.

  9. Way above her looks? Aargh. That boy is a mid-range hipster in a cowboy shirt. I think he's a 6 on his best day.

  10. What guy wouldn't want to date Bruce Willis in a wig?

  11. @ Karen - I remember that BI too.

    I didn't know she was dating anyone.

  12. Rumer actually is sort of hot to me. An episode of Workaholics is the only thing I've seen her in, but her smoky voice and cute expressions makes me feel like she just photographs terribly.

  13. 6 is being nice, Barton.
    What's with that hair?

  14. I would be deathly afraid of having something with a jawline like that coming at my junk.

  15. who do hope Bruce will say yes to something if they keep putting her daughter in things.

    Bruce got a sex change?

  16. Rumer looks almost exactly like Demi so she doesn't look too bad at all (too bad she has that chin though)

  17. Oh my God, Bruce Willis is a woman?

  18. She has an acting career? News to me never saw her in anything. I can imagine she would ruin workaholics.

  19. Maybe the poor guy realized if he married her he would forever be known as Mr. Potato Head.

  20. I think the youngest spawn got hit with the ugly stick the least

  21. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Yawnie yawn yawn...
