Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

This is what Dita Von Teese wears to work out and it is not even stripper pole classes.
Elizabeth Olsen borrowed some five sizes too large clothing from Mary Kate.
Hiding the shame were Spike Lee and Samuel L Jackson.
Michael Imperioli never gets called anything other than Christopher.
Felicity Huffman and her daughter at LAX.
George Clooney laughs at his own joke.
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel went out last night. Good times.
Meanwhile their counterpart in bad acting talent, Jennifer Lopez continues making her next bomb for a soon to be unemployed studio executive.
Nothing like temporary loving which is how I like to think of the Kaley Cuoco/Ryan Sweeting combination. Kaley makes almost as much in one week as Ryan made during his entire pro tennis career.


  1. Let them be in love, Enterns!

  2. There's something really fishy going on with Cuoco and her "fiance". I'd bet the farm this is some sort of bearding thing. Maybe she's gay.

  3. @Jessie, true dat.

  4. Chris ta fah! Don't sit on my puppy!

  5. Yeah, it would be more like Chris-ta-phur.

  6. Dita - meefuckingow - I usually like girls a little thicker, but she carries her skinny well

  7. Did Enty just get divorced again or something? Soo bitter.

  8. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Elizabeth olsenlooks pretty good to me. I like her dress. Every dress need not b snakeskin. A lil room is actually okay.

  9. What is Jessica B. wearing? The Kabuki sleeves are weird, someone took a scissors to part of her skirt, I do like the shoes.

  10. What in the world is Biel wearing? Gah

  11. Why does everything has to be about money?

  12. I get exhausted every time I see Dita, so much work.

  13. Elizabeth Olsen looks different to me. Not sure if it's the makeup, if she's lost weight in her face, or perhaps some plastic surgery? But she looks even more like her sisters than usual.

  14. Everytime I see JT and his wife they look to me like good friends who decided to have dinner together. No sparks at all.

  15. I agree with @mngddess. Absolutely no visible chemistry between the Timberlakes.

    I thought Kaley was rumored to be pregnant?

  16. Dita von Teese ... just WOW. She was just down here for the Melbourne cup and totally took the attention away from the pesky pretentious royals who show up.

    She's original, has her own aesthetic, makes an effort to look nice rather than slutty and she actually has a personality.
