Friday, November 15, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Penelope Cruz all air brushed for her latest photo spread in a magazine and
in real life yesterday juggling mom duties.
Paris Hilton is headed to China. Please keep her.
Robert Pattinson looks happier than I have ever seen him at a charity auction.
Rod Stewart thinking it is 1963 rather than 2013.
Robin Thicke on a motorcycle. He wants you to think he is cool.
If you have ever wondered what happened to Rutger Hauer.
Sylvester Stallone looks like he works out every five seconds and takes HGH the other four seconds.
Taylor Armstrong and four hats because one won't do when she has someone to buy her three more.


  1. Hahaha! The picture of Robert at the auction (and the chick sitting at the next table staring at him) made me think 'Alec Baldwin stalker trial v 2.0'.
    Just give it a year or so..

  2. Oh dear gawd, that pic of Rutger Hauer makes me feel old....he was so fucking fine in Blade believe I'll be watching that tonight!

    I think the 2nd pic of Penelope is better, even with hanky in her mouth. Photoshop sucks.

  3. Ugh. Robin Thicke's bulbous nose and lack of upper lip ick me out every. single. time.

  4. We've seen Rutger on True Blood as Sookie's grandpa Niall

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      That's why he looks familiar! Thank you!

  5. Enty, Taylor is not worthy of being in the pics, she's nearly off the show as it is.

  6. And what does Taylor A do with her school age kid? Stick her in a closet till Mommy returns?

  7. Rod the Mod is classic. Respect.

  8. Rutger Hauer is disheveled.

  9. I showed a coworker Rutger Hauer's pic ala Blade Runner and the Hitcher and she was impressed.I don't want her to see this one he looks like a wino in the middle of New York dementia

  10. I love Paris's outfit. I hate myself for this.
    If she would only cut those stupid barbie/Real Housewife extensions, and wear her hair in a chin length bob again...she'd look fabulous. But she is so tacky, she'll keep the Barbie hair.

  11. Replies
    1. KT, you are to blame for me singing Cool Rider in the middle of the bus right now. Thanks!

  12. I may be crazy, but I think Penelope Cruz looks better in the real-life pic. Probably because of the soother, and that I'm not a dude.

    Robin Thicke 4Eva!! He looks very Grease 2 there.

    I wonder if Taylor Armstrong has figured out that you can get even MORE hats by wearing one on your head.

  13. Loved Rutger in Blade Runner, I always get a thrill when he says something like "If you had seen what I have" talking about space.

  14. Rutger Hauer was on True Blood last season looking basically the same as he does here. Yum on the Sam Elliot butt! Thanks!!

  15. Penelope is gorgeous with or without photoshop. She has the most beautiful interesting face.

  16. @TTM, I agree about Penelope!

    Sly's face and neck looks like Arnie in Total Recall.

  17. I was OBSESSED with that movie and with Michelle when I was little. I'll still watch that shit today even. Love it.

  18. Rutger Hauer still works consistently. The man has an impressive resume. Ok, "Hobo with a Shotgun" was not his best work.

    My favourite is still Ladyhawk. If you have not seen this movie, do it now! He's a handsome knight, Michelle Pfiefer is at her most beautiful (I swear she wore no make-up in the film) and Matthew Broderick is at his most adorable (yes, even more adorable than Ferris).

  19. @MK...Ladyhawk! Yes, LOVE that movie!

  20. I love Ladyhawk, too...even if Broderick is doing Ferris B. again, just in the middle ages, lol.

  21. I love Rutger, and Laydyhawk is a fabulous movie!

    1. Del I know others said it but nice to see you again.

      And I simply adored Rutger in Blade Runner which ranks in my top 5 faces. He actually improvised the line " all is lost like tears in the rain" right before he expired in the movie.
      He almost stole the movie from Harrison.

    2. Top five favorites. Goddamn phone!

  22. Okay, i'm going to admit something - i think RPatz is cute.

    But (and it's a very unimpressive butt), every time VIP posts that pic of his butt, I cringe. i wish we could find a better butt-pic of him.

  23. Anonymous5:54 PM

    U r wrong EntyPerson, CLEARLY Rod is channeling 1973.

  24. @VIP, thanks as always for the FFF. That was from the Harry Potter 'after dark' special wasn't it? The bit where Cedric questions his sexuality?

  25. You all forgot "NIGHTHAWKS"!
    Rutger Hauer, AND Stallone!

  26. I LOVE RUTGER HAUER!! To this day I have the vhs tape of Blind Fury that my dad and I use to watch alll the time

  27. I LOVE RUTGER HAUER!! To this day I have the vhs tape of Blind Fury that my dad and I use to watch alll the time

  28. Rod Stewart, just no!!! Put some effin grandpa clothes on. You look ridic.

    Im so tired of seeing that shit eating grin on robin.. everytime I see his face I want to punch it. He annoys me

  29. Penelope kind of looks like that actress that plays Vesper in Casino Royale in that first pic.
