Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Kate Middleton goes for brown. Why do winter colors have to be so dark? Shouldn't it be the opposite?
Prince William loves when they film his bald spot from behind.
Kanye West took Kim to Wendy's when all she wanted to do was
show off her breasts because
Khloe did the topless lip gloss selfie to show how classy she can be.
This is how I like to see Miley Cyrus. Buried beneath some large animal.
And Melanie Griffith holds on to Antonio Banderas for dear life. You don't often see the two armed hold me look.
Michael J Fox in a rare solo photo on a red carpet.
Nicole Richie says there were very few fake leopards harmed in the manufacture of this coat.


  1. Klohe, I think I wore that same shade of frosty pink wet n' wild about 25 years ago with a perm. And yes, I did it better.

  2. I'm sorry but Khloe is wearing a black tank. It's clearly visible by her arm and under her hair on the left. Kim seriously needs to stop letting Kanye dress her.

  3. I hate when Hollywood types like Nicole Richie wear cool band t-shirts. You know she is more of a Miley girl

  4. well now there's the difference between class and not

    KM yes

    the rest of the women no

  5. Miley is like 80's Eurotrash.

  6. KPig and Mr. Humble. My day is complete.

    Melanie Griffith before she, you know.

    1. Harry - your pics don't display today. Enjoyed them the other day. Very funny!!

  7. Antonio looks drunker than usual.

  8. How do you do a no-hands selfie?

    Kate Middleton is definitely classy as usual.

    Take "the" off of Nicole's t-shirt and hope that someday the rest will be the answer to her name.

  9. Khloe is so fucking fug.
    Kim's outfit would have been nice, had she not shoved her huge tits in everyone's faces.

    Love Nicole Richie. Can't help it.

  10. I wear bright colors in the winter. It's such a grey time otherwise. Lots of pinks and reds.

    You don't need a special angle to take pictures of William's bald spot any more. It's visible from every angle.

  11. Parissucks, I don't love her, but I don't dislike her either. Plus, I happen to own a number of great baubles from her line, House of Harlow.

  12. Nutty - no black or brown coats for me either, I challenge Seattle 8 monhs of gray!

  13. I pretty much never comment on reality show fakes...but seriously....Kim and Kanye go to Wendy's and Kanye sits at a table and eats, and Kim just sits there?

    I remember Julianne Moore doing an interview years ago where she said don't let anyone tell you that actresses don't diet or exercise, or they're just naturally thin. She said they are all just starving all the time, they don't eat, she said she lived on a granola bar a day at times. At least someone is honest about it.

  14. Melanie and that skank Antonio look freaking high as a kite!

  15. I love brown, earth tones are so nice, however very few colors I don't like.

  16. @msgirl, I lived in Seattle all my life till moving to Las Vegas in 2000. I had a red rain shedding coat, and and a lovely one in a pale shimmery olivine, and one in bright school bus yellow. You have to fight back the gray.

  17. I don't think Khloe is ugly. Huh.
    That pic of Melanie and Antonio is hilarious in a sad way!

  18. agree with @Seven. How do you take a selfie if you're not holding the phone. And I no longer take it as a compliment that I look like Melanie Griffith.

  19. Damn! Kong sure uses (needs) a lot of filters for her pics.

  20. That's odd, the first thing I noticed was that Derek Grew Up! That's new, right?

    I love Kate Middleton's coat!

  21. @Derek, I thought the same thing. She probably has never listened to a Who song all the way through in her lifetime.
