Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Katie Holmes visited the island where Nelson Mandela was kept prisoner. Interesting that Suri didn't go as far as I noticed. I know she is young but I think I would have taken her.
Kate Upton checking to make sure she has her own bag while everyone checks her out.
Ali Larter with some multi colored faux fur disaster thing.
Lea Michele keeps working off those final pounds glued to her body. Final weight loss goal- 0.
Dear Mariah, I'm sad too, but it's time to wear a bra. Love, Enty. P.S. I'm still willing to get drunk with you on cheap wine.
I love all the Grace Kelly press that was in place for Nicole Kidman but no movie to show for it.
Natalie Portman at yet another event where she gets gussied up in free Dior.
Pamela Anderson's hair looks really good. She can pull it off.
Ricky Martin seconds that opinion or is talking about Movember. It's tough to tell.


  1. Hey Enty -- YOU wear a bra and see how it feels for a while. I for one think they should be outlawed.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    pam should of done this to her hair when she still had a "career" like 10 years ago...would of help with her image then

  3. I think Pam looks bloody amazing

  4. I think Pam looks bloody amazing

  5. How do you know Suri didn't go with Katie? That's the only picture she posted of it, didn't mean Suri wasn't there.

  6. Pam Anderson looks great with short hair!

    With the bra snark, we know this is a female Entern. Usually only women notice that! LOL

  7. I love Pam's hair, but what's on her feet? Is that feet sockies and heels together?

    Movember is okay, can't wait for Decembever!

  8. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I bought that mag with Nic on the cover (because it came with a bonus Pip & Pop notebook)

  9. I love Ali Larter, but that vest is hideous. Is it supposed to be patriotic somehow?

  10. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't like Pam's haircut.

    Only a woman would complain about another woman NOT wearing a bra. They can be so uncomfortable though, so I feel you Mariah!

    1. I agree with you about Pam's hair completely.

    2. You're not. I keep thinking she must be auditioning for a middle-aged Tinker Bell.

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Tinker Smell.

  11. I like Pam's hair but I'm with @TTM, what is up with those shoes?

    I have to say, that's a really good cover with Nicole (though I think they could have done a better job with the eyeliner, it seems a bit harsh).

    Why the snark on Natalie Portman?

  12. Remember all the baby daddy and split so after the Oscars about Natalie? Funny how those aren't revealed.

  13. I would have liked Pam's hair better at shoulder length, but she is pulling it off.

    Mimi needs a haircut too, along with a bra.

    Has anyone seen Lea Michele's ELLE cover? She is not pretty to me, but damn, the cover shot is horrendous.

  14. @ Paris, no cover is as bad as Kerry Washington's Lucky magazine cover. Poor woman.

    And Kidman's cover is almost exactly the same as a Bazaar cover featuring Kate Moss, from Dec. 1992.

  15. Maybe Suri took the photo?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Lea Michele looks awful after the weight loss, so I'm not surprised about the cover. I couldn't get over how horrible she looked on the Cory monteith tribute episode of Glee; I was completely unable to get into the emotion of the moment whenever her ugly, bony face was onscreen.

  18. Um, I wanna ask Ali Larter how many muppets had to die for that shiteous vest...yikes

  19. is Nathalie portman pregnant?

    Pamela anderson looks amazing

  20. Hah! Pam Anderson's shoes remind me of Broadway for some reason, I feel like she should be sporting some *Jazz Hands*

  21. I totally thought Natalie looked preggers too!

  22. Yea I thought Natalie was pregnant a few days ago shes been looking "normal" instead of extremely thin. Will this baby look way different than the baby she has now? Hmmm..
    Rachel Weiss (Ex of that director from Black Swan) and her practically have the same baby lol.
    And I am sorry but Lea Michele is one unfortunate looking girl. She sure can sing tho!

  23. I think Pam is the only woman pulling that hairstyle off now. Well celebs anyway.
    Lea must be one of those that can't eat when they're grieving. She broke my heart on that episode @DontRain She literally had the shakes while singing.

  24. List of things mothers aren't allowed to do according to enty:

    1. Allow the father to participate in the child's medical care

    2. Take a moment for herself on vacation to fully take in something a 6 year old won't appreciate.

    What else?

  25. I hadn't watched glee for a long time (not since season 2), so I was really shocked at how different and unattractively angular Lea's face was. She was prettier when she had more fullness in her face. Hopefully it was just temporary weight loss due to the stress.

  26. @ disco, I believe Enty also feels that mother's aren't allowed to be found attractive by the human population.

  27. Yep ...your 1940's misogyny is showing there!!!

    Anymanybaby, Natalie Portman's hubby has to put up with a lot.

  28. I think Pam's short hair makes her look much younger for some reason.

  29. Pamela Anderson can pull off that hair cut; however, she's looking like Tammy Faye Bakker without the heavy eye make-up. Not being catty, just calling it like I see it.

    1. OMG!! Nic spot on with the Tammy Fate Baker/Pam Anderson comparison.

  30. Lea's problem isn't her weight it's her nose. She's got a big italian honker and she needs to think the bulb at the front down and she would look great.

  31. wow that's the best Pam Anderson has looked in at least a decade!!!

  32. It is obvious that this Enty is definitely not a parent. It's really hard for even the most well behaved 6 year old to make it through what I'm sure was a lengthy, adult-oriented tour of a very solemn place. And forget enjoying yourself. I'd be beside myself with anxiety the entire time worrying that they would misbehave. Hell, I had to make an elaborate picture bingo/scavenger hunt for my four year old to get him through an art exhibit I desperately wanted to see. He made it through with flying colors but it was not the same experience as when I was young and child-free. Cut Katie some slack for wanting to truly experience someplace remarkable. She has plenty of time and money to take Suri there in the future.

  33. It is obvious that this Enty is definitely not a parent. It's really hard for even the most well behaved 6 year old to make it through what I'm sure was a lengthy, adult-oriented tour of a very solemn place. And forget enjoying yourself. I'd be beside myself with anxiety the entire time worrying that they would misbehave. Hell, I had to make an elaborate picture bingo/scavenger hunt for my four year old to get him through an art exhibit I desperately wanted to see. He made it through with flying colors but it was not the same experience as when I was young and child-free. Cut Katie some slack for wanting to truly experience someplace remarkable. She has plenty of time and money to take Suri there in the future.

  34. I love Ricky. That is all.

  35. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Pam does lookgood with that cut.

  36. I think Pam's haircut is young and stylish but her face is not. She's just not glamourous any more. But the woman behind her - she looks like she could kill you with her eyes.

  37. @anothergrayhare: I think it might be Daphne Guinness
